8 Ergebnisse
Educational and Social Needs in Small All-Black Towns
In: The journal of negro education: JNE ;a Howard University quarterly review of issues incident to the education of black people, Band 47, Heft 3, S. 244
ISSN: 2167-6437
Venereal disease: College students' knowledge and attitudes∗
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 223-230
ISSN: 1559-8519
Science and Non-Science Majors in Three Predominantly Black Colleges
In: The journal of negro education: JNE ;a Howard University quarterly review of issues incident to the education of black people, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 117
ISSN: 2167-6437
The Village Influence on Punjabi Farm Modernization
In: The American journal of sociology, Band 79, Heft 4, S. 967-980
ISSN: 1537-5390
Academic Aspirations and Financial Preparations for College
In: The journal of negro education: JNE ;a Howard University quarterly review of issues incident to the education of black people, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 126
ISSN: 2167-6437
Female Delinquency: Goal Obstruction and Anomie
In: Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 107-110
ISSN: 1755-618X
S'inspirant de Cohen et de Merton, les auteurs enoncent l'hypothese que la delin‐quence feminine pourrait etre la consequence de l'ensemble des difficultes que percoivent les jeunes filles dans la poursuite et la realisation de leur desir de se marier. Un groupe experimental d'adolescentes delinquentes et un groupe‐con‐trole de filles frequentant deux ecoles superieures furent utilisees. Elles durent remplir un questionnaire comportant un index de difficultes et trois echelles distinctes de delinquence, d'angoisse et d'anomie. Les resultats demontrent le fait suivant: bien que les delinquentes pergoivent moins d'obstacles que les autres par rapport a un mariage eventuel, elles manifestent tout de meme plus d'angoisse et plus d'anomie. On essaie d'expliquer ce resultat inattendu.Inspired by Cohen and Merton the authors hypothesize that female delinquency may be the result of difficulties perceived by girls in the fulfillment of their marital goal. A test group of delinquent girls and a control group of high school girls were administered a questionnaire with an obstacle index, and three separate scales on delinquency, anxiety, and anomie. The findings revealed that although delinquent girls perceived fewer obstacles to their marital goal, they showed higher delinquency, greater anxiety, and higher anomie. The possible explanations are discussed.