Intro -- Title Page -- Contents -- Foreword by Simon Whistler -- Introduction -- PART I: EVOLUTIONARY FOREPLAY -- 1: A Sexless Universe -- 2: Underwater Fumbles and Tumbles -- 3: Tyrannosaurus Sex -- PART II: PRIMATE CLIMAX -- 4: Dawn of the Orgasmic Epoch -- 5: Monkey Business -- 6: Chimps from Mars, Bonobos from Venus -- 7: Getting Erectus -- PART III: CULTURAL AFTERGLOW -- 8: Fetishes of the Forest -- 9: Sex and Civilization -- 10: The Modern Revolution -- 11: The Future of Sex -- Further Reading -- Image Credits -- Acknowledgements -- Copyright.
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Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- List of Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- 1: Introduction: Contextualising Death after Police Contact -- Relational Accountability in Cases of DAPC -- Mental Health and Restraint -- Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Scene of Death -- A Crisis of Legitimacy -- Death After Police Contact in England and Wales -- Symbolic Relationships -- The Evolution of Discourse: Accountability Construction in the Twenty-First Century -- Overview of Chapters -- References -- 2: Police, State and Society -- Introduction
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Cover -- Half-Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- A multi-faceted crisis -- Britain and Europe in the new global environment -- Notes on theory and methodology -- Intergovernmentalism and historical institutionalism -- Comparative and historical political economy -- Outline -- 1 The Political Economy of the Eurozone Crisis -- The Eurozone: A crisis waiting to happen -- The Eurozone crisis: An analytical chronology -- Phase one: From Maastricht to Meltdown -- Phase two: The sovereign debt crisis -- Solutions become problems
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Digital Information Strategies: From Applications and Content to Libraries and Peopleprovides a summary and summation of key themes, advances, and trends in all aspects of digital information at the present time. This helpful resource explores the impact of developing technologies on the information world. Written from an international perspective, the book emphasizes key current topics and future developments. The publication is based on a dynamic set of contents that respond to, and anticipate, what is happening-and what may well happen-in the field of digital information.Presents a comprehensive overview of the major aspects of contemporary digital information provisionServes as a useful reference work for the subject areaFeatures input written from an international perspectiveExplores the impact of developing technologies on the information world, emphasizing key, current topics and future developments Professor David Baker has published widely in the field of Library and Information Studies, with eighteen monographs and over 100 articles to his credit. He has spoken worldwide at numerous conferences, led workshops and seminars. His other key professional interest and expertise has been in the field of human resources, where he has also been active in major national projects.
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