34 Ergebnisse
The role of Social Media Engagement in Shaping Consumer Buying Patterns: Insights from the Albanian Textile Sector
In: International journal of social sciences: IJSS = Uluslararası sosyal bilimler dergisi : USBD, Band 8, Heft 36, S. 564-601
ISSN: 2548-0685
Given that the textile sector is a key driver of Albania's socio-economic well-being, examining the factors influencing customer decision-making within this sector is crucial. Based on this fact that this study focuses on social media marketing and advertising techniques used by marketers in the textile sector in Albania. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the main social media marketing and advertising strategies used in the Albanian textile sector on the purchasing decisions of potential customers.
In this study, a quantitative research design was adopted to systematically examine the research questions. In the data collection process, a structured survey instrument was developed focusing on key variables such as social media usage, marketing strategies and customer purchasing behavior. Data collected from 201 participants were analyzed using SPSS software.
The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation methods to investigate the relationships between social media marketing strategies and customer purchasing decisions. This methodological approach was preferred in order to obtain robust and statistically supported findings in line with the research objectives.
Keywords: Social media, marketing, advertising, customer purchasing behavior, textile sector, Albania.
JEL Classification Codes: M30, M31, M37, M39.
Çevre Kirliliğinin Makro-Ekonomik Analizi (Macro-Economic Analysis of Environmental Pollution)
In: İnsan Ve Felaketler Uluslararası Konferansı, Bakü, Pp. 392-400, 2001
Working paper
Working paper
Türkiye'ye Makro Ekonomik Etkileri Bakımından 2008 Küresel Krizi (2008 Global Crisis in Terms of Macro Economic Impacts in Turkey)
In: Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi (Forthcoming)
Son Ekonomik Krizin Türkiye'De Enflasyon Hedeflemesine Etkisi (The Effects of the Recent Economic Crisis to Inflation Targeting in Turkey)
In: Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt 2, Sayı 2, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8020 (Online)
Effects of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkish Banking Sector
In: International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Band 2, Heft 1
Ermeni İşgalinin Azerbaycan Ekonomisine Etkisi (The Influence of Armenian Occupation to Azerbaijan Economy)
In: Journal of Qafqaz University, Band 1, Heft 12
Ekonomi Ve Politikada Nasıl Bir Tarih Sonu? (What Will Be the End of History of Economy and Politics?)
In: Journal of Qafqaz University, Band 1, Heft 6
Does the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis Hold for Services Exports in Emerging Economies?
In: Okpeku L. O. 2021 "Does the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis Hold for Services Exports in Emerging Economies?." 14(27) 63-75.
Bağimsizlik Sonrasi Azerbaycan Türkiye Ekonomik Ilişkilerinin Sektörel Değerlendirilmesi (Sectoral Assessment of Azerbaijan - Turkey Economic Relations after Indepenedence)
In: International Symposium on Regional Cooperation and Development October 17-20, 2012 Erzurum, Turkey, səhifə/səhifə aralığı: 79-99, Okt 2012
Working paper
Azerbaycan'ın Ekonomik Yenden Yapılanma Ve Kalkınmasında Türk Müteşebbislerin Yeri ve Önemi (The Role and Importance of Turkish Entrepreneurs in Economic Development and Reconstruction of Azerbaijan)
In: Qırğizistan, III Uluslararası Girişimcilik Kongresi , səhifə/səhifə aralığı: 17-27, May 2011
Working paper
Foreign Capital Investments and Economic Crises in Turkey
In: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, Band 3, Heft 1
Euro Ve Kriz Sonrası Dönemde Parsal İstikrar (The Euro and the Monetary Stability in the Post-Crisis Period)
In: Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, Band 3, Heft 1