Cold war against U.S. progressives [critical of treatment of the American communist party]
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 59-63
ISSN: 0130-9641
480 Ergebnisse
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 59-63
ISSN: 0130-9641
In: Problems of economics, Band 1, Heft 12, S. 56-58
In: Problems of economics: selected articles from Soviet economics journals in English translation, Band 1, S. 56-58
ISSN: 0032-9436
World Affairs Online
In: Sage open, Band 13, Heft 1
ISSN: 2158-2440
The influx of international students pursuing academic degrees in China in recent years has posed several challenges for educators who must cope with cultural and linguistic plurality. This qualitative dominant mixed-methods study explores how the engagement through partnership builds on and caters to cultural diversity. For one semester, seven international doctoral students of a course Frontiers of the Learning Sciences took on the role of course co-creators and discussion leaders. Classroom videos, student surveys, interviews, weekly reflection journals, and social media chatlogs were collected and analyzed. Results showed that engaging students as course co-creators was responsive to cultural diversity. Three interrelated factors emerged that defined the effectiveness of students' engagement within multicultural settings: language proficiency, academic ability, and personal attitude to the differences. Moreover, the study revealed four interconnected factors (time, challenge, competency, support) that should be considered in designing effective culturally responsive learning environments for international doctoral students.
In: United Nations Publication
World Affairs Online
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 24, Heft 5, S. 1635-1656
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. This investigation addresses the tsunami inundation in Lima and Callao caused by the massive 1746 earthquake (Mw 9.0) along the Peruvian coast. Numerical modeling of the tsunami inundation processes in the nearshore includes strong nonlinear numerical terms. In a comparative analysis of the calculation of the tsunami wave effect, two numerical codes are used, Tsunami-HySEA and TsunAWI, which both solve the shallow water (SW) equations but with different spatial approximations. The comparison primarily evaluates the flow velocity fields in inundated areas. The relative importance of the various parts of the SW equations is determined, focusing on the nonlinear terms. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of momentum advection, bottom friction, and volume conservation. The influence of the nonlinearity on the degree and volume of inundation, flow velocity, and small-scale fluctuations is determined. The sensitivity of the solution concerning the bottom friction parameter is also investigated, showing the effects of nonlinearity processes in the inundated areas, wave heights, current velocity, and the spatial structure variations shown in tsunami inundation maps.
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 10, Heft 6, S. 1085-1100
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. A new tsunami forecasting method for near-field tsunami warning is presented. This method is applied in the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System, as part of the Indonesian Tsunami Warning Center in Jakarta, Indonesia. The method employs a rigorous approach to minimize uncertainty in the assessment of tsunami hazard in the near-field. Multiple independent sensors are evaluated simultaneously in order to achieve an accurate estimation of coastal arrival times and wave heights within very short time after a submarine earthquake event. The method is validated employing a synthetic (simulated) tsunami event, and in hindcasting the minor tsunami following the Padang 30 September 2009 earthquake.
World Affairs Online
в данной статье типологизированы историографические работы по истории масонства ; в которых исследуются проблемы формирования «масонского заговора» в России. Показана культурно-историческая специфика развития «масонского заговора» в европейской и российской политике. Структурирована хронология деятельности масонских организаций ; направленных на формирование политического заговора против русской православной монархии. Рассмотрена деятельность известных представителей русской культуры и русского государства ; состоявших в масонских организациях. Исследована проблема взятия под контроль русской государственной властью масонских лож в России. Показаны различия в деятельности масонских и парамасонских обществ. Проанализирована взаимосвязь масонства с «освободительным движением». В результате автор приходит к выводу ; что «масонский заговор» в России представлял собою высшую форму организации антигосударственных сил ; который под оболочкой политического либерализма и культурно-просветительской деятельности преследовал цели политического переворота и устранения самодержавия. ; the author typologizes historiographical works on the history of Freemasonry ; which studies the problems of version formation of «Masonic conspiracy» in Russia. The article shows the cultural and historical specificity of «Masonic conspiracy» in European and Russian policy ; ztructures chronology of activities of Masonic organizations aimed at the formation of a political conspiracy against the Russian Orthodox monarchy. The author investigates the activities of prominent representatives of Russian culture and the Russian government ; the participants of Masonic organizations and issue of taking control of the Russian state authorities Masonic lodges in Russia and also the differences in the activity of Masonic and paramasonskih societies. The relationship of Masonry and the «liberation movement» has been analyzed. As a result ; the author concluded that the «Masonic conspiracy» in Russia had been presented as the highest form of organization of anti-government forces ; which under the cover of political liberalism and cultural and educational activities pursued the goal of political upheaval and the elimination of autocracy.
в работе исследована политическая специфика ликвидации советскими спецслужбами «масонского подполья» в СССР. Рассмотрена проблематика отношения коммунистического движения к политическому масонству. Показано ; что в начале 1920-х гг. «вольные каменщики» намечали перспективы сотрудничества с большевиками ; имея при этом скрытую цель «обволакивания» советской власти масонскими идеями. Масонов 1920-х годов вполне устраивал большевизм как орудие искоренения русского национального самосознания и православной религии. Процесс ликвидации масонского подполья ; начатый в 1925 году ; был обусловлен внутрипартийной борьбой «сталинистов» ; проводивших антимасонские и антисионистские кампании и «троцкистов» ; являвшихся орудием международной масонской политики в советской России. Авторы приходят к выводу ; что ликвидация оккультно-масонского подполья в СССР имела несколько политических целей: сокрытие масонского прошлого руководителей коммунистической партии ; устранение масонов как потенциальных агентов западных спецслужб ; запугивание старорежимной интеллигенции ; выявление из среды советских служащих и творческой интеллигенции лиц ; связанных с масонством ; уничтожение масонской альтернативы коммунистической идеологии и подготовку «большого террора» против «ленинской гвардии». ; this research is dedicated to the political specificity of elimination of «masonic underground organization» by soviet special forces in USSR. The issue of relations between communist movements with political masonry was also considered in the article. It appears that in the beginning of 1920s «freemasons» planned prospects in cooperation with Bolsheviks ; while having hidden goal to «cover» Soviet government with masonic ideas. Masons of 1920s were quite satisfied with Bolshevism as a weapon to eradicate Russian national self-awareness and its Orthodox religion. Liquidation process of masonic underground ; which started in 1925 ; was conditioned by inner-party strife between «Stalinists» ; conducting anti-masonic and anti-Zionist campaigns ; and «Trotskyists» ; who appeared to be a weapon of international masonic politics in Soviet Russia. Authors conclude that liquidation of occult-masonic underground in USSR had several political goals: covering communist party leaders' masonic past ; elimination masons as potential western secret service agents ; threatening conservative intelligentsia ; exposure masonic people from the environment of Soviet officials and cultural elites ; extermination masonic alternative of communistic ideology and preparation of «grand terror» against «Lenin's guard».
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 13, Heft 6, S. 1629-1642
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. In this article, the tsunami model TsunAWI (Alfred Wegener Institute) and its application for hindcasts, inundation studies, and the operation of the tsunami scenario repository for the Indonesian tsunami early warning system are presented. TsunAWI was developed in the framework of the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) and simulates all stages of a tsunami from the origin and the propagation in the ocean to the arrival at the coast and the inundation on land. It solves the non-linear shallow water equations on an unstructured finite element grid that allows to change the resolution seamlessly between a coarse grid in the deep ocean and a fine representation of coastal structures. During the GITEWS project and the following maintenance phase, TsunAWI and a framework of pre- and postprocessing routines was developed step by step to provide fast computation of enhanced model physics and to deliver high quality results.
This volume is the result of the co-operation between the Moscow Diplomatic Academy and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. It has been produced on the basis of a conference held in Moscow in October 2001. Faculty members and researchers of the two training institutions reinforced by experts of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation met to exchange views at a round-table discussion and to contribute to the studies of future generations of international relations experts. Three weeks after a major formative moment in international security - the terrorist attacks against the United States - it was particularly exciting to compare notes, listen to arguments and see the concerns we share and also the distinct ones we don't. The book contains the updated papers of the conference and the summary of the discussions. We believe that rather than fighting old myths it is better to pay attention to the views represented in the book.
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 21, Heft 8, S. 2643-2678
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. The city of Venice and the surrounding lagoonal ecosystem are highly vulnerable to variations in relative sea level. In the past ∼150 years, this was characterized by an average rate of relative sea-level rise of about 2.5 mm/year resulting from the combined contributions of vertical land movement and sea-level rise. This literature review reassesses and synthesizes the progress achieved in quantification, understanding and prediction of the individual contributions to local relative sea level, with a focus on the most recent studies. Subsidence contributed to about half of the historical relative sea-level rise in Venice. The current best estimate of the average rate of sea-level rise during the observational period from 1872 to 2019 based on tide-gauge data after removal of subsidence effects is 1.23 ± 0.13 mm/year. A higher – but more uncertain – rate of sea-level rise is observed for more recent years. Between 1993 and 2019, an average change of about +2.76 ± 1.75 mm/year is estimated from tide-gauge data after removal of subsidence. Unfortunately, satellite altimetry does not provide reliable sea-level data within the Venice Lagoon. Local sea-level changes in Venice closely depend on sea-level variations in the Adriatic Sea, which in turn are linked to sea-level variations in the Mediterranean Sea. Water mass exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar and its drivers currently constitute a source of substantial uncertainty for estimating future deviations of the Mediterranean mean sea-level trend from the global-mean value. Regional atmospheric and oceanic processes will likely contribute significant interannual and interdecadal future variability in Venetian sea level with a magnitude comparable to that observed in the past. On the basis of regional projections of sea-level rise and an understanding of the local and regional processes affecting relative sea-level trends in Venice, the likely range of atmospherically corrected relative sea-level rise in Venice by 2100 ranges between 32 and 62 cm for the RCP2.6 scenario and between 58 and 110 cm for the RCP8.5 scenario, respectively. A plausible but unlikely high-end scenario linked to strong ice-sheet melting yields about 180 cm of relative sea-level rise in Venice by 2100. Projections of human-induced vertical land motions are currently not available, but historical evidence demonstrates that they have the potential to produce a significant contribution to the relative sea-level rise in Venice, exacerbating the hazard posed by climatically induced sea-level changes.