2 Ergebnisse
Lime kiln conversion from coke to natural gas operation – an option in direction of sustainable energy
In: Sugar industry, S. 431-434
This paper deals with the conversion of coke fired lime kilns to gas and the conclusions drawn from the completed projects. The paper presents (1) the decision process associated with the adoption of the new technology, (2) the necessary steps of the conversion, (3) the experiences and issues which occurred during the first campaign, (4) the impacts on the beet sugar factory (i.e. on the CO2 balance and exhaust gas temperature), (5) the long term impressions and capabilities of several campaigns of operation, (6) the details of available technologies and (7) additional benefits that would justify a conversion from coke to natural gas operation on existing lime kilns. (8) Forecast view to develop systems usable for alternative gaseous fuels (e.g. biogas).