Estudo exploratório sobre racionalidades leigas de saúde e doença mental em Maputo e João Pessoa
In: Forum sociológico, Band 27, S. 87-95
ISSN: 2182-7427
5 Ergebnisse
In: Forum sociológico, Band 27, S. 87-95
ISSN: 2182-7427
The aim of this research is to attain knowledge on immigrant´s health related problems and to identify their difficulties when accessing health care services. The article describes immigrant´s difficulties when accessing health care services that are visiting the health office at a National Immigrant Support Centre. Design: A qualitative study was conducted, analysing available documentation and observing the health issues dealt with at the National Immigrant Support Centre's (CNAI) Health Office. The 148 cases are mainly immigrants coming from Portuguese speaking African countries for health purposes. Immigrants from Brazil have more restricted access, and feel discrimination on the part of the services. Immigrants from Eastern Europe come in search of information and have communication difficulties. Obstacles are related to the lack of knowledge of the law, but also to the failure of putting the law into practice. The office has had a great demand of users seeking information and in accessing the health care system. Results: The cases analysed are mainly nationals from Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PSAC), Brazil and countries in Eastern Europe. The majority of the immigrants coming from PSAC are patients receiving treatment under international Cooperation Agreements requesting financial and social support. Immigrants from Brazil have more restricted access and feel greater discrimination on the part of the services. New Labour Migrants from Eastern Europe, on the other hand, come in search of information and are known to have communication difficulties. Conclusions: Legislation in Portugal provides access to health care to all citizens, regardless of their legal condition and origin. However, some immigrants have had significant difficulties with access to Portugal's National Health Service. The obstacles are not only related to the lack of legal knowledge, but also to the failure of putting the law into practice, which requires attention by the institution responsible for effective and comprehensive coordination. The office has had a great demand of users seeking information, who, above all, wish to solve their problems and difficulties in accessing the health care system.
The paper presents facts and figures about Portuguese demography and its relation to the national institutional organisation of long-term care system. Hereby, the focus lies on "Digital Competence among long-term care system" where are presented elements of the current status of the use of technology and social innovations in elderly care institutions, specific policy initiatives and some "best practices" on the use of different technologies and innovations in Portugal. Second, the following chapters provides the "Implications for elderly, staff and working places" with regard to information technologies (IT) applied in the care work, or as mentioned in this report, to "welfare technologies". There it is analysed the digital effects on organisation of work in long-term care system, the education problems and further training of care staff. The final chapters are about the challenges and risks of the use of technology in care work (covering the topics of integrity, ethical and economical challenges and risks), the societal debates, regulations and best practices, and, finally, the future perspectives and reflections. ; publishersversion ; published
In: Forum sociológico, Band 37, S. 49-62
ISSN: 2182-7427
Quem são os estudantes que optam pela Educação Superior a Distância ? Quais as suas expetativas e grau de satisfação com os cursos nesta modalidade ? Qual o impacto do curso na vida profissional e pessoal do estudante da UAb ? O presente artigo centra-se nestas questões, seguindo um enquadramento teórico que mobiliza estudos sobre a procura de respostas para novos públicos e novas necessidades nas sociedades atuais. O desenho metodológico seguiu a aplicação de um questionário, desenhado no âmbito do Observatório dos Percursos Profissionais e de Vida dos Diplomados da Universidade Aberta, aos estudantes que terminaram a licenciatura em 2014 e 2015. Os resultados remetem para uma satisfação global com a realização da licenciatura online, na medida em que revelam conforto no uso da plataforma e reconhecem vantagens no regime de aprendizagem. Destaca-se a valorização do prestígio social associado ao diploma de ensino superior. Concluímos que a pesquisa sobre o fenómeno da empregabilidade no ensino superior precisa de mais desenvolvimento. Os estudantes adultos apresentam um conjunto de necessidades diferenciadas, sobretudo relacionadas com a aquisição de competências para melhorar as suas condições profissionais, de empregabilidade e o desenvolvimento das suas carreiras. Os dados deste estudo reforçam a ideia de educação ao longo da vida associada ao ensino a distância como importante forma de desenvolvimento e aquisição não só de conhecimentos, como também, de competências transversais fundamentais a todos os contextos da vida e para a mobilidade profissional.