The aim of this research is to know the influence of fiscal needs to allocation Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU). Fiscal needs are population, area of province, density, construction index, the poverty allo and government index. Based on the regression that use scunder data we know that population and government expenditure are positif, but other variable is negative. Keywords: fiscal needs, dana alokasi umum (DAU) Â
This study aims to acquire an overview of the distribution of funds allocation in rural South Sumatra Province, and its relationship with the level of poverty. Data used time series data from 2006 to 2012. Statistical method used is qualitative and quantitative, with a simple regression model. The results showed that the Rural Fund Allocation (ADD) is not in accordance with the applicable provisions. When viewed from the extended to the year 2012 no one ever meets the applicable provisions (at least 10% of funds for revenue minus expenses plus tax officials). However, the district has been doing distributing ADD showed increasing, when in 2006 of 35.71%, increasing to 90% in the year 2012 This is due, government regulations on the ADD does not provide sanctions for non-distribution returning ADD. When an area it has not been able to estimate ADD provincial and central government can do strictly the sanctions. Simple regression results indicate a negative influence on the level of poverty among ADD, as well as the simulation results with ADD at least 10% of the poverty even show a negative correlation. Keywords: Distribution of Funds Allocation, Poverty
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul "Analisis Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Lirik Lagu bahasa Singkil di Subulussalam.Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu bahasa Singkil.Lirik lagu merupakan karya sastra ungkapan pengalaman pengarang secara individual dan pengalaman yang terjadi dan berkembang dimasyarakat.Larik lagu adalahkarya sastra yang berperan penting untuk memberikan pembelajaran pendidikan karakter.Sumber data penelitian ini adalah lirik lagu yang dinyanyiakan oleh Arisman Lembong,Isran Siketang, dan Isnaini Siketang yang diposting dalam situs youtubedengan menggunakan akun yang berbeda. Lagu-lagu ini dikumpulkan dalam sebuah CD agar memudahkan proses penelitian. Adapun lagu-lagu tersebut sebagai berikut: (1) Nasehat Bages Nyanyian, (2) Khajani Thukang, (3) Anak Bankhu Belen, (4) Janji-janji, (5) Janji Suci, (6) Lagu sedih, (7) Si Jantung Ate, (8) Penganggun Emak), (9) Dua Pilehen, (10) Bunga Dunia, (11) Pecah Pinggan, (12) Menjalab Bintang, (13) Otang Jodohku dan (14) Uci Uni. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah tekni catat dan teknik lanjutannya teknik simak.Data penelitian ini diolah dengan teknik analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu bahasa Singkil mengandung 12 nilai pendidikan karakter, yaitu (1) religius, (2) jujur, (3) toleransi, (4) disiplin, (5) kerja keras, (6) kreatif, (7) mandiri, (8) demokrasi, (9) bersahabat atau komunikatif, (10) cinta damai, (11) peduli sosial, (12) tanggung jawab.Kata Kunci: analisis, nilai pendidikan karakter, lirik laguABSTRACT This study entitled "Analysis of Character Education Values in Song Lyrics of Singkil language in Subulussalam. This study aims to describe the value of the character of education found ini the Singkil language song lyrics. The data source of this research is the lyrics of the song sung by Arisman Lembong, Isran Siketang, and Isnaini Siketang which were posted on the youtube site through a different account. The songs were collected in a CD aimed at facilitating the research process. The songs are as follows: (1) Nasehat Bages Nyanyian, (2) Khajani Thukang, (3) Anak Bankhu Belen, (4) Janji-janji, (5) Janji Suci, (6) Lagu sedih, (7) Si Jantung Ate, (8) Penganggun Emak), (9) Dua Pilehen, (10) Bunga Dunia, (11) Pecah Pinggan, (12) Menjalab Bintang, (13) Otang Jodohku dan (14) Uci Uni. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique of this study is a note-taking technique with the follow-up technique with the referring technique. The data of this study were processed with qualitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that the value of character education contained in Singkil language song lyrics contained 12 character education, namely (1) religious, (2) honest, (3) tolerance, (4) discipline, (5) hard work, (6 ) creative, (7) independent, (8) democratic, (9) friendly or communicative, (10) peace-loving, (11) social care, and (12) responsibility. Keywords: analysis, character education, value, song lyrics
Conflicts in forest areas usually occur due to unclear rights or laws relating to the tenure system. This can happen between individuals, communities, government agencies or private sector. The boundaries of forest areas that have not been agreed upon by the community and the government also trigger conflict. The reality in the field shows that the land in the forest area has been used by the community or the surrounding population, both migrants and local residents, but the existence of these communities has not been accommodated, especially in forestry development planning. The development of industrial timber plantations (in Indonesian – "hutan tanaman industri", HTI) and plantations on a large scale has different backgrounds. The development of industrial plantations (HTI) is motivated more by the emergence of a large number of unproductive production forests and incentives that attract the private sector. Government policies concerning forest conversion and land use as well as various investment ease packages encourage growth in the sector's development. This study aims to determine the dynamics of the conflict, and the mediation of forestry cooperation agreements as a process of resolving the conflict of production forest area holders of PT Bumi Mekar Hijau's license and Riding Village community in Pangkalan Lampam sub-district, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This study uses a method qualitative research with descriptive data presentation. Qualitative methods in this study are defined as research procedures that produce description data in the form of written or oral words from people and observed behavior. The aim is to explain the phenomena of collecting data in depth. The population and sampling in qualitative research are very limited. With population limitations and sampling, the data collected must be in-depth and can explain the phenomenon under study. Here more emphasized is the issue of the depth of data quality. Data analysis was carried out by means of an inherent analysis of each aspect of the ...
The purpose of this research aims to determine the impact of Local Own Revenue, Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, and Excess of Budget Calculation (SiLPA) on Capital Expenditure as long as the implications to provincial government financial performance in Indonesia from 2011 to 2019. The province government financial reports from across Indonesia as population and in 2011 to 2019 as samples. This type of research is known as causal associative research, with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, and Panel Data Regression Analysis with The Random Effect Model as the selected model, with secondary data including time-series data and panel data in 2011 to 2019 from The Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, the Central Bureau of Statistics, and other official publications. According to the research results, R2 was 79.08%. Partially Local Own Revenue had a positive value and did not affect Capital Expenditure. Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, and Excess of Budget Calculation had positive values and an effect on Capital Expenditures. Simultaneously, Local Own Revenue, Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, and Excess of Budget Calculation affect Capital Expenditure. Then Local Own Revenue, Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, Excess of Budget Calculation and Capital Expenditures simultaneously did not affect Financial Performance.
The purpose of this research aims to determine the impact of Local Own Revenue, Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, and Excess of Budget Calculation (SiLPA) on Capital Expenditure as long as the implications to provincial government financial performance in Indonesia from 2011 to 2019. The province government financial reports from across Indonesia as population and in 2011 to 2019 as samples. This type of research is known as causal associative research, with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, and Panel Data Regression Analysis with The Random Effect Model as the selected model, with secondary data including time-series data and panel data in 2011 to 2019 from The Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, the Central Bureau of Statistics, and other official publications. According to the research results, R2 was 79.08%. Partially Local Own Revenue had a positive value and did not affect Capital Expenditure. Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, and Excess of Budget Calculation had positive values and an effect on Capital Expenditures. Simultaneously, Local Own Revenue, Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, and Excess of Budget Calculation affect Capital Expenditure. Then Local Own Revenue, Balanced Funds, Economic Growth, Excess of Budget Calculation and Capital Expenditures simultaneously did not affect Financial Performance.
Pendidikan merupakan wadah pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan agar peserta didik memiliki bekal keahlian dan memiliki pemahaman serta pemikiran yang kritis. Peningkatan mutu pendidikan harus selalu ada evaluasi terutama pada pengembangan profesionalisme guru. Mutu pendidikan/sekolah sangat mempengaruhi peningkatan sumber daya manusia yang lebih bermutu, memiliki wawasan yang luas, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, bertanggung jawab dan beriman serta bertaqwa kepada Tugan Yang Maha Esa. Pembangunan sumber daya manusia merupakan usaha setrategis yang harus dilakukan pemerintah. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah dalam mengupayakan pengembangan guru professional agar terwujudnya sekolah yang bermutu dari guru yang bermutu juga. Untuk mewujudkan mutu sekolah harus ada evaluasi yang harus dilakukan pihak sekolah dari berbagai manajemen dan pada penelitian ini yang akan diteliti adalah pengembangan profesionalisme guru atau pendidik pada SD IT Al – Manar.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Independence, Integrity, and Professionalism on the Performance of Government External Auditors. -- Design/methodology/approach: The hypothesis was Independence, Integrity, and Professionalism had positive effect on the Performance of Government External Auditors. The total respondents were 182 auditors in the audit board of Indonesia from the Southern Sumatra region with different roles. Data collection method used questionnaires that were distributed to the auditors. Data analysis technique was multiple linear regression analysis. Correlation and determination coefficient and also partial test (t-test) tested the hypotheses. -- Finding: The result of the study showed that the basic values of BPK consisting of independence, integrity and professionalism had positive and significant effect on the Performance of Government External Auditors. -- Originality/value: This study contributed to the public sector auditing research by increasing our knowledge and understanding on the factors that influenced auditor performance. ; peer-reviewed
The ASEAN Free Trade Agreement has facilitated the entrance of foreign cars into Malaysia's passenger car market and consequently imported cars are posing a serious threat to domestic automotive companies. This can be seen by decreasing sales figures and the deteriorating market share for the Proton and Perodua (companies partly-owned by government). Driven by this situation, this study examines customer satisfaction and loyalty for the consumers who have purchased these cars. Although consumer behaviour literature has highlighted consumer ethnocentrism as the main motivation for customers to buy domestic products, this study explores other factors beyond ethnocentrism. A quantitative approach with a survey method was used in this study. The survey was conducted at selected car service centres. Hierarchical regression, SEM and moderation constituted statistical analyses employed to study various relationships among the various constructs in this study. Within the context of the Malaysian automotive industry, the findings show that the purchasing of domestic cars is complex. This study found that many factors involve in purchasing decision which include branding, self-congruity, car characteristics and service quality along with consumer ethnocentrism. In contrast with the literature suggesting that consumers buy domestic product because of ethnocentrism, nationalism and patriotism, this study found otherwise. The findings also challenge the existing branding literature which suggests that a strong brand can be nurtured and developed through a careful business strategy. The results show automotive award (non-corporate communication) as the source of trust which help the consumer to define the brand. This study also contributes in explaining service quality concept from Asian perspective. The results indicate that theoretically, Asian consumers have different definition of service quality opposing to the West. Another significant contribution from this study is switching should be considered in the context of studying customer loyalty. In reflection to the results, implications concerning both research and managerial practices are offered.
Consumer characteristics of digital entrepreneurship are indispensable in achieving sustainable growth. Digital entrepreneurship has been rapidly growing and developing worldwide, and Indonesia is no exception. This study aims to determine the effect of socio-demographics on consumer decisions on using products and services of digital entrepreneurship in Indonesia. The study used an online survey of 400 residents of Palembang City, Indonesia. The respondents were selected through a stratified random sampling method. A logistic regression model is estimated to determine the effect of socio-demographic variables that promote start-up entrepreneurship. The empirical results show that age, education, and income have a significant effect on consumers of digital entrepreneurship. The results also confirm that young people are more likely than older people to set up digital entrepreneurship. The higher people's income and higher their education, the greater their likelihood of using products and services of digital entrepreneurship. The implication is that digital entrepreneurs must consider the reach of consumers to the products and services offered in terms of price, quality, uniqueness, and convenience per socio-demographic conditions. AcknowledgmentThe research team would like to thank the Directorate of Resources, Directorate General Higher Education, Research and Technology Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology as the funder, with Contract number 009/E4.1/AK.04.RA/2021.
Purpose: convergence occurs when regions with poor economies tend to grow faster than regions with rich economies, so poorer regions tend to catch up with rich regions in terms of GRDP or per capita products. The concept of convergence is dividedinto3 (three) namely sigma convergence, absolute convergence, and conditional convergence. This study focuses on analyzing the trend of convergence based on the approach to the concept of convergence with a concern for analysis, namely stochastic convergence.Methods: the analysis of convergence using a stochastic approach and a sigma and beta convergence approach for each province on the island ofSumatraduringthe2011–2020 periods. This research data uses secondary data with a combination of time-series data and cross-sectional data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Finance, and the Investment Coordinating Board. Calculation of beta convergence is based on the equation model developed by Barro and Sala-I-Martin (1990) and stochastic convergence based on the measurement model by Ludlow and Enders (2000).Results: the finding from this study shows that there is a stochastic convergence in all provinces on the island of Sumatra which is described based on the Sumatra. The economy has proven Beta convergence which explains the convergence with a relatively low rate of convergence, but the addition of determinant variables such as Domestic Investment and government spending has an impact on increasing the rate of convergence in the island of Sumatra.Conclusions and Relevance: the recommendation for further research emphasizes the spatial interaction between regions because the stochastic stocked test has not been able to see the interdependence between regions that causes convergence. ; Цель. Конвергенция, то есть экономическое сближение, проявляется, когда бедные регионы растут быстрее регионов с богатой экономикой. Менее развитые регионы, как правило, догоняют богатые регионы с точки зрения Валового регионального продукта (ВРП) или объема продукции на душу населения. Концепция конвергенции предполагает три направления, а именно, сигма-конвергенцию, абсолютную конвергенцию и условную конвергенцию. Целью представленного исследования является анализ тенденций экономического развития регионов Индонезии (острова Суматра), основанный на стохастическом подходе в рамках концепции конвергенции.Методы или методология проведения работы. Анализ конвергенции выполнен с использованием стохастического подхода, а также подходов сигма- и бета-конвергенции для каждой провинции на острове Суматра в период 2011–2020 гг. Для исследовании использованы вторичные данные в сочетании с данными временных рядов и перекрестных данных, полученных по информации Центрального статистического управления, Министерства финансов и Координационного совета по инвестициям. Расчет бета-конвергенции основан на модели уравнений, разработанной Барро и Сала-и-Мартином (1990 г.), и стохастической сходимости на базе модели измерения Ладлоу и Эндерса (2000 г.).Результаты работы. Исследование показывает, что во всех провинциях острова Суматра наблюдается стохастическая конвергенция, которая описана на основе Суматры. Экономика доказала бета-конвергенцию, что объясняет конвергенцию с относительно низкой скоростью сближения. Однако добавление определяющих переменных, таких как внутренние инвестиции и государственные расходы, влияет на увеличение скорости экономической конвергенции на острове Суматра.Выводы. В качестве рекомендаций для дальнейших исследований подчеркивается необходимость анализа пространственного взаимодействия между регионами, поскольку стохастический накопительный тест не смог выявить взаимозависимость между регионами, которая вызывает конвергенцию.
Monetary and economic crisis of 1997 has brought great changes in the life of society and the nation of Indonesia. In this period, GDP declined by 20% per year, the exchange rate becomes more than IDR 16,000 per US dollar and inflation almost approaching 100%. Anticipating lowering economic consequences of the crisis, the government implemented the concept of regional autonomy in early 2001 through Act No. 22 year 2009 on local government and Act No. 25 Year 2009 on financial balance between central and local governments, as last amended by Act No. 23 year 2014 and Act No. 33 of 2004. The important implication of regional autonomy concept is fiscal decentralization that gives authority to local governments to regulate and manage their own governmental affairs in the Republic of Indonesia, which aims to improve the welfare of the community through a variety of measures of development success. UNDP set one of the measures of development success with the concept of HDI (Human Development Index). Indonesia is ranked 121 of 187 countries. Compared with the ASEAN countries, Indonesia is still ranked below the member countries of ASEAN. HDI differences between provinces and districts /cities still show the varied numbers. This study analyzes the impact of the district spending to the improvement of education index and health index as a component of IPM, the total expenditure and the GDP impact to the IPM and analyze the impact of the balance funds to the GDP. The analysis showed a significant relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables in four models were formed and the characteristics of each district / city.
The economic growth is necessary to increase prosperity and regional economic performance. For major component of economic growth on the demand side is the value of investment and government expenditure. Therefore, investment and government expenditure has a strategic role in improving the performance of regional economy. In line with that matter, this study was aimed to determine the relationship of government expenditure simultaneously with the economic performance of the regencies/cities in South Sumatra province. The data used is secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of regencies/cities in the province of South Sumatra, Bank Indonesia, and the General Director of Fiscal Balance (DJPK) of Indonesia Republic. The analytical method used was multiple regression panel data using simultaneous equations. The results showed: government expenditure, investment and labor altogether significantly affects economic growth; the variables of economic growth, fiscal capacity, general allocation funds and the number of labor altogether affect government expenditure; and the variables of economic growth, government expenditure, wages and the number of investment altogether affect employment. This study has a limitation in a variety of variables that affect government expenditure, because it is for more research needs to re-inventory the variables that affect government expenditure, including variable Special Allocation Fund (DAK).