Here, we present a novel method to fabricate long period gratings using standard single mode optical fibers (SMF). These optical devices were fabricated in a three-step process, which consisted of etching the SMF, then coating it with a thin-film and, the final step, which involved removing sections of the coating periodically by laser ablation. Tin dioxide was chosen as the material for this study and it was sputtered using a pulsed DC sputtering system. Theoretical simulations were performed in order to select the appropriate parameters for the experiments. The responses of two different devices to different external refractive indices was studied, and the maximum sensitivity obtained was 6430 nm/RIU for external refractive indices ranging from 1.37 to 1.39. ; This work was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (TEC2016-78047-R and TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R), and by the Government of Navarre through the project with reference 2017/PI044.
In this paper, a new sensor system for relative humidity measurements based on a SnO2 sputtering deposition on a microstructured optical fiber (MOF) low-finesse Fabry-Pérot (FP) sensing head is presented and characterized. The interrogation of the sensing head is carried out by monitoring the Fast Fourier Transform phase variations of the FP interference frequency. This method is low-sensitive to signal amplitude variations and also avoids the necessity of tracking the evolution of peaks and valleys in the spectrum. The sensor is operated within a wide humidity range (20%-90% relative humidity) with a maximum sensitivity achieved of 0.14rad/%. The measurement method uses a commercial optical interrogator as the only active element, this compact solution allows real time analysis of the data. ; We also thank the Spanish Government projects TEC 2013-47264-C2-2-R, TEC2013-43679-R Innocampus and the INTERREG SUDOE Project SOE3/P2/P714 as well as to the FEDER Funds.
According to recent market studies of the North American company Allied Market Research, the field of photonic sensors is an emerging strategic field for the following years and it is expected to garner $18 billion by 2021. The integration of micro and nanofabrication technologies in the field of sensors has allowed the development of new technological concepts such as lab-on-a-chip which have achieved extraordinary advances in terms of detection and applicability, for example in the field of biosensors. This continuous development has allowed that equipment consisting of many complex devices that occupied a whole room a few years ago, at present it is possible to handle them in the palm of the hand; that formerly long duration processes are carried out in a matter of milliseconds and that a technology previously dedicated solely to military or scientific uses is available to the vast majority of consumers. The adequate combination of micro and nanostructured coatings with optical fiber sensors has permitted us to develop novel sensing technologies, such as the first experimental demonstration of lossy mode resonances (LMRs) for sensing applications, with more than one hundred citations and related publications in high rank journals and top conferences. In fact, fiber optic LMR-based devices have been proven as devices with one of the highest sensitivity for refractometric applications. Refractive index sensitivity is an indirect and simple indicator of how sensitive the device is to chemical and biological species, topic where this proposal is focused. Consequently, the utilization of these devices for chemical and biosensing applications is a clear opportunity that could open novel and interesting research lines and applications as well as simplify current analytical methodologies. As a result, on the basis of our previous experience with LMR based sensors to attain very high sensitivities, the objective of this paper is presenting the route for the development of label-free optical waveguide sensing platform based on LMRs that enable to explore the limits of this technology for bio-chemosensing applications. ; This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science-FEDER TEC2016- 78047-R, Government of Navarra 0011-1365-2017- 000117 and Public University of Navarra PJUPNA26 research grants as well as the ATTRACT call financed by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 777222.