Distributive Justice and the Fundamental Human Rights (Focusing on Rights to Healthy Environment)
In: Journal of politics and law: JPL, Band 9, Heft 7, S. 43
ISSN: 1913-9055
Justice is the ideal of human social life which can bestow the society order and stability and open up the way of sublimity. Resorting to the justice mechanisms, a peaceful collective community together with balance and equilibrium of different interests and conflicting wills become possible. Here the issue is the establishment of role of distributive justice in balance of general affairs of society along with acceptance of the notion of equal distribution of facilities, resources, rights and wealth among all people without any bias and prejudice and just because of intrinsic generosity of human kind in the first place, and establishment of the system of redistribution of resources for removing any practical injustice in society in the second place. Applying such theory has a direct relation with the preserving of the fundamental human rights through which the rights are distributed according to the being human and capabilities and virtues within a fair competition and in this way the threats to the fundamental human rights are decreased. The right of keeping a healthy environment can also be guaranteed under this theory.