Starting from the switch from institutionalized state to the concept of homeland and related security measures and initiatives the paper will focus on soft concerns like illegal immigration, uprisings, terrorism, pandemic diseases, natural disasters, misuse of cyber space, economic speculations etc. Soft concerns potential impact and possible counter measures or mitigation actions. Both citizens perception of homeland and potential security risks evolved in recent times, globalization and on-line communication had a deep influence on citizens' perceptions and lifestyle. As a side effect of globalisation and massive cyber services the number of crimes both perpetrated at local and global level is growing up. Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies are aware of this and look for potential countermeasures not only following traditional solutions. A kind of butterfly effect that propagates in real-time from continent to continent. So, if one of the key enablers of soft concerns is cyber technology this is even one of the most relevant countermeasures. This paper provides a synthetic description of the discontinuity between the evolution of warfare as it was in a pre-cyber era and the switch to the different levels of cyber "warfare". There is a clear need to adopt a renovated set of countermeasures to face and possibly cancel or mitigate new threats.
Starting from the switch from institutionalized state to the concept of homeland and related security measures and initiatives the paper will focus on soft concerns like illegal immigration, uprisings, terrorism, pandemic diseases, natural disasters, misuse of cyber space, economic speculations etc. Soft concerns potential impact and possible counter measures or mitigation actions. Both citizens perception of homeland and potential security risks evolved in recent times, globalization and on-line communication had a deep influence on citizens' perceptions and lifestyle. As a side effect of globalisation and massive cyber services the number of crimes both perpetrated at local and global level is growing up. Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies are aware of this and look for potential countermeasures not only following traditional solutions. A kind of butterfly effect that propagates in real-time from continent to continent. So, if one of the key enablers of soft concerns is cyber technology this is even one of the most relevant countermeasures. This proceeding provides a synthetic description of the discontinuity between the evolution of warfare as it was in a pre-cyber era and the switch to the different levels of cyber "warfare". There is a clear need to adopt a renovated set of countermeasures to face and possibly cancel or mitigate new threats. Keywords: Security, Soft Concern, Cyber, Cyber Privacy, Cyber Sovereignty.
As a side effect of globalisation and massive cyber services the number of crimes both perpetrated at local and global level is growing up. The discontinuity ignited by cyber technology and its pervasiveness created the fundamentals for a completely new scenario to reach the goals underpinning a conflict. A new type of hostile actions can be grouped under the umbrella of "hybrid threats", a mixture of coercive and subversive activity, conventional and unconventional methods. A pure cyber conflict is based on bit and bytes "soldiers" attacking key cyber assets ranging between markets and stock exchange to citizens' behaviour and "smart" objects. This new approach will enable state or non-state actors to achieve specific objectives while remaining below the threshold of formally declared warfare. This term includes: massive disinformation campaigns, using social media to control the political narrative or to radicalise, recruit and direct proxy actors can be vehicles for hybrid threats. Global networking is one of the building blocks of our society, communication, information, government, health, education, mobility, markets, the list of involved sectors is endless, all of them rely on cyber security and the trustfulness of the information provided through the network. An even increasing volume of information is flowing through the network including messages concerning potential future risks or cyber-weapons. There is a clear need to adopt a renovated set of countermeasures to face and possibly cancel or mitigate such harms. Big data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning together with other technologies may help in these tasks. Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies are aware of this and look for potential countermeasures not only following traditional solutions. Anyway technological countermeasures are not enough there is a need to foster the Culture of Cyber Security as a first defence line.
Cybersecurity was one of the key enablers in order to enter the cyber era and activate e-Services, it contributed significantly to build confidence in these sectors, so citizens start to use home banking and e- commerce as well as e-health and e-government. Through the time it become more complex to maintain an adequate level of security and preserve confidence. Risks associated to the diffusion and pervasive role of ICTs are no more concerning our computer and data but involve privacy, safety, public opinion, governments, national security, transportations, home appliances, and more. After the explosion of the use of the Internet in the middle of the 1990s potential risks pertained more and more to the women side. Old and new dangers started to populate the network directly delivered on tablets and mobile phones. A special role in this risky environment was due to chatrooms and social media, a nowhere land where thanks to anonymous genderless profiles and always on geo references devices cyber criminals found a proactive environment. Till now despite experts efforts there are few countermeasures to minimize harm. GDPR in Europe is an attempt to protect privacy, national and international regulations/norms increase the opportunity to limit anonymity and pursue criminals but without risks awareness and proper education we cannot succeed. If we want to consider the positive side of cyber, women today have a rich set of technologies to help them from the basic mobile phone, geo location to CCTV and specific apps protecting them in case of sexual harassment or any abuse." "As we all see cyber technology is merging every day with an increasing number of sectors, from the diffusion of smart phones always-on onward we embedded cyber technology everywhere, any sector, so today and much more tomorrow we will deal with cybercrimes or cyber abuse/misuse. Our washing machine might be hacked by ransomware, fridge might send orders for tons of food, Alexa might spy our private life and broadcast audio, smart home might not be any more perceived as "sweet". There is an urgent need to foster a culture of cybersecurity starting from kids and reaching elderly people. Onar bin Sultan Al Olama Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence (UAE) recently said: "It is very easy today for a nation to be attacked through hacking into its defence system unlike before when it required physical invasion." From national security and cyberwarfare to our smart fridge and unmanned transport system we have to face security problems. Thank you for your attention"
As a side effect of globalisation and massive cyber services the number of crimes both perpetrated at local and global level is growing up. Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies are aware of this and look for potential countermeasures not only following traditional solutions. Technological countermeasures are not enough there is a need to foster the Culture of Cyber Security. This paper will start setting the scene and describing the evolutionary path followed by cyber technology. The issue of privacy tightly connected with information and data ownership will open a more general discussion about risks and threats connected with the increasing use of cyber technologies. Cybersecurity and the need to foster a "Culture of cybersecurity" will take us to the latest part of the document devoted to the social and economic impact of "cyber". Economic and social impact of cyber technology are considered as well.
As a side effect of globalisation and massive cyber services the number of crimes both perpetrated at local and global level is growing up. Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies are aware of this and look for potential countermeasures not only following traditional solutions. Technological countermeasures are not enough there is a need to foster the Culture of Cyber Security. The present paper introduces an innovative Cyber Range to be integrated in the foreseen European Cyber Range Network. The proposed solution provides tools to test the resilience of networks and systems by exposing them to realistic nation-state cyber threats in a secure facility with the latest tools, techniques and malware, this facilitate the testing of critical technologies with enhanced agility, flexibility and scalability, it helps to strengthen the stability, security and performance of cyberinfrastructures and IT systems used by government and private organisations. The document describes a platform devoted to easily create virtual environments devoted to cyberwarfare training and cybertechnology development. The solution is in line with typical simulator's features will be fed by real case study and will create a knowledge base of cyber treats and related extended effects and mitigation /counteractions. A specific features is the identification of the zero-day vulnerabilities in order to reduce or eliminate the Window of Vulnerability (WoV) and identify main attack vectors.Main outcomes are: improved situational awareness of cyber warfare scenarios, rapid identification of zero-day vulnerabilities, environment for the development of countermeasures, training environment for practitioners.
This paper provides a synthetic description of the discontinuity between the evolution of warfare as it was in a pre-cyber era and the switch to cyber warfare. The evolution from bronze to iron weapons, and later to gunpower weapons and flying objects does not compare with the cyber era warfare, even UAV and "intelligent" rockets does not provide a significant understanding of the actual and near future scenarios. Cyber technology is nowadays pervasive and utilised world-wide. Global networking is one of the building blocks of our society, communication, information, government, health, education, mobility, markets, the list of involved sectors is endless, all of them rely on cyber security and the trustfulness of the information provided through the network. An even increasing volume of information is flowing through the network including messages concerning future risks or cyber-weapons. There is a clear need to adopt a renovated set of countermeasures to face and possibly cancel or mitigate such harms.
The Thematic Workshop entitled "Cyberlaw, Cyber Security Law, Internet of Things and Emerging Global Trends" will aim to examine the current status of Cyberlaw as emerging discipline as also the emergence of cyber security law as prominent sub-discipline emerging within the Cyberlaw umbrella. More and more countries are increasingly coming up with new cyber security legislations and policies which have a direct impact upon all stakeholders. The advent of Internet of Things and increasing cyber security breaches means that various legal, policy and regulatory concerning the Internet of Things need to be appropriately addressed. This Thematic Workshop will also look at emerging global trends in the context of Cyberlaw and Cyber Security Law and what further needs to be done to strengthen the cyber ecosystem. The Thematic Workshop will also examine the contribution of global events like International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity for the purposes of identifying Cyberlaw and Cyber Security trends. The Thematic Workshop will also examine the current global Cyberlaw responses that need to be evolved, pursuant to the Wannacry ransomware attacks and Adylkuzz miniming malware attacks. He further highlighted the lack of a focused approach adopted by younger generation in not understanding the significance and relevance of cyber security and their ultimate contribution towards strengthening the cyber ecosystem. He further highlighted the challenges that youth of the world are currently facing and highlighting the significance of younger generation for the further growth of Internet. Saakshar Duggal highlighted that there is a need for various stakeholders including nations and legislatures to keep in mind the specific expectation of the younger generation, while they go ahead and legislate about various issues and activities in cyberspace. He further highlighted the need for proactive and tremendous capacity building and awareness programmes to be undertaken amongst the youth on emerging paradigm in Cyberlaw, Cyber Security Law, Internet of Things and other emerging technologies. Mr. Alfredo Ronchi, Secretary General, EC MEDICI Framework gave holistic approach that is emerging in the European context towards Cyberlaw and Cyber Security Law. He called for far more harmonization of existing conflicting and somewhat contradictory trends that are beginning to emerge concerning cyber security regulation. He pointed out that we live in a world in which there are already countless sensors and smart objects around us, all the time and thus , the concept of "private" becomes far more ephemeral. He further highlighted that this is not enough, what it is not collected by APPs it will be collected in a seamless mode by IoT; of course IoT will add a lot to our life but this will cost us a significant part of our privacy. He highlighted the need for consultation with all stakeholders for the purposes of going forward in the area of Cyberlaw, Cyber Security Law and Internet of Things. Other debated issues included the following:- "Appification" of society Information ownership Information property Data protection Ethics in cyber society Sensitive data and Privacy
Trumpai apžvelgus UNESCO apibrėžtas skirtingas paveldo tipologijas, dėmesys skiriamas įvairioms kul- tūros vertybėms, kurios, nors ir nepriskiriamos "pagrindinėms" paveldo kategorijoms, simbolizuoja reikšmingą paveldo turtą, siūlantį, be savo įprastos paskirties, daugybę galimybių, kaip jį būtų galima pritaikyti "netradi- cinėms" pridėtinę vertę kuriančioms paslaugoms. Įžanginiame skyriuje pateikiami pavyzdžiai, iliustruojantys netradicinį kultūros paveldą: istorinis maršrutas "Rytų ekspresas", mėlynasis tramvajus Tramvia Blau ar funi- kulierius Tibidabo Funicular Barselonoje; parkai, sodai ir žaliosios erdvės kaip išskirtinių renginių vietos; ypa- tingos ar nykstančios augalijos ir gyvūnijos buveinės; istoriniai piligrimų keliai Via Francigena, El Camino de Santiago de Compostela ir Camí de Cel de Barcelona; Italijos asociacijos Italian Alpine Club (CAI) organizuo- jami Dolomitų kelias ir kalnų žygiai; kruizai, istoriškai reikšmingi komerciniai ir kariniai maršrutai, pavyzdžiui, Viduržemio jūros ir Baltijos jūros turai, maršrutai į Indiją; tradiciniai šou, koncertai, operos, muzikos / šokių renginiai ir ritualai; sausumos ir jūros augalija bei gyvūnija, kuriai gresia išnykimo pavojus; pajūrio ir pakrančių paveldas, pavyzdžiui, švyturiai, istoriniai uostai ir pan. Daugelyje Europos šalių "kultūros paveldui" gali būti priskiriami ir artefaktai, žmonių atrasti daugiau nei prieš 50 metų. Taigi į paveldo apsaugą gali pretenduoti daug įvairių objektų – nuo pirmojo bakelitinio radijo imtuvo ir pokarinių automobilių iki elektroninės kompiuterių įrangos ir dizaino kūrinių. Jeigu etno- gra nės kolekcijos, daug kartų žiūrėtos kino juostos ir TV įrašai taip pat vertinami kaip papildomi elemen- tai (saugomi jau beveik 60 metų), tuomet visa tai sudaro nepakeičiamą ir saugotiną informacijos "šaltinį", kurį dera perduoti ateinančioms kartoms. Be materialiojo paveldo, derėtų saugoti ir nematerialųjį paveldą, pavyzdžiui, muziką, šokius, ritualus, pasakas ir pan., taip pat naujausią, bet ne mažiau svarbų "ateities" pa- veldą. Apsidairius aplink XXI a. ateities muziejus kuratoriaus akimis, gali iškilti pagrįstas klausimas: "Ar ateities kartos, net ir artimos ateities kartos, sugebės suprasti dabartinės kartos kuriamą turinį?" Trumpai panagrinėjus milžiniškus ir įvairialypius paveldo klodus galima užduoti vieną svarbiausių klausimų: "Kaip užtikrinti tinkamą paveldo naudojimą, valorizaciją ir valdymą?" Nepakanka vien tik vadovautis esamu scenarijumi. Būtina pasirengti susitikti su ateities paveldu, galinčiu tapti tikru iššūkiu būsimiems kolekcio- nieriams ar kuratoriams. Paveldas turi daugybę funkcijų ir daugybę vertybių, tad verta gerai ištyrinėti šiuos daugiamačius ir turtingus klodus, kad būtų galima pasinaudoti visais jų teikiamais privalumais. Šiai už- duočiai veiksmingai ir kokybiškai atlikti yra būtina metodologija. "Verčių" požiūrio taikymas analizuojant paveldą galėtų prisidėti sprendžiant problemas ir užtikrintai pagrįsti paveldo išsaugojimo, apsaugos ir val- dymo strategijos apibrėžimą. Šis straipsnis supažindina su logišku požiūriu, nustatant ir grupuojant platų paveldui priskiriamų vertybių spektrą. Nuodugniai išanalizavus vertybes (pradedant nuo akivaizdžiausių), nustatomos naujos vertybės, kurios yra (tiesiogiai) susijusios su inovacijomis ir technologijomis. Vertybių, kurias galima priskirti kultūros paveldui, kiekis didėja, daugėjant suinteresuotųjų šalių, kurios laikomos paveldo naudojimo, konservavimo ir valdymo proceso dalyvėmis. Priimant su paveldu susijusius spren- dimus ir reaguojant į skirtingų suinteresuotųjų šalių poreikius, šių vertybių apibrėžimas yra lemiamas iš esmės dėl to, kad šios vertybės padeda nustatyti konkrečios teritorijos patrauklumo lygį. Kultūros paveldo samprata remiasi įvairialype paklausa, kurią būtina atpažinti visose sudėtinėse kultūros paveldo dalyse, norint nuodugniai ištyrinėti vertybių klodus, kuriuos (kaip bus pristatoma toliau) riboja skirtingi diferen- cijuotos paklausos poreikiai. Norint pasiekti šį tikslą reikia apibrėžti įrankius bei metodus, padėsiančius nustatyti ir vertinti kultūros paveldą atsižvelgiant į skirtingas jam priskiriamų vertybių perspektyvas. Kie- kviena konkreti vertybė išsamiai aprašoma, kad būtų lengviau atlikti atskiro atvejo analizę. Nepaisant visų nukrypimų, plačiąja prasme aiškinama Europos kultūros paveldo idėja perteikia šias vertybes: istorines, atminties, pilietybės, civilizacijos, pripažinimo, tradicijų, meno, mokslo, konservavimo ir technologines. Suvokti vertybių ir kitų skirtingų dalių esmę yra įmanoma pripažįstant ir veiksmingai naudojant mūsų palikimą, vertinant jį kaip sistemą sąveikų tarp įvairių aspektų: paveldo tipologijos (gamtinės, kultūrinės, . nematerialios, . ateities); daugybės "verčių" (ekonominių, investicijų grąžos, socialinių, kultūrinių, išskirtinumo / unikalu- mo ir pan.); geogra nių ypatumų (vertingumo vietinių požiūriu, nacionalinių, regioninių, globalinių, daugiau- sia nevietinių ir pan.); potencialių naudotojų / galutinių naudotojų (ekspertų, specialistų, kolekcionierių, verslininkų, miesto gyventojų, tyrėjų, bendruomenės narių ir pan.). Didžioji dalis šių vertybių yra "potencialios"; kartais nėra galimybių ar poreikio nustatyti jų piniginę išraišką. Daugeliu atvejų išlaidas dengiantis subjektas nėra tas, kuris daug uždirba iš kultūros paveldo "naudojimo", čia susiduriama su savotišku asimetrinės rinkos modeliu. Visuomenės reikmėms skirto kul- tūros paveldo atveju "verčių" "rezultatais" dalijasi skirtingi vertybių grandinės dalyviai, o kultūros paveldą prižiūrinti valstybinė institucija tarp jų būna ne visada. Kartais visas vertybių spektras neatrodo akivaizdus (bent jau) vadovams arba nemanoma, kad būtų tinkama ar "išmintinga" šiomis vertybėmis pasinaudoti. Tokių vertybių naudojimas nebūtinai turi kelti pavojų mūsų paveldui – kultūros vertybės nesivaržo tar- pusavyje, išmintingai jas naudojant, jos nebus "suvartotos". Netgi priešingai, aiškiai apibrėžus vertybių "vertę", jas būtų lengviau atpažinti ir apsaugoti, suformuluojant bazines sąlygas jų tinkamam naudojimui užtikrinti. Toks scenarijus atrodo kaip visiems naudingas susitarimas: miesto gyventojai gali pasinaudoti visais efektyvaus paveldo naudojimo teikiamais privalumais, o suinteresuotosios šalys – džiaugtis didesniu matomu ir išaugusiomis pajamomis. Sėkmingai įdiegtoje sistemoje būtų numatytas struktūrinis vertinimo procesas, atsižvelgiantis ir į speci nes vertinimo procedūras bei rodiklius, ir į ekspertus, prisidedančius prie šios blokinės schemos kūrimo. Daugeliu atvejų šios vertybės iliustruoja, kaip įgyvendinami lankytojų ir naudotojų lūkesčiai. Raktiniai žodžiai: kultūros paveldas, ateities paveldas, išmanusis paveldas, netradicinės kultūros vertybės, paveldo vertinimas, paveldo valdymas. ; Starting from a quick overview of the di erent typologies of heritage as de ned by UNESCO, the focus is made on a wide range of cultural assets that, even not classi ed the 'main' heritage families, represent, however, a relevant heritage asset that apart from the typical use o ers great opportunities to be suitable for 'unconventional' added value services. The introduction provides a selection of examples concerning unconventional cultural assets such as the historical trans- portation means Orient Express, Tramvia Blau or the Tibidabo Funicular in Barcelona; parks, gardens and green areas as scenarios of particular events or peculiar or extinct habitats of ora and fauna; historic itineraries such as via Francigena, El Camino de Santiago de Compostela and the Camí de Cel de Barcelona; the Dolomites and mountain hiking trails of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI); cruises, commercial and military routes important in history such as Mediterranean and Baltic routes, routes to India; traditional shows, concerts, opera, music/dances and rituals; land and marine ora and fauna considered to be at risk of extinction; maritime-coastal heritage such as lighthouses, historical harbours, etc. In many European countries, artefacts realised by human beings more than fty years ago are also considered potential 'Cultural Heritage'. Therefore, a variety of objects might be enlis- ted for protection such as the rst bakelite radio-set, post-war period cars, the early electronic computer equipment and design products. Furthermore, if ethnographic collections, many times movies and TV recordings are considered the complement pictures (that have already been pro- tected for almost sixty years), all of them constitute an irreplaceable 'source' of information to be protected and handed down to posterity. In addition to the tangible heritage, the intangible heritage such as music, dances, rituals, tales, etc. and last but not least the 'future' heritage should be preserved. If we look around in the shoes of a curator of a future museum of the 21st c., it is reasonable to ask ourselves 'Will future generations, even those of the near future, be able to access the content produced by this generation?' Having brie y explored the vast and heteroge- neous universe of heritage, one of the key questions posed to ourselves is 'How can we ensure a proper use, valorisation and management of it?' Along with the current scenario, we should be ready to deal with the future heritage that may represent a real challenge for future collectors or curators. As the heritage represents a multi-function and multi-value domain, there is a need to explore this multidimensional space in order to fully bene t from its richness. Thus, a metho- 129 130 dology enabling to complete the task in an e cient and productive way is required. Application of the 'value' approach in analysing heritage may contribute to solving the problem and provide a valid support in de ning a strategy to preserve, promote and manage it. The present paper outlines the logical approach for identi cation and clustering of the broad range of the values associated with the heritage. The in-depth analysis of values, starting from the more evident ones, leads to identi cation of a set of new values due to or directly connected with innovation and technologies. The plurality of values that can be associated with a cultural asset widens with the variety of stakeholders considered to participate in the process of heritage use, conservation and management. Establishing the values upon making decisions about the heritage and there- fore meeting the needs of di erent stakeholders is crucial, mainly due to the reason that such values contribute to identi cation of the degree of attractiveness of a given territory. The cultural heritage should be considered a system based on the heterogeneous demand to be recognised in its many components in order to investigate the value space throughout its extension that, as it will be outlined later, is delimited by di erent needs of the di erentiated demand; in order to do this, we need to identify and de ne tools and methods of measuring and evaluating the cultural heritage in the di erent perspectives of the value attributable to it. Each speci c value is outlined in detail to facilitate the implementation of the approach to a single case study. The concept of the European cultural heritage, interpreted in the broad sense and with all its declinations, is the bearer of a multitude of values: historical value, testimony, citizenship, civilization, recognition, traditions, artistic, scienti c, conservation and technology. The matter of values and the other di erent elements actively contributing to the overall appreciation and fruitful exploitation of our legacy might be considered a complex of interactions among the following di erent aspects: • Heritage typology (natural, cultural,. intangible,. future) • Wide set of 'values' (economic value, return of investment, social, cultural, exceptionality/uniquely, etc.) • Geographic range (valuable for locals, national, regional, global, non-local mainly, etc.) • Potential users/end users (experts, specialists, collectors, businessmen, citizens, researchers, community members, etc.) Major parts of these values are 'potential'; sometimes there is no chance or need to monetize them. It happens frequently that the one who covers the expenses is not the one who earns much money from the 'use' of the cultural asset, i.e. a kind of asymmetric market model is observed. In case of public cul- tural assets, the 'e ects' of the 'values' are shared among di erent actors in the value-chain, sometimes not including the public body looking after the cultural assets at all. Moreover, sometimes the full set of values is not evident at least to the managers or it is not considered proper or 'wise' to take advantage of them. The exploitation of such values will not necessarily jeopardize our heritage, cultural assets are not rivalling and a wise exploitation will not 'consume' them. On the contrary, a clear identi cation of their 'values' will help to identify and protect them developing the basic conditions to ensure a proper exploitation. Such a scenario looks like a win-win agreement: citizens may bene t from the fruitful exploitation of their own heritage, whereas stakeholders may bene t from enhanced visibility and inco- mes. The full implementation of the system foresees a structured evaluation process taking into account both speci c evaluation procedures, metrics and a network of experts providing their contribution in a kind of block chain architecture. In most cases, these values represent the ful lment of the present expectations of visitors and users. Keywords: Cultural heritage, future heritage, smart heritage, unconventional cultural assets, heritage valorisation, heritage management.
We already entered the era of Unmanned Vehicles, drones, boats and more recently cars are going to be "driven" by software, sensors, cameras, radars and more are the senses of our vehicles. If the risk that a flying or floating drone can be hacked is concerning us as well as the temporary lack of specific legislation, what about the concerns related to ethical and moral aspects, not neglecting the legal ones, concerning autonomous road vehicles such as cars and buses ? Safety and security standards for such devices are not set actually, how will behave two cars, both from the same builder or not, in case of imminent collision? Of course, the cyber-driver is supposed to be perfect but the environment may introduce some bias, hence on the moral and ethical side how will the cyber-driver take decisions? As an additional concern, today even cars may be subject to cyber-attacks as it already happened to Jeep vehicles in the United States, if on one side the regular car service or re-call for update can be performed through the permanent car connection to the Internet, no more need to physically take the car back to the service (this might lead to unwanted outcomes), on the other side in case of cyber-attacks our car might behave in a unpredictable way. As a consequence, possibly before a mass diffusion of such vehicles, we must be aware about some aspects: the risk of cyber-attacks that may turn everyday commodities like cars into "weapons" and the "programmed" behaviour of cars in case of "risky" scenarios. Security standards and harmonised "behaviours" together with an appropriate legal framework will probably help.
It is almost clear that digital content per sé it is not good or bad in relation of "minoritized" languages as it happens for knives, you can cut bred or kill someone. Let us analyse the process in a long-term perspective. Documents and different formats, media and alphabets survived for centuries and millennia reaching us as a legacy from past generations. They are still accessible, readable and mostly understandable. In Pompei (Naples) we can still read graffiti on plasters promoting a Roman politician or supporting a local sport team. Furthermore ancient minority languages such as Etruscan are still readable as well. What will happen in 50, 100 or more years to our documents and, much more concerning, to documents written in "minoritized" languages? As we already discussed on the occasion of the digital preservation meetings and related outcomes and recommendations, the future of digital assets it is not safe at all, digital media are disintegrating, logical formats disappear, and hardware has a short expectation of life. Apart from similar concerns, let's consider, as an assumption, that digital preservation problems will be cleared, which kind of documents, content, knowledge, "culture" will be transferred to future generations? How can we foresee the future not only of "minoritized" languages but also even of main languages that are not the dominant ones? What will happen to "minoritized" languages? Even if today translator, virtual keyboards, extended alphabets, and more really facilitate the creation and translation of documents written in a "minoritized" language into a different language, the concept itself of networking rely on a "common/shared" language. One possible scenario is "minoritized" languages will not "fully" enjoy the opportunities offered by the network while "main" languages and much more "dominant" languages will take full advantages from networking. Information, knowledge will be transmitted, shared mainly through main and dominant languages. Main information channels, research documents, cutting edge technologies will be coded in dominant language. Competitive advantage will be relevant for those who will master that language. This means that at the end the gap between the two realities will increase. If you want to be part of the "leading team", share knowledge and know how, you must write, read, and think in the dominant language.
In the last thirty years we witnessed to a number of relevant innovations and changes. Some of them belong to the information technology domain and parts of them were the reason why the IT domain became the ICT domain. In order to better understand problems and issues related to education and learning it is useful to outline some of the most relevant achievements and milestones in the technological domain. If we focus on the European approach to the spread of information technology termed in the '90ies "Information Society" we can find initiatives such as i2015 the EU policy framework for the information society and media for the 1 next decade and, at global level, the WSIS+10 a ten years activity aimed to draw the guidelines for an harmonious and fruitful development of the information society. It promotes the positive contribution that information and communication technologies can make to the economy, society and personal quality of life. Everyone experienced in "ICT based innovation" knows that "It is not only a matter of technology". Of course technology advances are one of the potential actors as in the case of the diffusion of personal computing or easy access to digital networking. Anyway different parameters are actively influencing e-Services success or failure: cultural aspects, organisational issues, bureaucracy and workflow, infrastructure and technology in general, user's habits, literacy, capacity, market models, interaction design or merely mind-set! Before looking in detail how all these aspects are impacting on education and learning let's take into account some additional relevant aspects.
This volume constitutes selected and revised papers presented during the Second International Conference on Trandisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, TMM_CH 2021, held in Athens, Greece, in December 2021.The 17 full papers and 6 short papers presented in ths volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 310 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on scientific innovations in the diagnosis and preservation of cultural heritage; digital heritage a holistic approach; preservation, reuse and reveal of cultural heritage through sustainable land management, rural and urban development to recapture the world in crisis through culture
Intro -- Preface -- Organization -- Contents -- Scientific Innovations in the Diagnosis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage -- The Preservation of the Heritage of the Petralona Cave Using Multiple 3D Scanning Techniques and Data Processing Algorithms -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Exploitation of Digital Technologies to Promote Cultural Heritage -- 3 Digitization of the Petralona Cave -- 4 Conclusions -- References -- The Restoration of the Main Theatre of the First Ancient Theatre of Larissa, Greece, Assisted by 3D Technologies -- 1 Introduction -- 2 3D Modelling Process -- 2.1 Description Of Field Work And Design Process -- 2.2 Assumptions And Limitations -- 3 Restoring The Main Theatre -- 3.1 Repositioning Of Ancient Seats -- 3.2 Installation of New Marble Seats -- 4 Conclusions -- References -- Comparing the Methods of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry for the Geometric Documentation of Stone Bridges Through the Case Study of Tzelefos Bridge -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Aims -- 2.1 Geometrical Accuracy -- 2.2 Resolution and Fidelity of Projected Textures -- 2.3 Level of Permeation of Dense Vegetation -- 2.4 Processing Time, Cost of Equipment and Technical Skills Required -- 3 The Case Study of Tzelefos Bridge -- 4 Methodology Description -- 5 TLS Data Collection and Processing -- 5.1 Survey Equipment Selection -- 5.2 Data Collection and Processing -- 5.3 TLS Survey Evaluation -- 6 UAV Photogrammetry Data Collection and Processing -- 6.1 UAV Selection -- 6.2 Data Collection -- 6.3 Photos Processing in Photogrammetry Software -- 7 Photogrammetric Survey Using a DSLR -- 7.1 Equipment Specifications and Data Collection Methodology -- 7.2 Photos Processing in Photogrammetry Software -- 7.3 Evaluation of the Photogrammetric Method Using a DSLR -- 8 Comparing Both Photorammetric Methods to Laser Scanning -- 8.1 Comparison Overview.
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