
29 Ergebnisse


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#227. Juni 2016

Personality Traits, Income, and Economic Ideology

In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 38, Heft 6, S. 1025-1041

ISSN: 1467-9221

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#5November 2024

Being of one mind: Does alignment in physiological responses and subjective experiences shape political ideology?

In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology

ISSN: 1467-9221

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#620. Mai 2022

Hot Populism? Affective Responses to Antiestablishment Rhetoric

In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 43, Heft 5, S. 851-871

ISSN: 1467-9221

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#726. August 2021

Reconsidering the Link Between Self-Reported Personality Traits and Political Preferences

In: American political science review, Band 115, Heft 4, S. 1482-1498

ISSN: 1537-5943

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#99. September 2020

Hot Politics? Affective Responses to Political Rhetoric

In: American political science review, Band 115, Heft 1, S. 150-164

ISSN: 1537-5943

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Open Access#112019

Friends With Text as Data Benefits: Assessing and Extending the Use of Automated Text Analysis in Political Science and Political Psychology


Open Access#122019

Friends with text as data benefits: Assessing and extending the use of automated text analysis in political science and political psychology


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World Affairs Online

Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1418. Oktober 2015

The psychological roots of populist voting: Evidence from the United States, the Netherlands and Germany

In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 302-320

ISSN: 1475-6765

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1531. August 2015

Personality and European Union attitudes: Relationships across European Union attitude dimensions

In: European Union politics: EUP, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 25-45

ISSN: 1741-2757

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