This note looks at the dilemmas faced in the application of conditions on governance by the international financial institutions (IFI) in the course of their lending operations in member states. Governance relates to the activities of governments and other public sector entities in the exercise of their financial and regulatory functions and that bear directly on the proper use of funds provided by the IFI. Given the extensive range of state action, conditions relating to governance can apply to diverse areas, including the allocation of public expenditures and the collection of taxes, the rules affecting procurement of goods and services by public authorities, the effectiveness of the judicial system in enforcing contracts and the arbitration of claims and obligations between governments and all the social entities they deal with.
This study examined the mechanisms of employing artificial intelligence in the Saudi press and its implications for the development of journalistic content. It aims to identify the extent to which artificial intelligence techniques are employed in the Saudi press, the most prominent techniques used, measure the extent of journalistic leaders' awareness of the role of artificial intelligence techniques in the development of journalistic content, and reveal the most important Challenges facing the use of artificial intelligence techniques in Saudi journalism, and how to overcome them. The importance of the study is highlighted by the fact that it examines the extent to which Saudi newspapers keep up with modern technologies to develop their journalistic content, and the extent of clarity of vision among Saudi press leaders regarding artificial intelligence technologies, and their importance in media transformation, especially in light of the technical challenges and rapid developments in the media industry. The researcher relied on the survey method to monitor the opinions of journalistic and technical leaders in the newspapers of the study sample through in-depth, unstructured interviews, to obtain deeper knowledge about the variables of the study. The study concluded that the use of artificial intelligence techniques in the Saudi press is very limited, and thus its weak reflection on the development of journalistic content. The results of the study revealed that there is a disparity in the level of awareness and knowledge of the role of artificial intelligence techniques in journalistic work, among editors-in-chief on the one hand, and between editors-in-chief and technology managers on the other hand, in addition to the lack of a clear vision and future strategies for Saudi press institutions in benefiting from artificial intelligence, which created a gap between the content presented in these newspapers and what the public is looking for. Moreover, the results of the study also showed that there are many challenges facing the use of artificial intelligence techniques in the Saudi press, the traditional way in which Saudi newspapers operate the inefficiency of applications in supporting the Arabic language, and the danger of fake information.
The construction of the diasporic identity is inextricably linked to the collective memory of home culture: its geography, history, traumatic experiences, and achievements. This paper tackles the effect of trans-generational trauma, diaspora, and collective memories on the second generation of diasporic individuals as represented in selected poems by the Palestinian-American poet Hala Alyan. It traces the development of her exilic identity through the analysis of selected poems by her, written over different periods of time. The poems have been chosen from Alyan's volumes: Atrium (2012), Hijra (2016), the Twenty Ninth Year (2019), and an individual poem published in (2020). The paper examines some significant concepts such as: diaspora, trans-generational trauma, displacement, and home-seeking. The paper argues that trans-generational experiences and collective memories can affect the formation of the identity of second-generational immigrants. It contends that what happened in the past will affect the subsequent generations, and they will permanently be haunted by it.
In this era, technology is playing a central role in many areas of human life, but the classical hardcopy-based approaches are still being used for land registration. The Internet-based methods provide excellent facilities for overcoming the drawbacks handwritten-based style and communication among different government sectors. Nowadays, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used to build professional electronic systems as big steps towards the Electronic government (E-government) system. One of the most important section of the E-government is the E-Land-Registration (ELR). Duhok Land Directorate, together with its sub-directorates work on a huge amount of data to process. These directorates suffer from the classical hardcopy-based approaches, so building an ELR system will reduce both the time consumption and paper waste. The improvement of the land registration system will also allow integration with the E-government system. The improvement of the land registration will enable communication between the land registration staff in one side and administration and financial directorates on the other. In this thesis, an efficient ELR system for Duhok land registration is proposed. The services of the database management system cover Employee Registration Module, Estates Registration Module, Operation Type Module, Estate Owners Module, Estate Status Module, View Information Module, and Login Employee Module. HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap tools were used for the design and implementation stages of the proposed ELR. ; TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT……….……………………………………….……………………….……HA TA! YER İŞARETİ TANIMLANMAMIŞ. TABLE OF CONTENTS .III LIST OF FIGURES.VI LIST OF TABLES.VIII ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOL LISTS.IX ÖZET.XI ABSTRACT.X 1. INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1. The Aim of Study. 3 1.2. Thesis Outline . 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW . 4 2.1. Electronic DDLRS Development Tools……………….……………………………………….10 2.2. HTML . 10 2.3. CSS. 11 2.4. AJAX. 11 2.5. BOOTSTRAP. 12 2.6. JAVASCRIPT . 12 2.7. PHP . 13 2.8. MYSQL . 13 2.9. WWW . 14 2.10. WEB SERVER . 14 2.11. E-Government . 14 2.12. Database . 15 2.13. Database Management System (DBMS) . 16 2.14. Land Registration . 16 3. THE DESIGN AND STRUCTURE OF THE PROPOSED EMLRS. 18 3.1. Introduction. 18 3.2.The architecture of the EMLRS . 18 3.3. Mechanism of EMLRS Design . 19 3.4. System Requirements. 20 3.4.1. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT . 20 3.4.2. NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIRMENTS. 21 3.4.3. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS . 22 3.4.4. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS . 22 3.5. Proposed Duhok DLR Modules. 23 3.6. Modules of Proposed System. 24 3.6.1. EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION MODULE(EMRM). 24 3.6.2. ESTATES REGISTRATION MODULE(ESRM). 26 3.6.3. OPERATION TYPE MODULE(OTM). 27 3.6.4. ESTATE OWNERS MODULE(ESOM). 28 3.6.5. ESTATE ESTATUS MODULE(ESM). 29 3.6.6. VIEW INFORMATION MODULE(VIM). 31 3.6.7. LOGIN EMPLOYEE MODULE(LEM) . 34 3.7. Database design of E-Duhok DLR for DLR . 35 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . 37 4.1. Introduction. 37 4.2. E-Duhok DLRS . 37 4.3. Employee Information Panel . 38 iv 4.4. Land Registration . 39 4.5. Land View Details (information) . 40 4.5.1. LAND OWNERS . 41 4.5.2. LAND BORDERS. 41 4.5.3. UPDATE AREA . 42 4.5.4. EMPLOYEE APPROVING . 42 4.5.5. EDIT LAND . 42 4.5.6. SPLIT AND JOIN LAND . 43 4.5.7. VALUE OF LAND . 44 4.5.8. UPDATE MAP. 45 4.5.9. LAND REPORT DOCUMENT . 45 4.6. Fee Type . 47 4.7. Land Status . 48 4.7.1. RESERVATION LAND . 48 4.7.2. MORTGAGE LAND . 49 4.8. Search Land . 50 4.9. Sample of Statistics . 50 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK . 52 5.1. Conclusions. 52 5.2. Suggestions Future Work. 52 REFERENCES . 54 CURRICULUM VITAE. 57
Diplomacy is one of the most important means of foreign policy for all countries in the world, so the countries seek to develop this means in all possible ways to serve their external interests. Countries have begun to use telegraph and telephone, access to modern means of information and communications technology (ICT), ie means connected to the Internet as a means of social communication, where the name of diplomacy becomes linking with these means, it has become called cyber diplomacy, digital diplomacy, ediplomacy, Facebook diplomacy, Twitter diplomacy or even Telephone diplomacy. Countries have been competing for the development of modern means of diplomacy. No matter how much the dependence of countries on the means of cyberspace for the service of diplomacy, but it still as a supporting means to the development and acceleration of diplomatic work, that does not eliminate the role of diplomats or traditional diplomacy or public diplomacy. ; Diplomasi, dünyadaki tüm ülkeler için en önemli dış politika araçlarından biridir, bu nedenle ülkeler bu araçları dış menfaatlerine hizmet etmek için mümkün olan her yolla geliştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Ülkeler telgraf ve telefon, modern bilgi ve iletişim teknolojisi araçlarına (BİT) erişim, yani internete sosyal iletişim aracı olarak bağlanmış, diplomasi adının bu araçlarla bağlantı kurmaya başladığı bir araç olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. siber diplomasi, dijital diplomasi, e-diplomasi, Facebook diplomasisi, Twitter diplomasisi ve hatta telefon diplomasisi. Ülkeler modern diplomasi araçlarının gelişimi için rekabet ediyorlar. Ülkelerin diplomasi hizmeti için siber araçlara ne kadar bağımlı olduğu farketmeksizin, fakat yine de diplomatların veya geleneksel diplomasinin veya kamu diplomasisinin rolünü ortadan kaldırmayan diplomatik çalışmanın gelişmesine ve hızlanmasına destekleyici bir araç olarak.