Intro -- Contents -- Prologue -- Structure and purposes of this book -- Chapter 1. Tropical Asia as a special case: the physical environment -- 1. History and geology -- 1.1. History over geological time: the interplay of tectonic masses -- 1.2. Surface geology and geomorphology: table tablelands set among a buckled and crushed jumble -- 1.3. Among epicontinental seas -- 2. Climate -- 2.1. What are the tropics? -- 2.2. Mapping the Asian climate -- 2.3. The climate in tropical Asia -- 2.4. A day in the tropics: the diurnal march of the weather -- 3. The history of climate change and stability -- 3.1. Early history -- 3.2 The Pleistocene -- 4. Tropical forest soils -- 4.1. Soils typology and classification -- 4.2. Soils reflect landscape dynamics -- 4.3. Soil distribution in tropical Asia -- 5. Tropical Asia: lands of forests and deserts -- 5.1. Ever-changing landscapes -- 5.2. Dense with the successors of ancient civilizations -- 5.3. The landscapes of Asia and its forests constitute a palimpsest -- References -- Chapter 2. Lowland forest form and function: reconciling light and drought -- Part I. Lowland forests in an aseasonal climate -- 1. Is the mature rain forest vertically stratified? -- 1.1. Stratification by maximum tree height -- 1.2. Stratification by branch architecture -- 1.3. Stratification through gross crown architecture and presentation of flowers -- 1.4. Leaf layers as a source of stratification -- Box 2.1 Palms -- 2. The lowland rain forest cycle: the life of a stand -- 2.1. The regeneration niche: pioneer (and climax) species -- 2.2. The gap phase and succession -- 2.3. The ever-changing canopy -- 2.4. Mortality -- 2.5. Primary productivity -- 3. Structural and physiognomic variation within perhumid landscapes and regions -- 3.1. The lowland mixed dipterocarp forests -- 3.2. Kerangas and peat swamp forest.
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The Pasoh Forest Reserve in Malaysia is one of the most species-rich ecological systems on our planet. Since the 1970s it has been the site of intensive research on lowland tropical rain forest across a diverse range of disciplines including ecology, forestry, meteorology, and hydrology. Research has focused on biodiversity and sustainable management of tropical rain forests as well as the role of tropical rain forests in maintaining global climate and carbon sinks. This book compiles diverse studies of the ecology and natural history of the Pasoh Forest Reserve and focuses on six areas: Physical settings and environment; Vegetation structure, diversity, and dynamics; Plant population and functional biology; Animal ecology and biodiversity; Plant-animal interactions; and Anthropogenic impacts and forest management. This book is of interest to tropical forest researchers worldwide in ecology, conservation biology, taxonomy, and forestry
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This paper is a product of the T-FORCES forest monitoring network (Tropical Forests in the Changing Earth System), supported by an ERC Advanced Grant to O.L.P. and by many institutions, NGOs, government agencies and local communities in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. We are grateful for historical plot data contributed by the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS; two LAM plots and one BEL plot), the Global Ecosystem Monitoring network (GEM; two LAM plots), Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei plots), Kagoshima University (KIS and KIU plots), Forest Department Sarawak (BKO, LAM, MER and GMU plots), Forest Research Centre, Sabah Forestry Department (SEP plots), the Tropenbos Kalimantan project (ITCI plots), Project Barito Ulu, supported by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) (BUL plots), and the STREK project, supported by CIRAD, The Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia, and INHUTANI I (STR plots). We are indebted to a great many individuals who contributed to historical data collection. Contemporary fieldwork was supported by a grant from the ERC (T-FORCES) and from NERC (grants NER/A/S/2000/00532, NE/B503384/1, NE/N012542/1). L.Q. was supported by T-FORCES, CIFOR and NERC NE/P00363X/1. S.L.L. was supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, T-FORCES and a Phillip Leverhulme Prize. O.L.P. is supported by T-FORCES and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. M.J.P.S. is supported by T-FORCES and NERC NE/N012542/1. L.F.B. was supported by a NERC studentship to the University of Leeds and a RGS-IBG Henrietta Hutton grant. R.H. was supported by a University of Brunei Darussalam Research Fellowship (2011) and a long-term research project RVO 67985939 from the Czech Academy of Sciences. S.L. received additional support from Primate Conservation Inc. M.S. was supported by a Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports grant of the Czech Republic INGO II LG15051. R.R.E.V. was supported by the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO, grant No. W76-217). We thank Forest Department Sarawak, Sabah Biodiversity Centre, Sabah Forestry Department, Forest Department Brunei, Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research, University of Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education for research permissions. We thank Bako National Park, Lambir Hills National Park, Gunung Mulu National Park, Kuala Belalong Field Study Centre (KBFSC), Glen Reynolds (SEARRP), Danum Valley Conservation Area, Rainforest Discovery Centre Sepilok, Sepilok Laut Reception Centre, Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF), Sungai Wain Protection Forest Management Unit, WWF East Kalimantan and PT. ITCIKU East Kalimantan for logistical support for fieldwork. We thank Timothy Baker, Roel Brienen, Emanuel Gloor, Adriane Esquivel Muelbert and Nicolas Labrière for comments on the manuscript. We thank our deceased colleagues, John Proctor and Suriantata, for their invaluable contributions to both historical work and our wider understanding of tropical forest ecology. ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF