Supporting online collaborative design for teacher professional development
This paper describes a study on online collaborative design in the context of teacher professional development. 25 teachers from different Spanish universities and disciplines participated in the study. The aim was to understand how to support teachers in interuniversity teams to collaborate fully online along the learning design process of a discipline-based situation that integrates ICT, a problem scarcely tackled in the literature. The described interpretive study, using mixed methods, explores the support to online co-design provided by a novel ICT community platform named ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environment). Lessons drawn from the results can contribute to the improvement of online collaborative design processes in the context of teacher professional development. ; This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities [project EDU2017-84223-R], the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) [projects TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R and TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R, TIN2014-53199-C3-3-R and TIN2017-85179-C3-3-R], the Regional Government of Castilla y León and the European Regional Development Fund [project VA018U16], the European Commission [project 588438-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA], the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [project MDM-2015-0502] and RecerCaixa (CoT).