28 Ergebnisse
The study was to reconstruct the background and conflict dynamics between the Dutch Indian government and local rulers in the Ajatappareng region. In addition, the study also described the post-conflict power relations in the region. Studies indicate that conflict between both sides is lattered by political and economic interests. This conflict began when the Dutch Indian government was about to rule directly over all the kingdoms of the Ajatappareng region (Sidenreng, Sawitto, Suppa, Rappang, and Alitta). Direct domination was meant not only to further consolidate the position of colonial rule but also to master potential economic resources for the interest of the Dutch Indian government. This conflict ended with the signing of korte verklaring, a statement of complete surrender to the Dutch Indian government. The implication was that the seat of authority of the local rulers, especially the royal central nobility and all the kingdoms in the Ajatappareng became the jurisdiction of the Dutch Indian government. The study using historical methods that explain matters according to historical perspective, through heuristic, source criticism of interpretation, and historiography.Keywords: conflict, power relations, and Ajatappareng
Kajian ini bertujuan mengungkap dan menjelaskan dinamika budaya politik Kerajaan Bone. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode sejarah, yang menjelaskan suatu persoalan berdasarkan perspektif sejarah melalui tahapan heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan politik pemerintahan Kerajaan Bone tidak didasarkan pada kekuasaan raja yang absolut. Kekuasaan dan kedudukan penguasa diatur berdasarkan pada kontrak pemerintahan antara raja dan rakyat, sehingga kekuasaannya tidak tak terbatas. Selain itu, budaya politik Kerajaan Bone juga berlandaskan pada nilai-nilai dasar budaya Bugis, seperti ada tongeng, lempuk, getteng, sipakatau, dan meppesona ri dewata seuwae juga berpegang teguh pada nilai-nilai demokrasi, bahwa batal ketetapan raja, tidak batal ketetapan adat, batal ketetapan adat, tidak batal ketetapan kaum, batal ketetapan kaum, tidak batal ketetapan rakyat. Namun ketika pemerintah kolonial melakukan intervensi, bahwa setiap pengangkatan seorang raja harus mendapat pengesahan dari pemerintah Hindia Belanda, sehingga panngadereng yang mengatur norma-norma kehidupan kemasyarakatan dan kenegaraan mengalami disfungsi, tertelebih setelah lembaga-lembaga ketatanegaraan kerajaan dihapuskan. ; Kajian ini bertujuan mengungkap dan menjelaskan dinamika budaya politik Kerajaan Bone. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode sejarah, yang menjelaskan suatu persoalan berdasarkan perspektif sejarah melalui tahapan heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan politik pemerintahan Kerajaan Bone tidak didasarkan pada kekuasaan raja yang absolut. Kekuasaan dan kedudukan penguasa diatur berdasarkan pada kontrak pemerintahan antara rajadan rakyat, sehingga kekuasaannya tidak tak terbatas. Selain itu, budaya politik Kerajaan Bone juga berlandaskan pada nilai-nilai dasar budaya Bugis, seperti ada tongeng, lempuk, getteng, sipakatau, dan meppesona ri dewata seuwae juga ...
The study was to reconstruct the background and conflict dynamics between the Dutch Indian government and local rulers in the Ajatappareng region. In addition, the study also described the post-conflict power relations in the region. Studies indicate that conflict between both sides is lattered by political and economic interests. This conflict began when the Dutch Indian government was about to rule directly over all the kingdoms of the Ajatappareng region (Sidenreng, Sawitto, Suppa, Rappang, and Alitta). Direct domination was meant not only to further consolidate the position of colonial rule but also to master potential economic resources for the interest of the Dutch Indian government. This conflict ended with the signing of korte verklaring, a statement of complete surrender to the Dutch Indian government. The implication was that the seat of authority of the local rulers, especially the royal central nobility and all the kingdoms in the Ajatappareng became the jurisdiction of the Dutch Indian government. The study using historical methods that explain matters according to historical perspective, through heuristic, source criticism of interpretation, and historiography. Keywords: conflict, power relations, and Ajatappareng
Oral traditions of the Kerinci community: proverbs, sayings, and old rules
In: ETNOSIA: jurnal etnografi Indonesia, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 66-81
ISSN: 2548-9747
Proverb of a community can indicate their level of knowledge on natural resource and forest management. These expressions are an effective way to learn about traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). Differences or similarities in the knowledge systems of various ethnic groups can be found by comparing their expressions. This traditional ecological knowledge is passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition. Oral traditions are not always reliable because they depend on memory and oral transmission. However, unlike proverbs, old sayings and societal rules have more validity by their nature. Proverbs and old sayings are expressions of fundamental truths or practical perceptions based on common sense or cultural experience. The Kerinci community in Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, is known to have these expressions, but it has not been documented. Therefore the significance of this research needs to be done. The maintenance of expressions of oral tradition is a task from generation to generation simultaneously so that the collection of expressions in the form of proverbs, proverbs, and local rules from a community group becomes essential for the development of science. This study aims to document and analyze the expressions of the people of Kerinci. The research method was carried out qualitatively with library research techniques and interviews with resource persons. The results show that there are 30 expressions of the Kerinci community consisting of proverbs and old rules. These expressions show that the people of Kerinci have the knowledge they get from nature and the ecosystem in which they live.
Strategi Bertahan Hidup Buruh Nelayan di Barombong Kec. Tamalate Kota Makassar
Strategy of Survive the Fishermen Laborers in Barombong Tamalate Sub-district, Makassar City. The purpose of this research is to determine the socio-economic condition of fishermen laborers and to know the income of fishermen laborers in met the needs of life reasonably and to know the Strategy of Survive the Fishermen Laborers in Barombong. This research is a type of survey research while based on the analysis approach including qualitative descriptive research with sample technique used is Random Sampling with a total sample is 149 respondents. There are three kinds of collecting data that used in this research, first Observation Techniques secondly Interview Techniques and thirdly Documentation Techniques. The results of this research are firstly Based on the socio-economic condition the level of education is still relatively low only finished primary school. Secondly the income level of fishermen laborers has a moderate income level which has 80.54 percent, based on UMP of South Sulawesi Province the income level of fishermen laborers has not met the needs of life reasonably. Thirdly The strategies employed by fishermen laborers in survival include adding working days, sending household members to work, and minimizing expenses, getting used to living frugally, and utilizing government programs.
Impact of pollution prevention strategies on environment sustainability: role of environmental management accounting and environmental proactivity
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 30, Heft 38, S. 88891-88904
ISSN: 1614-7499
Responsible leadership and business sustainability: Exploring the role of corporate social responsibility and managerial discretion
In: Business and Society Review, Band 127, Heft 3, S. 701-724
ISSN: 1467-8594
AbstractIn today's world, businesses are involved in several different initiatives to gain sustainable performance, which can discourse the expectations and demands of society. Emerging economics faces numerous challenges in terms of social, relational, governance, and financial, which made it necessary for firms to perform responsibly in order to make positive contributions toward sustainability. Therefore, this study based on upper‐echelon theory constructs a comprehensive framework on responsible leadership, corporate social responsibility, and managerial discretion to provide the guideline for business sustainability. To fulfill the study purpose, an empirical analysis was performed on 382 Pakistani respondents' data by using PLS‐SEM through SmartPLS. Outcomes of the study indicated that responsible leadership entails enormous importance in corporations to influence their impact on society, environment, and economy, which leads to business sustainability. Moreover, the study provides insights into that more responsible and experienced leaders are better able to identify the concerns of their firm's stakeholders in the manners of relational, governing, and orientational perspectives, which help them in satisfying the stakeholders' and society's demands. Hence, responsible leadership enables the firm to better strive for sustainability by applying better CSR activities and directing the decisions by maintaining the compliance of the managers. Furthermore, the current study concluded that the managers and leaders of firms need to develop their business models in such a way that it supports the triple bottom line performance of the firm so that they can achieve sustainability. This study would help managers of firms to realize that they should reexamine their leadership practices and behaviors with the consideration of the triple bottom line framework and integrate the sustainable approach and CSR practice into their business strategy so that they can accomplish the goal of sustainability for business and fulfill the social demands and expectations.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis strategi peningkatan pajak reklame, pajak restoran dan pajak hotel di Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Kolaka. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualititf dengan informan berjumlah sebanyak 6 orang yang ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi, Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif model interaktif yang mencakup pengumpulan data yang terintegrasi dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi peningkatan pajak reklame, pajak restoran, dan pajak hotel di Bapenda Kabupaten Kolaka yakni strategi berbasis demokrasi dan akuntabilitas yang mencakup penemuan, penilaian, pembebanan, sensitisasi, pengumpulan, dan kepatuhan, namun strategi-strategi tersebut seluruhnya belum terimplementasi secara optimal dan komprehensif. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Peningkatan, Pajak Daerah
ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis upaya implementasi PP No. 18 Tahun 2016 tentang Perangkat Daerah dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam implementasi PP No.18 Tahun 2016 tentang Perangkat Daerah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penedekatan kualitaatif, dengan jumlah informan terdiri dari 5 orang, teknik pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Analisis data yang digunak adalah reduksi data,Penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/ ferivikasi. Hasil penelian menunjukan bahwa iimplementasi PP Nomor 18 Tahun 2016 tentang Perangkat Daerah sudah berjalan dengan baik namun masih ada sebagian SKPD yang belum melaksanakan secara sempurnah. Hal ini dipengaruhi beberapa faktor diantaranya faktor sumber daya manusia, komunikasi, sikap dan struktur birokrasi. Kata kunci : Implementasi, Kebijakan, Peraturan Pemerintah No 18 Tahun 2016, Struktur Organisasi. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to datermine And analyze efforts to implement PP No 18 of 2016 concerning regional apparatuses and to Find out and factors in the implementation of government Regulation No 18 of 2016 concerning Regional apparatuses. This research method user qualitative approach, with the number of informants consisting of 5 people, the technique of selecting informants using purposive sampling techniques, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and literature study. Analysis of the data used is data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/fermentation. The results of the study indicate thet the implementation of implgovernment regulation number 18 year 2016 regarding regional apparatuses has been running well bur there are still some SKPD that hove not implemented it perfectly. This is influenced by several factors inclouding human resources, communication attitudes and bucratic structures Keywotds: Implementation, Policy, Government Regulation No 18, Organizasional Structure.
Studi Perbandingan: Rekrutmen Calon Anggota Legislative Kaitannya dengan Fungsi Partai Politik
Fungsi Rekrutmen Partai Politik Terhadap Rekrutmen Calon Anggota Legislatif Dibeberapa Negara, Oleh Patawari. Tujuan Penelitian ini Adalah untuk mengetahui konsep Dan ketentuan rekrutmen yang dilakukan oleh partai politik terhadap Calon anggota legislatif dibeberapa Negara. Metode Yang digunakan Adalah menggunakan pendekatan konsep, Dan pendekatan perbandingan, terhadap beberapa negara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertama, fungsi fungsi partai politik dalam melakukan rekrutmen bukan Hanya dilakukan tingkat legislatif, Dan Eksekutif, bahkan partai politik dapat melakukan rekrutmen untuk mengisi kursi yudikatif. dengan ketentuan bahwa partai politk diberikan ruang oleh konstitui atau perundang undangan. Kedua, Terhadap beberapa negara dalam melakukan rekrutmen pada legislatif pada dasarnya bevariasi berdasarkan Konstitusi negara masing masing. Political Party Recruitment Function Against Recruitment of Candidates for Legislative Members in Several Countries, by Patawari. The purpose of this study is to find out the concepts and conditions of recruitment carried out by political parties against candidates for legislative members in several countries. The method used is to use a conceptual approach, and a comparative approach, for several countries. The research results show that First, the function of political parties in recruiting is not only done at the legislative level, and the executive, even political parties can recruit to fill judicial seats. provided that political parties are given space by constituents or legislation. Second, the number of countries in conducting recruitment to the legislature basically varies based on the Constitution of each country.
CFD simulation of copper(II) extraction with TFA in non-dispersive hollow fiber membrane contactors
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 25, Heft 12, S. 12053-12063
ISSN: 1614-7499
Technological development through imports of capital goods: time series study of Pakistan
In: International journal of academic research, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 316-320
ISSN: 2075-7107
Longing for Belonging in Erdrich's The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse
In: Global social sciences review: an open access, triple-blind peer review, multidisciplinary journal, Band IV, Heft IV, S. 517-524
ISSN: 2616-793X
part from its predecessors Tracks and Four Souls, Louise Erdrich's Last Report on the Miracle sat Little No Horse does not narrate the struggle and suffering of natives to preserve native lands,traditions, and culture, but the auto/biographical notes of the leading characters of the novel, their longing and belonging for/to the particular places or people. Both non-Native and native narratives of the novel critically engage this claim that Erdrich approaches indigenous values from many perspectives: the liminal, native, or western.This study claims that the contemporary tribal view of the indigenous culture cannot be restricted to pure Native American voice but is also determined by Euro-American voice because the contemporary Native American culture is the interaction of Native and non-Native elements.
Konstribusi Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dalam Penanganan HIV-AIDS di Kota Kendari : Studi Pada Lembaga Advokasi HIV- AIDS Sulawesi Tenggara
The purpose of this study was to determine how the role of NGOs in handling HIV-AIDS in Kendari City and to find out how to handle NGOs in handling HIV-AIDS in Kendari City. The subjects in this study were the Southeast Sulawesi Province Board of Directors consisting of the Director of Laha, Laha Staff, PLWHA in Kendari City, PLWHA Community, Social Service Apparatus, and Health Service Apparatus The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the research show that NGO LAHA plays a role as a Facilitator, Broker, Mediator, Defender, Protector in Dealing with HIV-AIDS In the city of Kendari, the HIV-AIDS Management Program, namely Improving Communication,. Information and Education of HIV-AIDS, increases efforts to reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases sexually, increasing universal awareness in the provision of health services and cooperation between the Kendari City Government and the NGO LAHA still lacking in the handling of HIV-AIDS that occurred in Kendari CityKeywords :Handling, HIV-AIDS, NGO, Laha. Role