CCSD calculations on C₁₄, C₁₈, and C₂₂ carbon clusters
The structure and energetics of the ring isomers of C(4n+2) (n=3-5) carbon clusters were studied by using coupled-cluster singles and doubles excitation theory to overcome the vast differences existing in the literature. The results obtained in the present study clearly indicate that C₁₄, C₁₈, and C₂₂ carbon rings have bond-length and bond-angle alternated acetylenic minimum energy structures. Contrarily, density functional theory calculations were unable to predict these acetylenic-type structures and they ended up with the cumulenic structures. It is found from the coupled-cluster studies that the lowest-energy ring isomer for the first two members of C(4n+2) series is a bond-angle alternated cumulenic D((2n+1)h) symmetry structure while the same for the remaining members is a bond-length and bond-angle alternated C((2n+1)h) symmetry structure. In C(4n+2) carbon rings, Peierls-type distortion, transformation from bond-angle alternated to bond-length alternated minimum energy structures, occurs at C₁₄ carbon ring. ; This study was supported by the RSS21 project and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research No. 17064017 of MEXT, Government of Japan.