Passive Safety Systems in Advanced PWRs
In: Science and technology of nuclear installations, Band 2009, Heft 1
ISSN: 1687-6083
4 Ergebnisse
In: Science and technology of nuclear installations, Band 2009, Heft 1
ISSN: 1687-6083
In: Science and technology of nuclear installations, Band 2009, Heft 1
ISSN: 1687-6083
The paper deals with the presentation of the Reliability Evaluation of Passive Safety System (REPAS) methodology developed by University of Pisa. The general objective of the REPAS is to characterize in an analytical way the performance of a passive system in order to increase the confidence toward its operation and to compare the performances of active and passive systems and the performances of different passive systems. The REPAS can be used in the design of the passive safety systems to assess their goodness and to optimize their costs. It may also provide numerical values that can be used in more complex safety assessment studies and it can be seen as a support to Probabilistic Safety Analysis studies. With regard to this, some examples in the application of the methodology are reported in the paper. A best‐estimate thermal‐hydraulic code, RELAP5, has been used to support the analyses and to model the selected systems. Probability distributions have been assigned to the uncertain input parameters through engineering judgment. Monte Carlo method has been used to propagate uncertainties and Wilks′ formula has been taken into account to select sample size. Failure criterions are defined in terms of nonfulfillment of the defined design targets.
In: Science and technology of nuclear installations, Band 2009, Heft 1
ISSN: 1687-6083
Passive safety systems have been widely applied to advanced water‐cooled reactors, to enhance the safety of nuclear power plants. The ambitious program of the nuclear
power development in China requires reactor concepts with high safety level. For the
near‐term and medium‐term, the Chinese government decided for advanced
pressurized water reactors with an extensive usage of passive safety systems. This
paper describes some important criteria and the development program of the Chinese
large‐scale pressurized water reactors. An overview on representative research
activities and results achieved so far on passive safety systems in various institutions
is presented.
In: Science and technology of nuclear installations, Band 2011, Heft 1
ISSN: 1687-6083
The present paper describes the main features and an application to a real Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) of an Integrated Software Environment (in the following referred to as "platform") developed at University of Pisa (UNIPI) to perform Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) analysis. The platform is written in Java for the portability and it implements all the steps foreseen in the methodology developed at UNIPI for the deterministic analysis of PTS scenarios. The methodology starts with the thermal hydraulic analysis of the NPP with a system code (such as Relap5‐3D and Cathare2), during a selected transient scenario. The results so obtained are then processed to provide boundary conditions for the next step, that is, a CFD calculation. Once the system pressure and the RPV wall temperature are known, the stresses inside the RPV wall can be calculated by mean a Finite Element (FE) code. The last step of the methodology is the Fracture Mechanics (FM) analysis, using weight functions, aimed at evaluating the stress intensity factor (KI) at crack tip to be compared with the critical stress intensity factor KIc. The platform automates all these steps foreseen in the methodology once the user specifies a number of boundary conditions at the beginning of the simulation.