31 Ergebnisse
Culture and the Eurocentrism of Development: The Noble Third World versus the Ignoble West and Beyond
In: Journal of international relations and development: JIRD, official journal of the Central and East European International Studies Association, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 380-390
ISSN: 1408-6980
Africa's return migrants: the new developers?
In: Africa Now
Front Cover; About the Editors; Title Page ; Copyright ; Contents ; 1: Introduction ; The Celebratory Story of Returnees' Contribution to Development ; Conceptual and Analytical Framework ; The Chapters ; Bibliography ; 2: Successive Flops and Occasional Feats: Development Contributions and Thorny Social Navigation Among Congolese Return Migrants; A Brief Background to Congolese Return Migration and the Context of Return ; Some Notes on Methodology ; Engaging in New 'Innovative' Business? ; Conducting Business Differently? ; The Main Challenges: Social Capital and Networks ; Conclusions.
World Affairs Online
Curious erasures: the sexual in wartime sexual violence
In: International feminist journal of politics, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 295-314
ISSN: 1468-4470
Being reformed: Subjectification and security sector reform in the Congolese armed forces
In: Journal of intervention and statebuilding, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 207-224
ISSN: 1750-2985
Being reformed: subjectification and security sector reform in the Congolese armed forces
In: Journal of intervention and statebuilding, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 207-224
ISSN: 1750-2977
World Affairs Online
The agency of liminality: army wives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the tactical reversal of militarization
In: Critical military studies, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 267-286
ISSN: 2333-7494
Arbiters with guns: the ambiguity of military involvement in civilian disputes in the DR Congo
In: Third world quarterly, Band 35, Heft 5, S. 803-820
ISSN: 0143-6597
World Affairs Online
The volatility of a half-cooked bouillabaisse: rebel-military integration and conflict dynamics in the eastern DRC
In: African affairs: the journal of the Royal African Society, Band 112, Heft 449, S. 563-582
ISSN: 0001-9909
World Affairs Online
Fearless Fighters and Submissive Wives: Negotiating Identity among Women Soldiers in the Congo (DRC)
In: Armed forces & society, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 711-739
ISSN: 1556-0848
This article addresses an underreported aspect of contemporary warring in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): the experiences of women soldiers and officers in the Congolese national armed forces (Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo [FARDC]). It thus addresses an empirical gap in scholarly and policy knowledge about female soldiers in national armies on the African continent, and the DRC in particular. Based on original interviews, the article explores the way female soldiers in the FARDC understand their identities as "women soldiers" and offers new insight into women soldiers' role and responsibilities in the widespread violence committed against civilians in the DRC. Moreover, it explores how their understanding of themselves as "women soldiers" both challenges and confirms familiar notions of the army as a masculine sphere. Such insight is important for better understanding the gendered makeup of the military and for contributing to a knowledge base for Security Sector Reform in this violent (post)conflict setting.
The volatility of a half-cooked bouillabaisse: Rebel-military integration and conflict dynamics in the eastern DRC
In: African affairs: the journal of the Royal African Society, Band 112, Heft 449, S. 563-582
ISSN: 1468-2621
La öMère Des Arméesö n'est pas encore morte: des pratiques de justice (in)formelle dans les forces armées de la République Démocratique Du Congo
In: La politique africaine, Heft 129, S. 49-72
ISSN: 0244-7827