135 Ergebnisse
Institutioneller Rassismus in der Justiz
Blog: Verfassungsblog
Bengt Fuchs, Richter am VG Gera, steht unter Verdacht, seine richterliche Unabhängigkeit missbraucht zu haben. Er lehnte Klagen von Geflüchteten aus Nigeria und Eritrea deutlich häufiger ab als seine Kolleg*innen im Bundesdurchschnitt. Rassismus in der Justiz gefährdet die politische Gleichheit aller Bürger*innen und dient damit der autoritär-populistischen Strategie, die Erzählung vom "wahren", weißen Volk Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Es braucht deshalb dringend mehr Forschung und einen rassismussensiblen Bewusstseinswandel in der Justiz.
Sekolah Staf Dan Komando Angkatan Darat (SESKOAD): Doktrin Dan Implementasi Lewat Seminar Angkatan Darat 1965 – 1974
This reasearch discusses the history of the birth of the Army Staff and Command School (SESKOAD) and the development of curriculum and doctrine in 1965-1974. This research uses historical research methods. The sources used in this study are primary and secondary sources. Primary sources used in the form of archives, interviews, newspapers and periodicals. While the secondary sources used are books relating to the research theme. The Army Staff and Command School (SESKOAD) is a higher education institution in the Army. Its formation in 1951 was aimed at fulfilling the positions of officers and staff within the Army. The Army Staff and Command School also played a role in developing doctrines in the Army to the TNI. The tasks carried out by SESKOAD were important in the development of the TNI since its inception. The results of the study concluded that SESKOAD as an educational institution did not only play a role in the Army and TNI. Through the Army Seminar II organized by SESKOAD, the development of doctrine made an expansion in the role of the educational institution. The development of the New Order became one of the discussions in the Army Seminar II which emphasized the role of SESKOAD not only in the military field, but more broadly at the national level, especially in government.
Optimizing routing and radio resource allocation for Multihop D2D Communications in 5G Networks ; Optimisation du routage et de l'allocation des ressources radio pour les communications D2D multi-saut dans les réseaux 5G
Recently, Device-to-Device (D2D) has been brought inside mobile (cellular) networks with the introduction of the LTE-D2D standard into the 5G ecosystem. This cellular D2D operates in the same operator's frequencies used for regular communications with access points (i.e., base stations). In D2D mode, terminals can communicate directly and do not need to go through a base station. However, D2D communications are authorized and controlled by operators to implement their requirements and policies. A notable example of D2D is data offloading, which helps in reducing traffic congestion in mobile networks. In this scenario, terminals collaborate using their D2D connections to carry data, usually over multiple D2D hops, using other terminals as relays and avoiding base stations. However, the latter still must decide on routing (e.g., which devices should be part of the path) and wireless resource allocation (which frequencies to use by devices). Also, base stations must manage interferences between D2D and cellular communication since they all share the same spectrum. Besides, there is also the energy issue in employing battery-constrained terminals as relays. Another concern, in offloading designs, is how they scale when terminals density increases, such as in crowded-platform scenarios. These scenarios include mobile users in waiting halls of airports and train stations, or stadiums. In such situations, the decision problems mentioned before must be solved rapidly. Doing so avoids long delays in communications that can affect user experience or limit responsiveness. In this thesis, we address the problem of optimizing routing and wireless resource allocation in multihop D2D systems with a focus on data offloading. Our proposals to solve the problem consider practical aspects of the LTE-D2D standard. Moreover, we also address the mentioned energy and scalability concerns. We propose three contributions to deal with these problems. In the first contribution, we propose a novel method (JRW-D2D) to solve jointly routing and resource allocation in the aim of offloading unicast flows inside one cell over the LTE-D2D relaying system. The proposal JRW-D2D is based on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and gives good results in terms of reliability, latency, and acceptance ratio. In the second contribution, we present two methods to solve the same problem for both unicast and multicast traffic. In the first step, we introduce an optimal ILP-based method (JRW-D2D-MC) to solve routing and resource allocation jointly. Next, to address the scalability issue in JRW-D2D-MC, we propose another scalable method (JRW-D2D-CG) based on the Column-Generation technique. Finally, our third contribution considers the energy issue, where we put forward two energy-aware schemes to solve routing and resource allocation. Initially, we propose an ILP-based method for Energy-Efficient Joint Routing and Resource Allocation (JRRA-EE). In the next step, we highlight the non-scalability of JRRA-EE and introduce a novel parametric three-stage method called Heuristic Energy-aware Routing and Resource Allocation (HERRA). Both JRRA-EE and HERRA consider energy consumption using a state-of-the-art empirical model for LTE-D2D terminals. Moreover, we evaluate the performance of our contributions based on network simulations in NS-3, which we have extended to support the LTE-D2D standard. ; Récemment, D2D (Device-to-Device) a été intégré aux réseaux mobiles avec l'introduction de la norme LTE-D2D dans l'écosystème 5G. Ce D2D cellulaire fonctionne aux mêmes fréquences que l'opérateur utilisé pour les communications régulières avec les points d'accès (c.à.d. les stations de base). En mode D2D, les terminaux peuvent communiquer directement et n'ont pas besoin de passer par une station de base. Cependant, les communications D2D sont autorisées et contrôlées par les opérateurs pour mettre en œuvre leurs exigences et leurs politiques. Le délestage de données est un exemple notable de D2D, qui aide à réduire la congestion du trafic dans les réseaux mobiles. Dans ce scénario, les terminaux collaborent en utilisant leurs connexions D2D pour transporter les données, généralement sur plusieurs sauts D2D, en utilisant d'autres terminaux comme relais et en évitant les stations de base. Toutefois, ces derniers doivent décider du routage (par exemple, quels terminaux devraient faire partie du chemin) et de l'allocation de ressources sans fil (quelles fréquences à utiliser par les terminaux). De plus, les stations de base doivent gérer les interférences entre les communications, D2D et cellulaires, car elles partagent toutes le même spectre. En outre, il y a aussi le problème énergétique lié à l'utilisation de relais soumis aux contraintes de batterie. Un autre enjeu, dans ces conceptions de délestage, concerne la manière dont elles évoluent lorsque la densité des terminaux augmente (p. ex., dans les scénarios de plate-forme surpeuplée). Ces scénarios incluent des utilisateurs mobiles dans les halls d'attente des aéroports et des gares, ou des stades. Dans de telles situations, les problèmes de décision susmentionnés doivent être résolus rapidement. Cela évite de longs délais dans les communications qui peuvent affecter l'expérience utilisateur ou limiter la réactivité. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons le problème de l'optimisation du routage et de l'allocation de ressources sans fil dans les systèmes D2D multi-sauts en mettant l'accent sur le délestage de données. Nos propositions pour résoudre le problème prennent en compte les aspects pratiques de la norme LTE-D2D. De plus, nous répondons également aux enjeux mentionnés en matière d'énergie et d'évolutivité. Nous proposons trois contributions pour traiter ces problèmes. Dans la première contribution, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode (JRW-D2D) pour résoudre conjointement le routage et l'allocation de ressources afin de délester des flux unicast sur un système de relais LTE-D2D. La proposition JRW-D2D est basée sur la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers (ILP) et donne de bons résultats en termes de fiabilité, de latence et de taux d'acceptation. Dans la deuxième contribution, nous présentons deux méthodes pour résoudre le même problème pour les trafics unicast et multicast. Dans la première étape, nous présentons une méthode optimale basée sur ILP (JRW-D2D-MC) pour résoudre conjointement le routage et l'allocation de ressources. Ensuite, pour résoudre le problème de non-évolutivité de JRW-D2D-MC, nous proposons une autre méthode évolutive (JRW-D2D-CG) basée sur la génération de colonnes. Enfin, notre troisième contribution aborde la question de l'énergie, dans laquelle nous avons présenté deux systèmes axés sur l'énergie pour résoudre les problèmes de routage et d'allocation de ressources. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une méthode (JRRA-EE) basée sur ILP. Dans l'étape suivante, nous mettons en évidence la non-évolutivité de JRRA-EE et présentons une nouvelle méthode paramétrique à trois étapes appelée (HERRA) et basée sur l'heuristique. Les deux méthodes JRRA-EE et HERRA considèrent la consommation d'énergie à l'aide d'un modèle empirique de pointe pour les terminaux LTE-D2D. De plus, nous évaluons la performance de nos contributions sur la base de simulations de réseau dans NS-3 que nous avons étendu pour prendre en charge la norme LTE-D2D.
Promosi Perpustakaan dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kunjungan Perpustakaan
Library is one the information sources with an ability to comprise knowledge, technology, art, and culture. It is also an institution that has democratic, economic and strategic position to make endeaver to educate nation and play a role as an instrument to conduct an active learning as well as long life education lifelong learning for either individual or collective.
Harris: Iraq: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture (Book Review)
In: The Middle East journal, Band 14, S. 478
ISSN: 0026-3141
The Effects of Psi Morphology on the Detection Efficiency of the Au-Nps Hot Spot SERS Sensors
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 157-166
ISSN: 0067-2904
This work is related to the investigation of the effects of porous silicon (PSi) morphologies on the performance of plasmonic gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) hot spot SERS sensors for the detection of amoxicillin molecules. Two Si wafers with different resistivity values of 10 and 100 Ω.cm were used to synthesize a PSi layer of pores- and mud-like structures, respectively, by pulsed photo chemical etching process. The hot spot SERS sensors were synthesized by incorporating the Au-NPs within the PSi morphologies of pores- and mud- like structures which are characterized by high density of nucleation sites. Plasmonic Au- NPs with different sizes and hot spot regions were incorporated into the porous structures by the ion reduction process. It was recognized that the PSi morphologies have a considerable influence on the fabrication process of the detection sensors and, consequently, on the detection process. The plasmonic Au-NPs hot spot SERS sensor based on the PSi morphology of the mud-like structures shows higher sensitivity than that of pores-like structures, even at very low concentrations of amoxicillin solutions.
World Affairs Online
ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui stratergi komunikasi caleg DPRD Muna pada pemilu tahun 2019 dalam meraih dukungan pemilih pemula di kecamatan Pasikolaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Harold D. Lasswell yaitu cara yang terbaik untuk menerangkan kegiatan komunikasi adalah menjawab pertanyaan siapa, apa yang disampaikan, media apa yang digunakan, siapa sasarannya, dan bagaimana efeknya. Kemudian metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Kualitatif adapun teknik penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang digunakan caleg ada 3 (tiga) yaitu strategi dor to dor, kampanye atau diskusi dan money politik. Sedangkan untuk pesan yang disampaikan caleg kepada pemilih pemula untuk meraih dukungan yaitu pesan yang bersifat persuasif atau membujuk, pesan yang bersifat memaksa dan mengajak. Untuk media yang digunakan caleg dalam menyampaikan pesan kepada pemilih pemula untuk meraih dukungan yaitu media online seperti WhatsApp, Instagram dan Facebook, selain itu para celeg juga membuat baliho juga membagikan stiker dan kartu nama kepada pemilih pemula agar mudah di ingat pada saat pemilihan di TPS. Kata Kunci: Strategi Komunikasi, Caleg, dan Pemilih Pemula
Image Fusion Based on the Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform and Average Gradient
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 6603-6616
ISSN: 0067-2904
The goal of fusing multi-focus images is to obtain one image that has all the significant features from each input. The fusion process is needed because of the limitations of the optical lens depth of field that is used to capture images, so images of various focused regions are produced. In this paper, a multi-focus image fusion algorithm is proposed. It is based on utilizing the biorthogonal wavelet transform to extract details and edges from the input images by making the approximation subband equal zero and applying an inverse transform to get images that have only edges, lines, and details. The average gradient metric, which is used to represent sharpness and clarity, is calculated as an activity measurement for each NxN block of the resulted edge images and is used to merge the corresponding blocks of the multi-focus input images to produce the fused one. Consistency verification is used to improve the fusion process. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated and contrasted with a number of other state-of-the-art fusion methods. Experimental results clearly show that the suggested approach is a feasible and efficient multi-focus imaging technique.
Levels of Hell in the Sunnah
In: Journal of ecohumanism, Band 3, Heft 7, S. 3468-3478
ISSN: 2752-6801
This research is allocated to studying what is stated in Sunnah about the levels of Hell, to derive benefits from it and prove the facts. Its importance comes from the absence of an independent study on this topic. After the introduction, I divided the research, into an introduction and two sections: The first section: The partitions of the levels of Hell, and the second section: The lowest level of Hell. Then I concluded the research with a conclusion in which I showed the most important results, then a list of sources and references. It has been proven that Hell has seven gates and that each gate represents a level of the levels of Hell. As for the names of these levels and who will be punished in them, this has not been proven by any authentic Hadith. It has also been proven that the people of Hell vary in the degrees of their punishment, and that the lowest level of Hell is its bottom, and its depth is enormous, estimated at seventy years for the sake of increasing, where the hypocrites, the oppressors, and the arrogant reside.
Generalizations of Supplemented and Lifting Semimodules
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 3876-3889
ISSN: 0067-2904
In this paper, principally supplemented (-supplemented), and principally lifting (-lifting) semimodules are defined as generalizations of principally supplemented (-supplemented), and principally lifting (-lifting) modules. Let be a semiring. An -semimodule is called a principally supplemented (-supplemented) semimodule, if for all there exists a subsemimodule of with and small (-small) in . In this paper, we examine properties of principally -supplemented semimodules and generalize results on principally -supplemented modules to semimodules. Besides, we characterize -semiperfect semimodules as a generalization of -semiperfect modules.
Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa (SIPADES) is a village asset administration recording application. This application provides orderly administrative facilities for the village so that the risk of losing assets can be reduced. The purpose of this study is to test and prove various individual aspects that affect operator competence in running SIPADES. The focus of the study is on the internal factors which include anxiety and computer attitudes. Another factor tested was operator training in using SIPADES in the Situbondo District Government. The data used in this study are primary data. The technique of obtaining data using a survey method. The population that is the object of research is all of the operator of the SIPADES application in Situbondo Regency. Four hypotheses were tested using multiple regression. The gender variable was used as the control variable. The results show that all hypotheses can be accepted. The variables of anxiety, attitude, and training have an effect on the operator's competence in operating SIPADES. The implication of the research is that the village government should increase the number of SIPADES operator training. This training can increase competence to run applications.
AbstrakGuru adalah pendidik profesional dengan tugas untuk mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah. Guru mempunyai kedudukan sebagai tenaga profesional pada jenjang pendidikan dasar, pendidikan menengah, dan pendidikan anak usia dini pada jalur pendidikan formal yang diangkat sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu: pertama, pengakuan kedudukan guru sebagai tenaga profesional dibuktikan dengan sertifikat pendidik. Kedua, Kedudukan guru sebagai tenaga profesional berfungsi untuk meningkatkan martabat dan peran guru sebagai agen pembelajaran berfungsi untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan nasional ketiga, Kedudukan guru dan dosen sebagai tenaga profesional bertujuan untuk melaksanakan sistem pendidikan nasional dan mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional, yaitu berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, serta menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggung jawab. AbstractA teacher is a professional educator with the task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal education, basic education, and secondary education. The teacher has a position as a professional at the level of basic education, secondary education, and early childhood education in the formal education pathways that are appointed by laws and regulations, namely: first, the recognition of the position of teachers as professionals as evidenced by certificates of educators. Second, the position of the teacher as a professional staff function to improve the dignity and the role of the teacher as a learning agent functions to improve the quality of national education. Third, the position of the teacher and lecturer as professional staff aims to implement the national education system ...