In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 13, Heft 69, S. 210-223
ISSN: 1307-9581
8 Ergebnisse
In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 13, Heft 69, S. 210-223
ISSN: 1307-9581
In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 12, Heft 68, S. 298-313
ISSN: 1307-9581
In: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi: Dokuz Eylul University the journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, Band 19, Heft 1
ISSN: 1308-0911
Negative impacts of fossil fuels on the environment and the search for energy alternatives to petroleum spurred many countries to turn to renewable energy resources. At present, these energy resources, including wind power, are preferred around the world because they are both clean and renewable. Turkey is a country dependent on foreign energy. Although it is not rich in fossil fuels, Turkey is dependent mainly because such resources are not favored owing to the nation's high potential for wind power. Nevertheless, wind power holds a very low share in the country's energy production. Cost, technical concerns, public opposition and environmental problems are the causes of this low share. The objective of the present study is to give details of the problem of Turkey's energy foreign dependence and determine the wind energy potential in Turkey. In the present study, the goal is to describe the country's potential for clean, local wind power and to propose recommendations for the policy-makers. ; Fosil yakıtların çevre üzerindeki olumsuz etkisi ve petrole alternatif enerji kaynağı arayışı, birçok ülkenin yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yönelmesine neden olmuştur. Günümüzde, içinde rüzgarın da bulunduğu bu enerji kaynakları, hem temiz hem de yenilenebilir olmaları nedeniyle Dünya'da tercih edilmektedir. Türkiye, enerjide dışa bağımlı olan bir ülkedir. Fosil yakıtlar açısından zengin bir ülke olmamasına rağmen, temel enerji kaynağı olarak bu kaynakların tercih edilmesi enerji bağımlılığındaki temel nedendir. Türkiye, rüzgar enerji potansiyeli yüksek bir ülkedir. Ancak, rüzgarın ülkedeki enerji üretimindeki payı çok düşüktür. Maliyet, teknik kaygılar, public opposition ve çevresel sorunlar bu düşüklüğün nedenleridir. Bu çalışma hem Türkiye'nin enerjideki dışa bağımlılık sorunu ortaya koymayı hem de rüzgar enerjisinin bu sorunun çözümündeki yerini bulmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma ile; temiz ve yerel olması nedeniyle değerlendirilmesi gereken rüzgar enerjisinin, ülke potansiyelinin ortaya konulması ve politika yapıcılar için öneriler sunulması hedeflenmiştir.
In: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi: Celal Bayar University journal of social sciences, Band 14, Heft 3
ISSN: 2146-2844
WOS: 000394253800016 ; PubMed ID: 28151863 ; The aim of this study was to determine the clinical features, and outcome of the patients with miliary tuberculosis (TB). We retrospectively evaluated 263 patients (142 male, 121 female, mean age: 44 years, range: 16-89 years) with miliary TB. Criteria for the diagnosis of miliary TB were at least one of the followings in the presence of clinical presentation suggestive of miliary TB such as prolonged fever, night sweats, anorexia, weight loss: radiologic criterion and pathological criterion and/or microbiological criterion; pathological criterion and/or microbiological criterion. The miliary pattern was seen in 88% of the patients. Predisposing factors were found in 41% of the patients. Most frequent clinical features and laboratory findings were fever (100%), fatigue (91%), anorexia (85%), weight loss (66%), hepatomegaly (20%), splenomegaly (19%), choroid tubercules (8%), anemia (86%), pancytopenia (12%), and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (89%). Tuberculin skin test was positive in 29% of cases. Fifty percent of the patients met the criteria for fever of unknown origin. Acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated in 41% of patients (81/195), and cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive in 51% (148/292) of tested specimens (predominantly sputum, CSF, and bronchial lavage). Blood cultures were positive in 20% (19/97). Granulomas in tissue samples of liver, lung, and bone marrow were present in 100% (21/21), 95% (18/19), and 82% (23/28), respectively. A total of 223 patients (85%) were given a quadruple anti-TB treatment. Forty-four (17%) patients died within 1 year after diagnosis established. Age, serum albumin, presence of military pattern, presence of mental changes, and hemoglobin concentration were found as independent predictors of mortality. Fever resolved within first 21 days in the majority (90%) of the cases. Miliary infiltrates on chest X-ray should raise the possibility of miliary TB especially in countries where TB is endemic. Although biopsy of the lungs and liver may have higher yield rate of organ involvement histopathologicaly, less invasive procedures including a bone marrow biopsy and blood cultures should be preferred owing to low complication rates.
WOS: 000394253800016 ; PubMed ID: 28151863 ; The aim of this study was to determine the clinical features, and outcome of the patients with miliary tuberculosis (TB). We retrospectively evaluated 263 patients (142 male, 121 female, mean age: 44 years, range: 16-89 years) with miliary TB. Criteria for the diagnosis of miliary TB were at least one of the followings in the presence of clinical presentation suggestive of miliary TB such as prolonged fever, night sweats, anorexia, weight loss: radiologic criterion and pathological criterion and/or microbiological criterion; pathological criterion and/or microbiological criterion. The miliary pattern was seen in 88% of the patients. Predisposing factors were found in 41% of the patients. Most frequent clinical features and laboratory findings were fever (100%), fatigue (91%), anorexia (85%), weight loss (66%), hepatomegaly (20%), splenomegaly (19%), choroid tubercules (8%), anemia (86%), pancytopenia (12%), and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (89%). Tuberculin skin test was positive in 29% of cases. Fifty percent of the patients met the criteria for fever of unknown origin. Acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated in 41% of patients (81/195), and cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive in 51% (148/292) of tested specimens (predominantly sputum, CSF, and bronchial lavage). Blood cultures were positive in 20% (19/97). Granulomas in tissue samples of liver, lung, and bone marrow were present in 100% (21/21), 95% (18/19), and 82% (23/28), respectively. A total of 223 patients (85%) were given a quadruple anti-TB treatment. Forty-four (17%) patients died within 1 year after diagnosis established. Age, serum albumin, presence of military pattern, presence of mental changes, and hemoglobin concentration were found as independent predictors of mortality. Fever resolved within first 21 days in the majority (90%) of the cases. Miliary infiltrates on chest X-ray should raise the possibility of miliary TB especially in countries where TB is endemic. Although biopsy of the lungs and liver may have higher yield rate of organ involvement histopathologicaly, less invasive procedures including a bone marrow biopsy and blood cultures should be preferred owing to low complication rates.
The aim of this study was to determine the clinical features, and outcome of the patients with miliary tuberculosis (TB). We retrospectively evaluated 263 patients (142 male, 121 female, mean age: 44 years, range: 16–89 years) with miliary TB. Criteria for the diagnosis of miliary TB were at least one of the followings in the presence of clinical presentation suggestive of miliary TB such as prolonged fever, night sweats, anorexia, weight loss: radiologic criterion and pathological criterion and/or microbiological criterion; pathological criterion and/or microbiological criterion. The miliary pattern was seen in 88% of the patients. Predisposing factors were found in 41% of the patients. Most frequent clinical features and laboratory findings were fever (100%), fatigue (91%), anorexia (85%), weight loss (66%), hepatomegaly (20%), splenomegaly (19%), choroid tubercules (8%), anemia (86%), pancytopenia (12%), and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (89%). Tuberculin skin test was positive in 29% of cases. Fifty percent of the patients met the criteria for fever of unknown origin. Acidfast bacilli were demonstrated in 41% of patients (81/195), and cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive in 51% (148/ 292) of tested specimens (predominantly sputum, CSF, and bronchial lavage). Blood cultures were positive in 20% (19/97). Granulomas in tissue samples of liver, lung, and bone marrow were present in 100% (21/21), 95% (18/19), and 82% (23/28), respectively. A total of 223 patients (85%) were given a quadruple anti-TB treatment. Forty-four (17%) patients died within 1 year after diagnosis established. Age, serum albumin, presence of military pattern, presence of mental changes, and hemoglobin concentration were found as independent predictors of mortality. Fever resolved within first 21 days in the majority (90%) of the cases. Miliary infiltrates on chest X-ray should raise the possibility of miliary TB especially in countries where TB is endemic. Although biopsy of the lungs and liver may have higher yield rate of organ involvement histopathologicaly, less invasive procedures including a bone marrow biopsy and blood cultures should be preferred owing to low complication rates.