Catherine Lanoë (dir.), « Revêtir des idées. Habits, parures et politique en France (XVIe-XXIe siècles) », Parlement[s]. Revue d'histoire politique, n° 34, 2021
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
14 Ergebnisse
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
In: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Band 2, Heft 77
ISSN: 0719-8442
El trabajo tiene por objeto el resarcimiento del daño moral en los delitos de violencia de género en el sistema español. El daño moral, con carácter general, es una figura compleja debido a la imposibilidad de establecer una definición determinada del mismo y a sus características inherentes. En los procedimientos penales de violencia de género cobra una especial relevancia debido a las particulares circunstancias que suelen concurrir en este tipo de delitos. Es por ello que, en el presente estudio se examinan las notas generales que caracterizan el daño moral y se delimita esta figura frente a otras tipologías de daños, para seguidamente analizar los problemas que surgen en los procedimientos de violencia de género tanto para su acreditación como para su apreciación, concluyendo con una valoración final.
In: Human Rights Research Series 90
Armed groups have played a predominant role in the violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law committed in conflict settings. The increase in the number of non-international armed conflicts during the past decades has emphasised the need to address the multiple legal challenges posed by the actions of armed groups. In particular, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the framework of responsibility for armed groups in international law. While much has been written regarding their international (primary) obligations, the possibility of developing a responsibility framework for armed groups under international law has been underexplored. Consequently, the aim of this book is to examine how the principles of international responsibility could be developed and adjusted to account for armed groups as collective entities. This general aim has been divided into three specific objectives. First, the book analyses the concept of responsibility in international law and assesses the legal and practical reasons in favour of developing such a regime for armed groups. Second, it examines the viability of establishing a responsibility regime for armed groups based on rules of attribution. Third, it explores the possible legal consequences of responsibility applicable to armed groups, with a particular focus on the obligation to provide reparations to victims. In doing so, this book will argue that certain non-traditional sources of international law could be used to interpret and adapt international law to the current conditions of contemporary armed conflict.
In: Human Rights Research Series Volume 90
Armed groups have played a predominant role in the violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law committed in conflict settings. The increase in the number of non-international armed conflicts during the past decades has emphasised the need to address the multiple legal challenges posed by the actions of armed groups. In particular, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the framework of responsibility for armed groups in international law. While much has been written regarding their international (primary) obligations, the possibility of developing a responsibility framework for armed groups under international law has been underexplored. Consequently, the aim of this book is to examine how the principles of international responsibility could be developed and adjusted to account for armed groups as collective entities.00This general aim has been divided into three specific objectives. First, the book analyses the concept of responsibility in international law and assesses the legal and practical reasons in favour of developing such a regime for armed groups. Second, it examines the viability of establishing a responsibility regime for armed groups based on rules of attribution. Third, it explores the possible legal consequences of responsibility applicable to armed groups, with a particular focus on the obligation to provide reparations to victims. In doing so, this book will argue that certain non-traditional sources of international law could be used to interpret and adapt international law to the current conditions of contemporary armed conflict
In: European Society of International Law (ESIL) 2016 Research Forum (Istanbul)
Working paper
In: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales, Número 31, Junio 2016.
In: Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 91-113
ISSN: 1988-2572
International audience ; En novembre 2015, Laura Alvarez et David Aruquipa participèrent, avec trois autres membres du collectif TLGB de Bolivie, au "Premier sommet planétaire de décolonisation et dépatriarcalisation : lutte contre le racisme et toutes les formes de discrimination ». Deux mois plus tard, ils se sont réunis avec Pascale Absi pour discuter de leurs impressions et de la place de ce sommet dans leur trajectoire militante.
International audience ; En novembre 2015, Laura Alvarez et David Aruquipa participèrent, avec trois autres membres du collectif TLGB de Bolivie, au "Premier sommet planétaire de décolonisation et dépatriarcalisation : lutte contre le racisme et toutes les formes de discrimination ». Deux mois plus tard, ils se sont réunis avec Pascale Absi pour discuter de leurs impressions et de la place de ce sommet dans leur trajectoire militante.
International audience ; En novembre 2015, Laura Alvarez et David Aruquipa participèrent, avec trois autres membres du collectif TLGB de Bolivie, au "Premier sommet planétaire de décolonisation et dépatriarcalisation : lutte contre le racisme et toutes les formes de discrimination ». Deux mois plus tard, ils se sont réunis avec Pascale Absi pour discuter de leurs impressions et de la place de ce sommet dans leur trajectoire militante.
In many Thermus thermophilus strains, nitrate respiration is encoded in mobile genetic regions, along with regulatory circuits that modulate its expression based on anoxia and nitrate presence. The oxygen-responsive system has been identified as the product of the dnrST (dnr) operon located immediately upstream of the nar operon (narCGHJIKT), which encodes the nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrate/nitrite transporters. In contrast, the nature of the nitrate sensory system is not known. Here, we analyse the putative nitrate-sensing role of the bicistronic drp operon (drpAB) present downstream of the nar operon in most denitrifying Thermus spp. Expression of drp was found to depend on the master regulator DnrT, whereas the absence of DrpA or DrpB increased the expression of both DnrS and DnrT and, concomitantly, of the NR. Absence of both proteins made expression from the dnr and nar operons independent of nitrate. Polyclonal antisera allowed us to identify DrpA as a periplasmic protein and DrpB as a membrane protein, with capacity to bind to the cytoplasmic membrane. Here, we propose a role for DrpA/DrpB as nitrate sensors during denitrification. ; This work was supported by grant BIO2016-77031-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and grant 685474 from the H2020 research and innovation program of the European Union. An institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Areces to the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO) is also acknowledged
In: The China quarterly, Band 252, S. 1045-1065
ISSN: 1468-2648
AbstractDuring the current global COVID-19 crisis Taiwan has portrayed itself as both an example for other countries to follow and as a country willing to assist others in their own efforts with the virus. Taiwan has also renewed efforts to participate in the World Health Organization (WHO), an organisation from which it is currently excluded. Although some countries have supported Taiwan's efforts to participate in the WHO or have praised its COVID-19 response, others have been silent or even critical, sometimes citing commitments to a "one China policy." In this paper, we use newly collected data to explore cross-national variation in support for Taiwan during the current pandemic. We find that a country's level of economic development and security ties with the US are strongly correlated with support for Taiwan while a country's economic ties to China is a less consistent predictor.
Open Science calls for transparent science and involvement of various stakeholders. Here are examples of and advice for meaningful stakeholder engagement. ; Ana Lúcia Mena was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT. The Soy-in-1000-gardens project and the Liver project were funded within the Grand Challenges Program of VIB. This VIB Program received support from the Flemish Government under the Management Agreement 2017–2021 (VR 2016 2312 Doc.1521/4). Inês Pinheiro funded by ANR LabEx DEEP (11-LBX-0044, ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02) and by Institut Curie. We acknowledge support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to the EMBL partnership, the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. We acknowledge funding from European Commission (EC): 741527