Connecting science and colonialism/imperialism -- Mobility as a tool of imperial states and the Russian case -- Cross-cultural encounters and the transformation of Central Asian nationalism -- The imperial gaze : Petr Semonov as prototype of Eurasian scholar-traveler -- Nikolai Przheval'skii and extension of Russian-Central Asian space -- Russia in the North Pacific -- The scaling of colonial activity -- Conclusion: Russia's Central Eurasian expeditions in world historical context.
Bailey describes how the Sea of Okhotsk area became integrated into a world system of economic and cultural ties between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. This happened primarily because of maritime explorations, travel, and trade, which led to increased connections with both Russia and Japan
SUMMARY: В этой статье Скотт Бейли рассматривает биографию Чохана Валиханова, обращая особое внимание на многоуровневость его личности и подчеркивая тот факт, что он очень много путешествовал. Валиханов получил русское образование и участвовал во многих научно-исследовательских экспедициях по Центральной Евразии, получая поддержку от Российского государства и таких российских научных институтов, как Географическое общество. Исходя из этого некоторые ученые предполагали, что Валиханов – агент российского колониализма. Но это спорно, отчасти потому, что под конец жизни он решил покинуть мир научных и географических исследований и ушел в отставку, чтобы жить в казахской деревне. Есть исследователи, считающие Валиханова предвестником казахского национализма, но эта точка зрения тоже не совсем точна, если принимать во внимание его знатное происхождение (он был потомком Чингисхана). Указанный факт обеспечивал ему и его семье относительно привилегированное положение среди казахов Среднего жуза. Валиханов понимал, что надо делать, чтобы достичь успеха в качестве ученого-путешественника. Его карьера была реализацией этого сценария. Он выбирал свой путь среди различных культурных миров с опорой на собственные языковые и культурные традиции. Чохан Валиханов жил во время кардинальных политических и культурных изменений, которые следует подчеркивать в его биографии больше, чем идентификацию с той или иной группой.
Identifying the areal extent of bedrock outcrops and shallow soils has important implications for understanding spatial patterns in vegetation composition and productivity, stream chemistry gradients, and hydrologic and soil properties of landscapes. Manual methods of delineating bedrock outcrops and associated shallow soils are still commonly employed, but they are expensive to implement over broad areas and often limited by representation of polygon units. Few studies have automated the delineation of bedrock outcrops. These focused on delineation approaches in landscapes with rapidly eroding hillslopes and sparse vegetation. The objectives of this study were to assess the accuracy of visually interpreting high-resolution relief maps for locating bedrock outcrops and associated shallow soil (BOSS) < 50 cm deep in a heavily forested landscape, to use visually interpreted point locations to train predictive models, and to compare predictions with manually delineated polygons in upland glaciated landscapes. Visual interpretation of Lidar-derived 1 m shaded relief maps at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), USA resulted in a 79% accuracy of interpreting deep soil locations and 84% accuracy in distinguishing BOSS. We explored four probabilistic classifications of BOSS using multiple Lidar-derived topographic metrics as predictive variables. All four methods identified similar predictors for BOSS, including slope and topographic position indices with a 15, 100 and 200 m circular analysis window, respectively. Although all classifiers yielded similar results with little difference in interpretation, a generalized additive model had slightly higher accuracy predicting BOSS presence, yielding 85% overall accuracy using independent validation data across the primary study area, and 86% overall accuracy in a second validation area. ; Public domain authored by a U.S. government employee
We introduce a new representation of coupled solute and water age dynamics at the catchment scale, which shows how the contributions of young runoff waters can be directly referenced to observed water quality patterns. The methodology stems from recent trends in hydrologic transport that acknowledge the dynamic nature of streamflow age and explores the use of water age fractions as an alternative to the mean age. The approach uses a travel time-based transport model to compute the fractions of streamflow that are younger than some thresholds (e.g., younger than a few weeks) and compares them to observed solute concentration patterns. The method is here validated with data from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest during spring 2008, where we show that the presence of water younger than roughly 2 weeks, tracked using a hydrologic transport model and deuterium measurements, mimics the variation in dissolved silicon concentrations. Our approach suggests that an age-discharge relationship can be coupled to classic concentration-discharge relationship, to identify the links between transport timescales and solute concentration. Our results highlight that the younger streamflow components can be crucial for determining water quality variations and for characterizing the dominant hydrologic transport dynamics. ; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; NSF EARNational Science Foundation (NSF) [1014507]; NSF LTER DEB [1114804]; ENAC School; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne ; ENAC School, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; NSF EAR, Grant/Award Number: 1014507; NSF LTER DEB, Grant/Award Number: 1114804 ; Public domain authored by a U.S. government employee
Measurements of soil water potential and water table fluctuations suggest that morphologically distinct soils in a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire formed as a result of variations in saturated and unsaturated hydrologic fluxes in the mineral soil. Previous work showed that each group of these soils had distinct water table fluctuations in response to precipitation; however, observed variations in soil morphology also occurred above the maximum height of observed saturation. Variations in unsaturated fluxes have been hypothesized to explain differences in soil horizon thickness and presence/absence of specific horizons but have not been explicitly investigated. We examined tensiometer and shallow groundwater well records to identify differences in unsaturated water fluxes among podzols that show distinct morphological and chemical differences. The lack of vertical hydraulic gradients at the study sites suggests that lateral unsaturated flow occurs in several of the soil units. We propose that the variations in soil horizon thickness and presence/absence observed at the site are due in part to slope-parallel water flux in the unsaturated portion of the solum. In addition, unsaturated flow may be involved in the translocation of spodic material that primes those areas to contribute water with distinct chemistry to the stream network and represents a potential source/sink of organometallic compounds in the landscape. ; National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF) [LTER DEB 1114804, DBI/EAR 0754678, EAR 1014507]; Northeastern States Research Cooperative ; National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: LTER DEB 1114804, DBI/EAR 0754678 and EAR 1014507; Northeastern States Research Cooperative ; Public domain authored by a U.S. government employee