Tobacco smoking among Portuguese high-school students
In: Bulletin of the World Health Organization: the international journal of public health, Band 77, Heft 6, S. 509-514
ISSN: 0042-9686, 0366-4996, 0510-8659
2633 Ergebnisse
In: Bulletin of the World Health Organization: the international journal of public health, Band 77, Heft 6, S. 509-514
ISSN: 0042-9686, 0366-4996, 0510-8659
In: Conference proceedings, Heft 1, S. 275-286
ISSN: 2707-2819
Educational institutions have invested in digital transformation, bringing new opportunities, however, also presenting challenges associated with this change. Recently, the Covid-19 outbreak accelerated this process, accentuating online learning in the educational process. The purpose of this article was to present an overview of the challenges and opportunities related to digital transformation of educational institutions and the needs caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, to better define the subject, it was conducted a qualitative methodology of bibliographic review. Digital transformation requires a reorganization of educational institutions, not only in the academic curriculum but also in both networking and social ways. Efforts are needed to integrate students and teachers in this digital age since they require training, monitoring and support in both digital knowledge and digital security. Otherwise, there is the risk of disruptions and anguish occurrence in the transitioning process and most of the advances made may not be sustainable. Despite all the known advantages of implementing new technologies in learning, digital divide raises concerns about equity. A good internet connection and availability of equipment are essential to make teaching process uniform and fair. Covid-19 pandemic forced digital transformation and the abrupt change in routines and procedures has putted everyone under great strain, namely teachers. However, this forced change also brought positive aspects such as investment in technologies of the future, with numerous initiatives and learning models already in practice and which are here to stay, as the teaching methods will never be the same after such an impactful experience.
In: Conference proceedings, Heft 1, S. 277-288
ISSN: 2707-2819
The use and possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have been assuming great importance in recent years. This fact led to a greater attention on the topic in various fields, especially in health and law, both in its daily application potential and in learning methods. The aim of this article was to present a brief perspective of the challenges and effects of the AI use in teaching and application on health and law domains. Therefore, to better define the theme it was performed a qualitative methodology of bibliographic review. The applications of artificial intelligence have a great potential in clinical and legal use, facilitating the tasks of those involved by helping to reduce workflow, to avoid errors and in decision-making. However, despite these benefits and new opportunities, there are still obstacles regarding regulation and ethical concerns, as well as some reluctance from professionals in their adoption and formal application. In addition, there also the need to proper implement these technologies in learning to keep up the change and the new challenges currently posed, so there is a path that still needs to be followed.
In: Coleção reflexividades indígenas
In: Coleção Várias histórias 32
In: Pensamento e filosofia
In: Coleção Várias histórias 1
In: Aceno: revista de antropologia do Centro-Oeste, Band 11, Heft 27, S. 545-556
ISSN: 2358-5587
O projeto Nervo Exposto surgiu com a proposta de desenvolver uma fotoetnografia da comunidade Quilombola de Algodoalzinho na Ilha de Fora situada na Reserva Extrativista Mãe Grande de Curuçá-PA. Através de um processo de vivência com a comunidade, pode-se desenvolver um olhar participante do cotidiano dessa comunidade. Ela possui em seu modo de vida, aspectos dos saberes tradicionais oriundos das influências Afro-indígenas, através do trabalho com a terra, da pesca e da tiração de caranguejo. Apesar da maior parte da comunidade pertencer ao espectro evangélico, o imaginário da relação com as matas e mangues por meio de encantados e oiaras, permanece vivo na mente dos moradores. Além do trabalho, pode-se perceber também as dinâmicas sociais dessa comunidade que tem como base que a sustenta uma perspectiva matriarcal por meio das mulheres mais velhas que forma o eixo central das famílias que habitam o local.
In: Germinal: Marxismo e educação em debate, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 1030-1039
ISSN: 2175-5604
Quando Saviani se refere a "teoria da curvatura da vara" de Lenin, ele cita Althusser, que por sua vez faz referência a essa teoria em algumas passagens em seus escritos. Nesses trechos, Althusser não cita o texto de onde tirou a teoria em Lenin, apenas conta que o revolucionário russo utilizou essa analogia como resposta aos críticos depois de ter publicado "O que fazer?", em 1902. O presente trabalho traça o percurso dessa noção, que aparece primeiro na "Ética a Nicômacos" de Aristóteles como recurso figurativo, depois em Lenin, recuperado por Althusser, citado por Saviani. O trabalho consiste em quatro seções em que são apresentadas as formulações em torno da ideia de reposicionar aquilo que não está corretamente posicionado, culminando, por fim, na solução à pergunta "de onde vem a expressão ou teoria da curvatura da vara?".