90 Ergebnisse
Integrating refugees into labor markets
Refugee migration has increased considerably since the Second World War, and amounts to more than 50 million refugees. Only a minority of these refugees seek asylum, and even fewer resettle in developed countries. At the same time, politicians, the media, and the public are worried about a lack of economic integration. Refugees start at a lower employment and income level, but subsequently "catch up" to the level of family unification migrants. However, both refugees and family migrants do not "catch up" to the economic integration levels of labor migrants. A faster integration process would significantly benefit refugees and their new host countries.
Integrating refugees into labor markets
For the first time since the Second World War, the total number of refugees amounts to more than 50 million people. Only a minority of these refugees seek asylum, and even fewer resettle in developed countries. At the same time, politicians, the media, and the public are worried about a lack of economic integration. Refugees start at a lower employment and income level, but subsequently "catch up" to the level of family unification migrants. However, both refugees and family migrants do not "catch up" to the economic integration levels of labor migrants. A faster integration process would significantly benefit refugees and their new host countries.
The Employment Integration of Resettled Refugees, Asylum Claimants, and Family Reunion Migrants in Sweden
In: Refugee survey quarterly, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 22-43
ISSN: 1471-695X
The Employment Integration of Resettled Refugees, Asylum Claimants, and Family Reunion Migrants in Sweden
In: Refugee survey quarterly: reports, documentation, literature survey, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 22-44
ISSN: 1020-4067
The Employment Status of Immigrant Women: The Case of Sweden
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 173-202
ISSN: 1747-7379, 0197-9183
This article presents an exploration of the employment status of various groups of immigrant women in the Swedish labor market in the period 1970–1995. Since employment is one of the key components for the integration of immigrants, it is interesting to study what factors determine whether or not immigrants become employed after entering Sweden. Numerous studies have analyzed the labor market integration of immigrant men, whereas the integration of women still has received less attention (Ekberg, 1983, 1991; Hammarstedt, 2001; Scott, 1999). This study can be seen as a contribution to an increase in the knowledge of the labor market integration of female immigrants in Sweden.
The Employment Status of Immigrant Women: The Case of Sweden
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 173-202
ISSN: 0197-9183
Immigration patterns, economic integration and residential segregation : Sweden in the late 20th century
Den "mångkulturella" samhället finns i Sverige om vi bara ser till på antalet utlandsfödda i förhållande till födda i Sverige. När vi däremotundersöker två viktiga mått på integration, sysselsättningsintegration och boendesegregation, visas tydligt att stora grupper av invandrare är marginaliserade i det svenska samhället. Sett ur detta perspektiv har den svenska integrationspolitiken misslyckats de senaste decennierna. Hur har denna situation uppkommit?Såväl invandringen som arbetsmarknadsintegrationen och boendemönstretav nyligen anlända immigranter har över tiden fått en förändrad karaktär. Majoriteten av invandrarna som kom till Sverige under de förstadecennierna efter andra världskriget var från de nordiska och de andra europeiska länderna. Invandrarna kom huvudsakligen på grund av ekonomiska skäl. I Sverige ändrades invandringspolitiken under slutet av1960-talet till stor del som en följd av påtryckningar från fackföreningsrörelsen(LO). En relativt liberal politik ersattes med en mer restriktiv politik som begränsade fri arbetskraftsinvandring från de icke-nordiskaländerna.Under senare delen av 1900-talet har interna konflikter, krig och geopolitiska förändringar lett till ett ökat antal flyktingar i världen. Invandringspolitiken gentemot flyktingar och familjeåterförening var fortfarande relativt liberal i Sverige under denna period. Detta innebar att de flesta invandrare som kom till Sverige på 1970-talet, men framförallt under1980- och 1990-talen var flyktingar från Östeuropa och icke-europeiska länder och familjer från tidigare invandrade flyktingar och arbetskraftsinvandrare.Statistiken visar att familjeåterförenare och flyktingar står för vardera hälften av dem som har fått uppehållstillstånd de senaste decennierna.Den ekonomiska krisen under första halvan av 1990-talet samt den dramatiska ökningen av asylsökare under samma period gjorde att flyktingpolitikenskärptes. Sveriges integrationspolitik förändrades också med tiden och är sedanmitten av 1970-talet baserad på kulturell pluralism och på ...
Variation in Perspective: The Employment Success of Ethnic Minority Males in the Netherlands, 1988-2002
In: International migration, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 35-64
ISSN: 0020-7985
Immigrant employment integration and structural change in Sweden, 1970 - 1995
In: Lund studies in economic history 15
The employment integration of immigrants in Sweden
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 445-468
ISSN: 1469-9451
The Employment Integration of Immigrants in Sweden
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 445-468
ISSN: 1369-183X
Reviews: The employment integration of immigrants in Sweden
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 445-468
ISSN: 1369-183X
Pro-and antimigrant mobilizations in polarized Sweden
This chapter describes current changes in migration flows and politics in Sweden, before presenting and discussing the reactions to these changes in civil society – the mobilization of both pro- and anti-migration sentiments – which reflect the polarized sentiments towards immigration in Swedish society.First, this report conveys information about migration flows to Sweden before, during and after the refugee reception crisis of 2015. In 2016 in particular, Sweden had a major intake of asylum seekers, which prompted new legislative measures to manage this. Second, we emphasize transformations in the party-political landscape before, during and after the refugee reception crisis of 2015. In this period there was also a rhetorical shift in mainstream politics, heralding an emphasis on security in order to protect the Swedish model. The mainstream-right bloc was also split in two. Third, we study the actions and reactions in response to these changes in civil society. The everyday experiences of problems with integration stand in contrast with international norms of solidarity. We conclude that the crisis enabled a window of opportunity for the mobilization of both pro- and anti-migration sentiments in civil society.