Introduction --Fieldwork in the Y District and Elsewhere --Handling Contention in China: A Framework to Scrutinize the State's Position More Meticulously --Selective Implementation in the Offline Xinfang System --Institutional Absorption in the Online Xinfang System --How Local Authorities Handle Unyielding Complaints and Why Concessions Are Made --How Local Authorities Negotiate with Nail Residents and Why Concessions Are Made --Life Politics of Unyielding Complainants and Their Contention --Unyielding Complaints in China's Eclectic State.
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Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Fieldwork and Methodology -- Chapter 3. A Theoretical Framework of Protest Handling -- Chapter 4. Selective Implementation in the Offline Petition System -- Chapter 5. Institutional Absorption in the Online Petition System -- Chapter 6. The Handling of Nail-like Petitions -- Chapter 7. The Handling of Nail-like Residents -- Chapter 8. The Life Course of Nail-like Persons and Their Contention -- Chapter 9. The Hidden Rules Constraining Resistance -- Chapter 10. The Strength and Limits of China's Eclectic State.
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This book provides a framework of protest handling which redirects our attention away from the strength of protesters and towards the constraints of state power, drawing on detailed case studies randomly collected in 7 provinces in China over the last decade. It finds that the challenges of retaining legitimacy, the propensity for responsiveness, the contradictions of the petition system, and the dynamics of elite alignments are key elements shaping the fate of nail-like petitions. A nail-like person refers to the individual who looks like a stubborn nail on a plank of wood that cannot be easily hammered down. His persistent protest thus is theoretically puzzling, since such individual-based protest is assumed to be too weak to effectively challenge a powerful authoritarian regime. Although this phenomenon is widely observed in China, it is ignored by current studies on collective action. Meanwhile, this book delves into the life politics of nail-like persons and reveals that their escalation of grievance, marginalized social status, inability of pursuing desirable lives through legitimate means, and communication with fellow petitioners also reinforce their determination of contention. This book describes deeply the fate of individual-based protests in China. It scrutinizes the states role in shaping contention at its macro, intermediate, and micro levels, and meanwhile pay more attention to local specifics that are crucial to uncovering the logic of petitioners' actions and consciousness. This book has implications for scholars and graduates who are interested in contentious politics and state-society interactions in China.
1. Introduction : elites and governance in China / Xiaowei Zang and Chien-Wen Kou -- 2. Discourses of justice and class : impact of China's intellectual elites on social policy / Yingjie Guo -- 3. The role of intellectual elites in China's political reform : the discourse of governance / Yingjie Guo -- 4. Moving between the inner circle and the outer circle : think tanks and policy making in China / Quansheng Zhao -- 5. Master planning the nation : elites and the transformation of China's built environment / David Bray -- 6. Community governance and elite activism in urban China / Chunrong Liu -- 7. Intermediate associations, grassroots elites and collective petitioning in rural China / Yu Tao and Mingxing Liu -- 8. Information collection and anticorruption in China / Yongshun Cai.
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1. Between Islamic affiliation and gender inequality -- 2. Historical contexts and research design -- 3. A hard choice : to work or not to work? -- 4. Why do Uyghur men earn more than Uyghur women? -- 5. Who does household chores? -- 6. Who manages the household? -- 7. Who's the boss? -- 8. All in the family.
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This research paper uses Boellstorff’s book Coming of Age in Second Life (2008) and other relevant scholarship in order to facilitate an understanding of, and by extension deal with, the issues involved in conducting ethnographic research on virtual worlds. The argument that Boellstorff and many other scholars make, broadly speaking, is that people’s identities and forms of behavior is to some extent modified in virtual worlds (Boellstorff, 2008).
With the development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual live streamers emerge in the field of live streaming e-commerce. Previous studies have identified how human live streamers affect online sales performance. However, little is known about the virtual live streamer. Can virtual live streamers play a role in e-commerce as well as their human counterparts? The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of virtual live streamers on online sales performance from the perspective of source credibility. The perceived credibility of virtual live streamers can modify viewer behavior in the virtual live streaming room. The relevant data is thus generated and recorded by the e-commerce platform. We collected data from 300 virtual live streaming rooms in the e-commerce platform known as Using the behavior data, a multiple regression model was built to empirically study the relationship between the characteristics of virtual live streamers and online sales performance. The results showed that virtual live streamers' characteristics of trustworthiness, attractiveness, and expertise had a positive effect on online sales performance, whereas the characteristic of interactivity had an adverse effect. This study provides insight into the virtual live streamer. Virtual live streamers are still unable to interact with viewers in a human live streamer manner. Marketing managers should improve virtual live streamers to meet viewers' hedonic shopping motivations in the future.