The value of 'bearing witness' to desistance
In: Probation journal: the journal of community and criminal justice, Band 63, Heft 4, S. 408-424
ISSN: 1741-3079
This paper aims to contribute to the debate on making probation practice 'desistance-focused'. It does this through considering the body of knowledge on responding to trauma through 'bearing witness' to the person's story – attending to their values and lived experience – and applying this to probation practice. It addresses why the literature on trauma has relevance to work with people who have offended. Then it explores the epistemological, performative, moral and political dimensions of 'bearing witness' and the relevance of each of these to desistance. It highlights the potentially critical role of the audience (in this case the probation practitioner) in the co-construction of the desistance narrative. Additionally, the paper argues that insufficient attention has been paid to the moral space in which such narratives are co-constructed. In a context where the voices of people who have offended are silenced and their experiences of victimisation or structural violence are written out, I suggest that 'being present and being with another' (Naef, 2006: 146) enacts a moral responsibility to support a transition from object to subject and to recognise and endorse the humanity of those who have committed crimes. The paper provides a practice example of 'bearing witness' to desistance. Finally, it addresses potential challenges in asking probation officers to 'bear witness' to desistance.