
4 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12021

Ad hoc method for the assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials

In: Nielsen , S S , Bicout , D J , Calistri , P , Canali , E , Drewe , J A , Garin-Bastuji , B , Rojas , J L G , Schmidt , C G , Herskin , M , Michel , V , Chueca , M A M , Padalino , B , Pasquali , P , Roberts , H C , Sihvonen , L H , Spoolder , H , Stahl , K , Velarde , A , Viltrop , A , Winckler , C , Dewulf , J , Guardabassi , L , Hilbert , F , Mader , R , Smith , P , Aznar , I , Baldinelli , F , Alvarez , J & EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) 2021 , ' Ad hoc method for the assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials ' , EFSA Journal , vol. 19 , no. 6 , 6645 .


Open Access#32021

Ad hoc method for the assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials

In: EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) , , Nielsen , S S , Bicout , D J , Calistri , P , Canali , E , Drewe , J A , Garin-Bastuji , B , Gonzales Rojas , J L , Gortazar Schmidt , C , Herskin , M , Michel , V , Miranda Chueca , M A , Padalino , B , Pasquali , P , Roberts , H C , Sihvonen , L H , Spoolder , H , Stahl , K , Velarde , A , Viltrop , A , Winckler , C , Dewulf , J , Guardabassi , L , Hilbert , F , Mader , R , Smith , P , Aznar , I , Baldinelli , F & Alvarez , J 2021 , ' Ad hoc method for the assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials ' , E F S A Journal , vol. 19 , no. 6 , e06645 , pp. 1-29 .


Open Access#42021

Ad hoc method for the assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials