Features of the Word Formation of Infixes in Multi-Language System (Based on the Material of the English Language)
In: Studia orientalne: SO, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 71-82
The advantage of the presented article is, first of all, the fact that it has been insufficiently researched. Moreover, both English-speaking and Russian linguists. Their names are given in the work. The essence of the matter is that infixes are extremely rare morphemes, in contrast to thoroughly studied affixes or prefixes. Accordingly, there is less distribution in a variety of lexemes. However, the choice of this topic is more reliably justified. The article's author corrects the opinion of some linguists that infixes serve as a means of exclusively verbal word formation. Although statistically, it looks like an impeccable statement, the work provides some of the most striking, from our point of view, examples of functioning in other parts of speech in the English language – independent and auxiliary: adjectives, pronouns, interjections and particles. Nevertheless, the author, summarising the opinions of some linguists who have specifically devoted their works to this morpheme, gave examples from the language of fiction. Each time, the author indicates explicitly the importance of the infix attached to word formation. Material from various public spheres is used, such as dialogues in colloquial and fiction speeches, sports reports, onomastics, etc. A small article succinctly and concisely reflects the theoretical part, supported by concrete examples.