8 Ergebnisse
Grundprincipper i socialpolitikken
In: Nyt Socialt Bibliotek, Socialpolitisk Forening
Work or support: an economic and social analysis of substitute permanent employment
In: Employment of special groups no. 2
In: O.E.C.D. Publications 20,465
The Nordic Welfare State Under Pressure: the Danish experience
In: Policy & politics, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 109-120
ISSN: 1470-8442
This paper emphasises the specifically Nordic origins of the Danish welfare state. Traditionally this model attributes a positive role to the state in the provision of free or low cost social services to all citizens, based on a deep seated commitment to the principles of equality and equity. However, the assumption that this system of welfare provision is costly by comparison with other member states is strongly challenged by reference to data which explore the range of statutory and employers' contributions to welfare services. Consequently when looking at the economic and monetary convergence criteria, necessary for further progress to European integration, the author argues the Danes are better placed than many to make the necessary fiscal adjustments.
The Nordic welfare state under pressure: the Danish experience
In: Policy & politics: advancing knowledge in public and social policy, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 109-120
ISSN: 0305-5736
Financing of local government with special reference to vertical and horizontal revenue sharing
Regional Conference on Local Self Governance People's Participation and Development : Preconditions for Peace and Stability, Kampala, Uganda 30 August - 4 September 1993. ; "Decentralization" is a label that is put on many bottles. '"Decentralization" may mean everything from "deconcentration", where the Central Government exerts its powers through satellites scattered around in the country; via "delegation" where the Central Government keeps control, but temporarily lends its power to subordinate units; to genuine "devolution", where the local governments have Powers to make their own binding decisions which cannot be reversed by any superior authority as long as they are consistent with the law, and where they have financial means of their own that cannot be taken away from them.
Offentlige udvalg og kommissioner: syltekrukke eller udenomsparlamentarisme? ; artikler fra Nordisk administrativt forbunds seminar om offentlige udvalg og kommissioner, november 1983
In: Danmarks forvaltningshøjskoles skriftserie
Nyere målsaetninger i socialpolitikken
In: Studier fra Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut 11