Integrated Pest Management of Hybrid Rice to Support Rice Sovereignty Program in Yogyakarta
ABSTRACT Annual rice consumption always increases as the increase of Indonesian population. Rice is the main food for Indonesian. With rice sovereignty program, Indonesia government is going to target 80.1 million tons of rice production in 2018 through special effort since 2015. Planting hybrid rice is one of some technologies to increase rice production. However, hybrid rice is relatively a new technology that should be scaled up years after and becomes new challenge. Although it has not been largely adopted in Yogyakarta, the assessment of pest and disease on hybrid rice is important, because pest and disease is one major constraint for Yogyakarta rice production, particularly brown plant hoppers and bacterial leaf blight. One cause of brown plant hoppers outbreaks in rice fields is unsynchronized planting of rice crops, susceptible variety, and low management practices. An assessment on the influence of hybrid rice varieties and integrated pest management (IPM) to the abundance of insects and diseases intensity is important. Insect abundance, particularly the varies of natural enemies affected pest control management decision. The research was conducted in Sleman District, Yogyakarta in rainy season of 2017/2018. The objective was to determine the dominant pests and diseases in hybrid rice and to determine the insect abundance as an effect of IPM due to save rice production. Dominant pests found in Yogyakarta hybrid rice are brown plant hopper, stem borer, and leaf folder, while the natural enemies are Coccinelids, Tetragnatha, Micraspis, Cythorinus, Ophionea, and spiders. Bacterial leaf blight and blast were found as the dominant diseases.