The social link in Saudi Arabia : social assistance to the families of soldiers victims of terrorism ; Le lien social en Arabie Saoudite : sociologie du secours aux familles des soldats victimes du terrorisme
Saudi Arabia has been exposed, over the last decade, to terrorist acts on the hands of a deviant group of people, influenced by wrong thoughts and chaotic perspectives. The Government has undertaken to, firmly and strictly, respond to these deviant groups by all means through its security and military institutions. The combats between the military forces and this deviant group have led to the kill of a number of soldiers during doing their duty to defend their homeland. All nations, throughout history, have been keening on honoring their national heroes; the victims, those who had died in battles and wars against terrorism paying their lives and blood for the sake of their country, and consequently, their nation. This appreciation extends to include honoring the victims' families. Therefore, the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been committed to providing them with a comprehensive social care as a kind of appreciation for their efforts. This study reveals the efforts of the Ministry of Interior to provide the victims' families with social assistance as victims of their boundless loss. It focuses on analyzing the subsidies offered for those special cases in different situations and its influence on them socially and psychologically. Saudi society is characterized by its faith in social ties; as such, these victims and their families deserve recognition and appreciation especially after losing their own support. ; L'Arabie Saoudite a été exposée, pendant la dernière décennie, à des actes terroristes menés par une classe déviante de certains de ses enfants, influencés par une mauvaise pensée et une compréhension confuse. Le gouvernement a entrepris de réagir fermement et sévèrement contre ces groupes déviants par tous les moyens et en ayant recours aux forces de sécurité et aux militaires. Les affrontements entre les forces militaires et ce groupe déviant ont conduit à la mort d'un certain nombre de militaires pendant l'exercice de leur devoir de défense de la patrie. Toutes les nations, à travers ...