8 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Poland's enterprise environment: A Polish view
The paper briefly presents environment for business in Poland as of the end of the year 2005. A few comments, however, on its evolution in the course of the transition period are also made. The paper broaches administrative, legal and financial requirements to start and run business activities by both natural and legal persons. In addition, it presents government support schemes for investors. A brief description of the scope of the grey economy and corruption completes the picture of the business environment. The topic has been approached from the foreign investor's perspective. Although foreign investors are subject to the same laws as domestic (Polish) ones, in a limited number of cases they are treated differently than the latter. These cases, and specifically land purchase and employment of foreign citizens, are reviewed.
Das Insolvenzrecht Mittel- und Osteuropas: acht Länderanalysen sowie das internationale Insolvenzrecht im Vergleich ; with an English comparative introduction
In: Quellen zur Rechtsvergleichung 63
Competitiveness of the Polish Manufacturing Sector: Does Government Policy Matter?
In: CASE Research Paper No. 62
Working paper
Barriers to Entry and Growth of Private Companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Albania and Lithuania (Part II)
In: CASE Network Reports No. 14
Working paper
Barriers to Entry and Growth of Private Companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Albania and Lithuania (Part I)
In: CASE Network Reports No. 14
Working paper
Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies: Downsizing, Workouts, and Liquidation
The rebirth of competition and the extensive "exit" that has resulted are among the most important developments in Central Europe since the demise of Communism. This text examines why, how, and to what extent enterprises have reduced their size or left the market altogether during the first years of the transition from socialism to capitalism in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland