Political referenda and investment: Evidence from Scotland
In: European journal of political economy, Band 80, S. 102474
ISSN: 1873-5703
32 Ergebnisse
In: European journal of political economy, Band 80, S. 102474
ISSN: 1873-5703
50 p. ; América Latina es una de las regiones más ricas en capital natural del mundo. Los servicios que proporcionan sus distintos ecosistemas tienen un elevadísimo valor económico, pero están siendo degradados de forma creciente. Es por ello que su gestión sostenible está adquiriendo un creciente protagonismo y organizaciones internacionales como el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo defienden no sólo su conservación, sino el hecho de que pueden convertirse en un verdadero motor de desarrollo. Con ello, una vez más, la atención se desvía de los problemas fundamentales de la región. En efecto, las herramientas necesarias para remunerar económicamente la gestión sostenible del patrimonio natural existen. El problema fundamental para conseguirlo no es, sin embargo, económico. Radica en dos factores políticos y sociales íntimamente relacionados: la falta de legitimidad de los poderes públicos, y la desigualdad y desestructuración social. Es por ello que va a resultar difícil adoptar un modelo de desarrollo económico satisfactorio y sostenible, sin haber enfrentado los problemas mencionados. ; Latin America is one of the richest regions in natural capital in the world. The services provided by its different ecosystems have a very high economic value, but they are being increasingly degraded. That is why its sustainable management is gaining increasing prominence and international organizations such as the United Nations Development Program defend not only its conservation, but the fact that it can become a true engine of development. Yet, once again, attention is diverted from the fundamental problems of the region. Indeed, the necessary tools to economically remunerate the sustainable management of natural capital exist. The fundamental problem to achieve this, however, is not economic. It lies in two closely related political and social factors: the lack of legitimacy of public powers, and inequality and social disruption. That is why it will be difficult to adopt a satisfactory and sustainable ...
In this paper we present a large-scale comparative analysis model for videogames in which the player manages the development of a political community, which we will call «government simulators». The model, built upon political-science literature and other analytical models for videogames, uses a set of operationalized variables to synthesize the components of the political system represented in games, as well as the structure of objectives and other elements that guide the player's action, to finally compare them with a set of independent variables. The model will be tested by applying it to three famous government simulators that have received notable academic attention (Civilization V, Tropico IV and Frostpunk), to finally discuss its advantages and limitations. ; En este artículo se presenta un modelo de análisis comparativo a gran escala para videojuegos en los que el jugador gestiona el desarrollo de una comunidad política, que llamaremos «simuladores de gobierno». El modelo, construido sobre literatura de ciencia política y otros modelos analíticos de videojuegos, usa un conjunto de variables operacionalizadas para sintetizar los componentes del sistema político representados en los juegos, así como la estructura de objetivos y elementos que orientan la acción del jugador, para finalmente compararlos con un conjunto de variables independientes. Pondremos a prueba el modelo aplicándolo a tres famosos simuladores de gobierno que han recibido notable atención académica (Civilization V, Tropico IV y Frostpunk), para finalmente discutir sus ventajas y límites.
In: ECB Working Paper No. 20202403
Working paper
We present evidence that referenda have a significant, detrimental outcome on investment. Employing an unsupervised machine learning algorithm over the period 2008-2017, we construct three important uncertainty indices underlying reports in the Scottish news media: Scottish independence (IndyRef)-related uncertainty; Brexit-related uncertainty; and Scottish policy-related uncertainty. Examining the relationship of these indices with investment on a longitudinal panel of 3,589 Scottish firms, the evidence suggests that Brexit-related uncertainty associates more strongly than IndyRef -related uncertainty to investment. Our preferred specification suggests that a one standarddeviation increase in Brexit uncertainty foreshadows a reduction in investment by 8% on average in the following year. Besides we find that the uncertainty associated with the Scottish referendum for independence while negligible at the aggregate level, relates more strongly with the investment of listed firms as well as those operating on the border with England. In addition, we present evidence of greater sensitivity to these indices among firms that are financially constrained or whose investment is to a greater degree irreversible.
Working paper
Working paper
In: Development policy review, Band 35, Heft S2
ISSN: 1467-7679
AbstractWater, and Sanitation projects play an important role in alleviating water‐related poverty in developing countries. There are several methodologies that will not only assess the performance of these projects but will also help to better identify the problem and its characteristics, and to improve the efficiency of the investment. The Water Poverty Index is one of them. It is a very useful tool that helps to measure water stress at the household level in a holistic way, and to identify priorities. It is important, however, to complement it with a Cost‐Benefit Analysis that will take into account the costs of the project. A case study in Northern Colombia illustrates this point.
In: International journal of social ecology and sustainable development: IJSESD ; an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 44-54
ISSN: 1947-8410
Rural poverty in underdeveloped countries is a critical issue. A fair amount of literature exists examining the conditions of pro-poor tourism development, as well as different ways to fight it. However, in some cases, and because of the existence of a limiting factor, a potential incompatibility between tourist development and other strategies can emerge, as well as the need to compare relative efficiency. An example of this potential conflict is the one posed by tourist development and the Multiple Use of Water Services strategy (MUS) to alleviate rural poverty. In this case, the limiting constraint is access to water. This paper analyses the impacts, direct and indirect, on poverty levels, of tourist development and MUS. the authors examine the Quindío Region in Colombia, where the MUS strategy is being implemented and where an ambitious tourist development plan may open social conflict regarding water supply. The results of this analysis shows that, even if the MUS strategy has a greater positive impact on poverty alleviation, in terms of income and employment generated per unit of water, its water footprint, contrary to expectations, is much higher than the one corresponding to the tourist sector. This may jeopardize its future development, calling for a more balanced approach.
In: CEPAL review, Band 2008, Heft 94, S. 57-70
ISSN: 1684-0348
In: Revista CEPAL, Band 2008, Heft 94, S. 59-73
ISSN: 1682-0908
In: Revista CEPAL, Heft 94, S. 59-74
ISSN: 0252-0257
Los campos petrolíferos de Ecuador se acercan al término de su vida económica y ya se están otorgando licencias para explotar nuevos yacimientos en la región amazónica. El hecho de que en algunas zonas de mayor valor ecológico del país pueda producirse deforestación, como sucedió en el pasado debido a las migraciones inducidas, cabe preguntarse si no sería razonable explotar estos nuevos yacimientos sin provocar deforestación. Este artículo no da una respuesta categórica pero, a partir de un proyecto de investigación anterior, presenta un ejercicio de simulación en el cual, para mostrar la pérdida económica que acarrearía la deforestación, introduce el valor económico de cuatro servicios prestados por los bosques tropicales. Sostiene además que la evaluación de las consecuencias ambientale
World Affairs Online
In: Revista CEPAL, Band 1999, Heft 68, S. 115-134
ISSN: 1682-0908
In: CEPAL review, Band 1999, Heft 68, S. 115-136
ISSN: 1684-0348