The Good, the Bad and the Complex: Product Design with Imperfect Information
In: BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Research Paper No. 2021-155
8 Ergebnisse
In: BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Research Paper No. 2021-155
Working paper
In: American economic review, Band 109, Heft 11, S. 3813-3848
ISSN: 1944-7981
We develop a rational theory of liquidity sentiments in which the market outcome in any given period depends on agents' expectations about market conditions in future periods. Our theory is based on the interaction between adverse selection and resale considerations giving rise to an intertemporal coordination problem that yields multiple self-fulfilling equilibria. We construct "sentiment" equilibria in which sunspots generate fluctuations in prices, volume, and welfare, all of which are positively correlated. The intertemporal nature of the coordination problem disciplines the set of possible sentiment dynamics. In particular, sentiments must be sufficiently persistent and transitions must be stochastic. We consider an extension with production in which asset quality is endogenously determined and provide conditions under which sentiments are a necessary feature of any equilibrium. A testable implication is that assets produced in good times are of lower average quality than those produced in bad times. (JEL D84, D82, E32, E44, G12)
In: CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13340
Working paper
In: American economic review, Band 107, Heft 7, S. 2007-2040
ISSN: 1944-7981
We study information spillovers in a dynamic setting with correlated assets owned by privately informed sellers. In the model, a trade of one asset can provide information about the value of other assets. Importantly, the information content of trading behavior is endogenously determined. We show that this endogeneity leads to multiple equilibria when assets are sufficiently correlated. The equilibria are ranked in terms of both trade volume and efficiency. The model has implications for policies targeting post-trade transparency. We show that introducing post-trade transparency can increase or decrease welfare and trading volume depending on the asset correlation, equilibrium being played, and the composition of market participants. (JEL D82, D83, G14, G18)
In: CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP16720