Análisis de la producción científica y de la especialización temática de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Scopus (2003-2010)
In: Revista española de documentación científica, Band 36, Heft 3
12 Ergebnisse
In: Revista española de documentación científica, Band 36, Heft 3
Ponencia presentada en : Primeras Jornadas Valencianas de Documentación "Hacia la globalización de la Información", celebradas los días 20 y 21 de Octubre de 2011 en Valencia. ; Introducción: la investigación en las universidades se ve fuertemente afectada por los cambios en las políticas de financiación públicas. En el nuevo escenario internacional la investigación científica se globaliza y permite el fortalecimiento de las relaciones de colaboración científica del personal investigador entre instituciones nacionales e internacionales. Objetivos: de la globalización del conocimiento se derivan nuevas políticas de financiación para la cooperación y colaboración científica; el estudio cuantitativo de la colaboración científica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia permitirá situarla en el contexto científico nacional e internacional, para ello se analizará y evaluará el entorno y la actividad científica internacional de la UPV durante el período 2003-2008, y se describirá el patrón de colaboración de la UPV con otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales. Metodología: en el marco del análisis de la internacionalización de la investigación producida en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), este estudio examina diversos indicadores de colaboración científica por países e instituciones, tasas de colaboración nacional, sectorial y regional, etc., de trabajos publicados en revistas incluidas en la base de datos SCOPUS. Los datos han sido extraídos de las herramientas elaboradas al efecto dentro del Proyecto Atlas Global de la Ciencia (TIN 2008-06514- C02-01/TIN), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Resultados: la colaboración institucional de la UPV incluye 907 instituciones, el 73.5% de las cuales son extranjeras. La UPV mantiene relaciones de coautoría con 665 instituciones de 60 países. Estados Unidos es el principal socio colaborador por número de instituciones, con 132 instituciones, y 363 trabajos. ; Introduction: research in universities is strongly affected by changes in government funding policies. In the new international scientific research and globalization allows the strengthening of the relations of scientific collaboration of researchers from national and international institutions. Objectives: Knowledge of globalization opens up new funding policies for cooperation and collaboration in science, the quantitative study of the scientific collaboration of the Polytechnic University of Valencia will place it in the national and international scientific context, then, will be analyzed and evaluated the environment and international scientific activity of the UPV during the period 2003-2008, and will be described the pattern of cooperation from the UPV with other national and international. Methodology: As part of the analysis of the internationalization of research produced at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), this study examines various indicators of scientific collaboration by countries and institutions, collaboration rate national, sectorial and regional levels, etc., Of papers published in journals included in the SCOPUS database. The data have been extracted from the tools developed for this purpose within the Global Atlas Project of Science (TIN 2008-06514- C02-01/TIN), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Results: UPV institutional collaboration includes 907 institutions, 73.5% of whom are foreign. The UPV maintains co-authorship with 665 institutions in 60 countries. The U.S. is the main cooperation partner by number of institutions, with 132 institutions and 363 jobs. Finally, we analyze the national territorial collaboration and institutional sector, production distributed scientific collaboration in 3642 articles, with 242 institutions in the following percentages: 36% inter-industry, 27% intra-industry, 23% inter-sectorial, and 14% intra-sectorial. ; Publicado
[Conference Poster] 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Vienna (Austria), September 17th-20th, 2008. ; Governmental initiatives around scientific policy have progressively raised collaboration to priority status. In this context, a need has arisen to broaden the traditional approach to the analysis and study of research results by descending to the group or even the individual scale and supplementing the output-, productivity‑, visibility- and impact-based focus with new measures that emphasize collaboration from the vantage of structural analysis. To this end, the present paper proposes new hybrid indicators for the analysis and evaluation of individual research results, popularity and prestige, that combine bibliometric and structural aspects. A case study was conducted of the nine most productive departments in Carlos III University of Madrid. The findings showed hybridization to be a tool sensitive to traditional indicators, but also to the new demands of modern science as a self-organized system of interaction among individuals, furnishing information on researchers' environments and the behaviour and attitudes adopted within those environments. ; Publicado
In: Revista española de documentación científica: REDC, Band 36, Heft 3, S. e019
ISSN: 1988-4621
Se analiza la producción científica con visibilidad internacional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) recogida en las bases de datos de SCOPUS durante el período 2003-2010. Los 11.126 documentos publicados representan el 23% de la producción valenciana y el 2,8% de la producción española. La caracterización de la especialización temática y su evolución a lo largo del período analizado muestra que más de la mitad de la producción se adscribe a las áreas de Ingeniería, Informática, Química y Matemáticas, mostrándose como las principales áreas del desarrollo científico institucional. Además, un tercio de los trabajos se publican en forma de comunicaciones a congresos. Si a ello se unen los publicados en forma de artículos, ambas tipologías representan el 95% de la producción. A su vez, el 95% de los trabajos se publican en inglés y reciben más del 99,5% de las citas totales.
Por otro lado, y derivado de su comparación con el resto de politécnicas nacionales, la UPV es la segunda en producción y citación absolutas, por detrás de la de Cataluña. Mantiene una posición predominante en Agricultura, Biología Molecular, Química, Ciencias de la Decisión, Ciencias Sociales y Química. Aunque sus principales especialidades son de carácter politécnico, son otras áreas menos técnicas las que presentan mayor representatividad y visibilidad, evidenciando señas de identidad distintivas respecto de sus homólogas.
Por último, y desde la perspectiva del impacto, el retroceso observado de la visibilidad esperada se corresponde con un aumento de los trabajos publicados en revistas de tercer y cuarto cuartil. A pesar de ese descenso, la UPV cuenta con visibilidades esperadas superiores a las obtenidas por las principales politécnicas nacionales.
In: Redes: revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 168
ISSN: 1579-0185
Purpose – To visualize the inter-university and international collaboration networks generated by Spanish universities based on the co-authorship of scientific articles. Design/methodology/approach - Formulation based on a bibliometric analysis of Spanish university production from 2000 to 2004 as contained in Web of Science databases, applying social network visualization techniques. The co-authorship data used were extracted with the total counting method from a database containing 100,710 papers. Findings – Spanish inter-university collaboration patterns appear to be influenced by both geographic proximity and administrative and political affiliation. Inter-regional co-authorship encompasses regional sub-networks whose spatial scope conforms rather closely to Spanish geopolitical divisions. Papers involving international collaboration are written primarily with European Union and North and Latin American researchers. Greater visibility is attained with international co-authorship than any other type of collaboration studied. Research limitations/implications - Impact was measured in terms of journals rather than each individual article. The co-authorship data were taken from the Web of Knowledge and were not compared to data from other databases. Practical implications - The data obtained may provide guidance for public policy makers seeking to enhance and intensify the internationalization of scientific production in Spanish universities. Originality – The Spanish university system is in the midst of profound structural change. This is the first article to describe Spanish university collaboration networks using social network visualization techniques, covering an area not previously addressed. ; Publicado
13th International Conference Information Visualisation, (Barcelona, 15-17th July 2009) ; How can the prestige of research centres forming part of scientific co-authorship networks focused on Physiology and Pharmacology be measured? This paper attempts to answer that question on the basis of a bibliometric analysis of Spanish scientific production in these areas of research between 1995 and 2005 as listed in Thomson Reuters' Science Citation Index Expanded. An affinity index is used to measure the asymmetric co-authorship relationships between any two institutions on the collaboration network to obtain the hub and authority values for the leading institutions. The spatial distribution of network nodes is mapped with the Kamada Kwai algorithm. The findings identify the centres of greatest prestige from the standpoint of coauthorship of scientific papers. ; Publicado
Peer reviewed ; Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Miguel, Sandra, Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio, Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (2018). Dependencies and autonomy in research performance: examining nanoscience and nanotechnology in emerging countries. Scientometrics, 115(3): 1485–1504. DOI:10.1007/s11192-018-2652-7 International collaboration in the creation of knowledge is changing the structural stratification of science, with implications for science policy. Analyses of collaboration in developing and emergent countries are of particular significance because initiatives are often the result of "research-for-aid" arrangements, generally based on North-South asymmetries. However, collaboration for mutual benefit and excellence has gained increasing acceptance, with "partner" selection becoming a strategic priority to enhance one's own production. This article explores the capacity of BRIC and selects Latin American countries in the generation of scientific knowledge and their visibility at the global level in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The goal is to determine to what extent countries benefit from the role of their collaborators to heighten research performance in terms of citation; and how collaboration could help countries to leverage their competitiveness through the design of research and development agendas. The method relies on the decomposition of leadership, as well as its consideration in view of performance indicators such as normalized citation impact, scientific excellence, and technological impact. The results suggest that the growth of international collaboration should be interpreted as a positive aspect. Furthermore, a progressive internationalization of scientific activity concerned with local needs or topics of interest is found to have the capacity to determine research agendas whose interest would extend to communities far beyond, thereby contributing to the development of science at a national level. This work was made possible through financing by the Project NANOMETRICS (Ref. ...
Introduction: In an economy geared to innovation and competitiveness in research and development activities, inter-relationships between the university, private enterprise and government are of considerable interest. Networking constitutes a priority strategy to attain this strategic objective and a tool in knowledge-based economies. Method: Drawing from a full inventory of co-authored scientific articles, collaborating networks are defined and analysed with the social network analysis method, using Pajek software and graphed with the Kamada-Kawai algorithm for visualization. Analysis: Scientific production involving intraregional collaboration in the Madrid region is analysed across three subject categories. The data used were taken from the Web of Science for the years 1995-2003. The main indicators of social networking obtained were: density average degree, normalized degree and degree centralization, betweenness centralization, closeness centralization and clustering coefficient. Results: Networking led to a moderate rise in the number of links and participating actors, with more Spanish companies and multi-national subsidiaries in the second period. The largest number of links was recorded for public universities located in the Community of Madrid. Conclusions: The data resulting from the social network analysis conducted provided insight into the structural characteristics of the networks generated and their evolution. The visualization methodology used proved to be highly informative for identifying not only the main actors, but clusters and components as well. The analysis afforded a useful perspective for understanding the dynamics of collaborating networks. ; Financiado por Comunidad de Madrid, Consejería de Educación, Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación. 06/HSE/0166/2004. ; Publicado
In: Revista española de documentación científica: REDC, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 591-611
ISSN: 1988-4621
El objetivo del estudio es el análisis de la producción científica de las universidades catalanas en el período 2000-2004. Se presentan indicadores de actividad científica, visibilidad, impacto, potencial investigador, citación, autocitación, colaboración nacional e internacional, por universidad. Las evidencias empíricas muestran un sistema universitario estratificado, sin un perfil de especialización en sus actividades de investigación. Se ha dibujado gráficamente la red de colaboración internacional por países de todas las universidades catalanas. Las universidades en su conjunto prefieren colaborar con Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania e Italia y obtienen mejor visibilidad cuando firman sus trabajos con autores de lengua inglesa.
Introduction: In an economy geared to innovation and competitiveness in research and development activities, inter-relationships between the university, private enterprise and government are of considerable interest. Networking constitutes a priority strategy to attain this strategic objective and a tool in knowledge-based economies. Method: Drawing from a full inventory of co-authored scientific articles, collaborating networks are defined and analysed with the social network analysis method, using Pajek software and graphed with the Kamada-Kawai algorithm for visualization. Analysis: Scientific production involving intraregional collaboration in the Madrid region is analysed across three subject categories. The data used were taken from the Web of Science for the years 1995-2003. The main indicators of social networking obtained were: density average degree, normalized degree and degree centralization, betweenness centralization, closeness centralization and clustering coefficient. Results: Networking led to a moderate rise in the number of links and participating actors, with more Spanish companies and multi-national subsidiaries in the second period. The largest number of links was recorded for public universities located in the Community of Madrid. Conclusions: The data resulting from the social network analysis conducted provided insight into the structural characteristics of the networks generated and their evolution. The visualization methodology used proved to be highly informative for identifying not only the main actors, but clusters and components as well. The analysis afforded a useful perspective for understanding the dynamics of collaborating networks. ; This research is supported by grants from Comunidad de Madrid (06/HSE/0166).
Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Vargas-Quesada, B., Olmeda-Gómez, C., Moya-Anegón, F. Synthetic hybrid indicators based on scientific collaboration to quantify and evaluate individual research results. Journal of Informetrics, 3 (2): 91-101, April 2009. ISSN: 1751-1577 DOI:10.1016/j.joi.2008.12.001 ; Governmental initiatives around scientific policy have progressively raised collaboration to priority status. In this context, a need has arisen to broaden the traditional approach to the analysis and study of research results by descending to the group or even the individual scale and supplementing the output-, productivity-, visibility- and impact-based focus with new measures that emphasize collaboration from the vantage of structural analysis. To this end, the present paper proposes new hybrid indicators for the analysis and evaluation of individual research results, popularity and prestige, that combine bibliometric and structural aspects. A case study was conducted of the nine most productive departments in Carlos III University of Madrid. The findings showed hybridization to be a tool sensitive to traditional indicators, but also to the new demands of modern science as a self-organized system of interaction among individuals, furnishing information on researchers' environments and the behavior and attitudes adopted within those environments. ; Peer reviewed