Addressing Gender Equality in Sport
The idea of the A.G.E.S. project - Addressing Gender Equality in Sport - was born in Pisa, in 2016, following the conference "Gender and Wellnes s in Sport" organized by the CO.RI. Institute - Communication & Research - of Livorno, with the patronage of the City of Pisa and Pisa European City of Sport 2016, the participation of the Fondazione Ordine degli Psicologi della Toscana and the Consiglio Cittadino per le Pari Opportunità di Pisa. The CO.RI. Institute, which has been dealing with gender studies and culture of equality for years, has promoted, in the conference held in Pisa, an opportunity for professionals and institutions to meet on the theme of gender equality in sport according to European guidelines. Professionals and representatives of bodies and institutions have participated in an active and motivated way, allowing a complex and in-depth analysis of the problem analysed. Due to the interest in the topics covered, expressed by all participants at the Conference, the CO.RI. Institute has agreed to collect the various contributions in a text, published by the P.O. Commission of the Region of Tuscany. As a consequence of the topicality and importance of the topics dealt with, the CO.RI. Institute involved the UISP of Pisa in the presentation of the Erasmus+ Sport "A.G.E.S" project with the intent to conduct a survey on the perception of gender stereotypes in sport. The UISP of Pisa has become the proposer of the project, in which two other relevant partners participated together with the CO.RI. Institute: Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia- UCAM (Spain) and University of Thessaly - UTH (Greece). The objective, shared by the partners, was to carry out a survey, through validated questionnaires, among a significant sample of girls and boys, adults and sport operators from the three countries involved, to verify the presence or absence of gender stereotypes and associated factors with respect to sport activity. The normative premises of reference are those of the European Union and its ...