Brief communication: Western Europe flood in 2021 – mapping agriculture flood exposure from synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 22, Heft 9, S. 2921-2927
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. In this communication, we present the exposure of agricultural
lands to the flooding caused by extreme precipitation in western Europe from
12 to 15 July 2021. Overlaying the flood inundation maps
derived from the near-real-time RAdar-Produced Inundation Diary (RAPID)
system on the Coordination of information on the environment (CORINE) Land
Cover map we estimate a 1920 km2 area affected by the flooding,
with 64 % representing agricultural land. Among the inundated agricultural
land, 36 % of the area is pastures while 34 % is arable land. Most
agricultural flood exposure is found in eastern France along the Rhône
River, the southern Netherlands along the Meuse River, and western Germany along the
Rhine River.