Glomerular function in relation to fine airborne particulate matter in a representative population sample
From 1990 until 2017, global air-pollution related mortality increased by 40%. Few studies addressed the renal responses to ultrafine particulate [3.5/>2.5 mg per mmol creatinine in women/men) were correlated in individual participants via their residential address with PM2.5 [median 13.1 (range 0.3-2.9) mu g/m(3)] and BC [1.1 (0.3-18) mu g/m(3)], using mixed models accounting for address clusters. Cross-sectional and longitudinally, no renal outcome was associated with PM2.5 or BC in models adjusted for sex and baseline or time varying covariables, including age, blood pressure, heart rate, body mass index, plasma glucose, the total-to-HDL serum cholesterol ratio, alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity, socioeconomic class, and antihypertensive treatment. The subject-level geocorrelations of eGFR change with to BC and PM2.5 were 0.13 and 0.02, respectively (P >= 0.68). In conclusion, in a population with moderate exposure, renal function was unrelated to ultrafine particulate. ; FLEMENGHO was supported by the European Union (Grants IC15-CT98-0329-EPOGH, LSHM CT 037093-InGenious HyperCare, HEALTH-201550-HyperGenes, HEALTH-278249-EU-MASCARA, HEALTH-305507 HOMAGE), the European Research Council (Advanced Researcher Grant-2011–294713-EPLORE and Proof-of-Concept Grant-713601 uPROPHET), the European Research Area Net for Cardiovascular Diseases (JTC2017-046-PROACT), and the Research Foundation Flanders, Ministry of the Flemish Community, Brussels, Belgium. APPREMED (URL: received a non-binding grant from OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan. Te National Science Fund in China (Grant Numbers: 81470566 and 81670765) supported collaboration between Youan Hospital, Beijing, China and the Research Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Leuven, Belgium. Bram Janssen is a postdoctoral fellow supported by the Research Foundation Flanders (Grant Number: 12W3218). Te authors gratefully acknowledge the expert clerical assistance of Vera De Leebeeck and Renilde Wolfs, Research Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular Epidemiology, KU Leuven Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium.