1814-1914-2014: 14 Events That Changed the World
Intro -- 1814-1914-2014 -- About the Author -- Copyright Information © -- Hannes Androsch -- 200 Years of Acceleration, Upheaval, and Radical Change -- Prologue -- A Changing World Order -- Demography, Democracy, Freedom, and Opportunity -- Mobility, Communication, Innovation -- Manfried Rauchensteiner -- Opening of the Congress of Vienna -- 30. 10. 1814 The New European Order -- Getting Over Napoleon -- No Congress Dances -- The Holy Alliance -- Epilogue -- Bernhard Ecker -- The Signing of the Treaty of Nanjing -- 29. 8. 1842 The Decline and Comeback of China -- Triumph of the "Barbarians" -- Competition from Asia -- Political Ascent, Economic Stagnation -- The Challenges of Modernity -- China - A Colonial Power? -- Manfred Matzka -- The Opening of the National Assembly in Frankfurt -- 18. 5. 1848 The Cycle of the "Nation State" -- The First Freely-Elected Parliament -- Nation Building -- To the Constitutional State -- To the Catastrophes of the 20th Century -- "Internal Nationalism" -- 1914 -- Imperialism, Internationalism -- The Nation State Today -- Wolfgang Pell -- Beginning of the Pennsylvania Oil Rush -- 27. 8. 1859 From Big Oil to Peak Oil -- A Crucial Business Model -- From Naptu to the Motor Car -- From Gasoline to Solar Cell -- Big Oil - Oil as an Economic and Power Factor -- From Peak Oil to Peak Information? -- Martin Kugler -- Ignaz Semmelweis' Conclusion of "Etiology" -- 30. 8. 1860 The Revolution in Obstetrics -- Käthe Springer-Dissmann -- Sigmund Freud's First Interpretation of Dreams -- 24. 7. 1895 Disturbing the Sleep of the World - The Beginning of Psychoanalysis -- Bellevue - A Beautiful Prospect? -- In the Darkroom of the Unconscious -- Fin De Siècle Nervousness -- Towards the Development of Psychoanalysis -- The Soft Voice of the Intellect -The Post-War Years in Vienna.