Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, die Thematik des Insolvenzschutzes von Reisenden bei Eintritt der Zahlungsunfähigkeit des Reiseveranstalters nach neuer nationaler Rechtslage, der Pauschalreiseverordnung darzustellen. Die Novellierung durch die aktuelle Verordnung musste vorgenommen werden, da infolge der Pauschalreiserichtlinie 2015/2302, abweichende insolvenzrechtliche Bestimmungen gegenüber der Vorgängerrichtlinie in Kraft getreten sind. Die Gliederung der Arbeit erfolgt dahingehend, dass in den ersten Kapiteln maßgebliche Begriffe des Pauschalreiserechts erörtert werden, dies ist insofern von Bedeutung, da sich die Pauschalreiseverordnung auf diese Begriffsdefinitionen beruft. Weiters folgt ein Überblick über die unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben bezüglich des Insolvenzschutzes und dessen Umsetzung durch den nationalen Gesetzgeber. Der Hauptteil setzt sich mit der konkreten Ausgestaltung der gesetzlichen Absicherung für bereits geleistete Zahlungen sowie der Rückholung von Reisenden auseinander. Durch Inkrafttreten der Pauschalreiseverordnung wurde nicht eine völlig neue Gesetzeslage eingeführt, vielmehr wurden die Vorgängerbestimmungen als Grundlage herangezogen und wichtige Anpassungen vorgenommen. Aus diesen Erwägungen wird auch ein maßgeblicher Einblick in die alte Rechtslage geboten. Abschließend wird der Sonderfall der Insolvenz bei Abschluss eines reinen Luftbeförderungsvertrages erörtert. ; The aim of this diploma thesis is to present the topic of the insolvency protection of travelers in the event of the insolvency of the tour operator according to the new national legal status, the Package Travel Regulation. The amendment by the current regulation had to be made, since as a result of the Package Travel Directive 2015/2302, different insolvency provisions have come into force compared to the previous directive. The structure of the work is such that in the first chapters relevant terms of package travel law are discussed, this is of significance insofar as the Package Travel Regulation refers to these definitions. Furthermore, an overview of the Union law requirements regarding insolvency protection and its implementation by the national legislator follows. The main part deals with the form of legal protection for payments already made and the repatriation of travelers. The Package Travel Regulation did not introduce a completely new legal status, rather the previous provisions were used as a basis and important adjustments were made. According to these considerations, the thesis also provides a significant insight into the old legal status. Finally, the special case of insolvency upon conclusion of an air transportation contract is discussed. ; von Alexander Kleinferchner ; Zusammenfassung in Deutsch ; Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der Verfasserin ; Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Diplomarbeit, 2019 ; (VLID)4555180
This dissertation examines a lively lower-middle-class, immigrant neighborhood in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, the Faubourg Saint-Denis, from 1950 into the twenty-first century, and explores the history of everyday life in its streets and public spaces. It connects the neighborhood's evolution to larger changes in urban redevelopment policies and municipal politics in Paris. This study challenges a core assumption held by scholars about urban neighborhoods: that everyday life and communities are shaped primarily by residents. Residents have historically been the focus of neighborhood scholarship because they are easily accessible to scholars in most archival sources and because they have been viewed as the stabilizing force that keeps chaotic cities civilized. Since the 1950s and even during the nineteenth-century, however, non-residents have been found at the core of local communities in Paris, especially in its busiest neighborhoods. These parts of the city, often centered around marketplaces and market streets, such as Les Halles, have remained vibrant due to the important role played by non-residents, many of whom have commuted long distances to them every day not only to work, but also to shop, and to socialize. Scholars, however, have neglected their important role in shaping community life in cities.This dissertation is about these everyday users of Paris's city center and its vibrant neighborhoods, many of whom have contributed to the life of a neighborhood far from where they sleep. These users do not leave many traces of their impact, though through the examination of a wide variety of sources, including tax records, television news reports, police records, classified ads, transportation statistics, and oral interviews, it is possible to find hints of their significant presence. Daily mobility in Paris has been crucial to the creation of community life.With the rise of municipal democracy in Paris since 1977 and increasing political decentralization across France since the mid-1980s, residents in Paris have gained significant new power in shaping the outcome of their neighborhood's public space by working with their local government. As these residents have increasingly become homeowners, often taking out expensive mortgages for their apartments, they have sought to use their lobbying and voting power to shape public space to cater more to their desires. Although many of these residents who moved to the Faubourg Saint-Denis between 1998 and 2012--a period of gentrification and a substantial rise in real estate prices in Paris--chose it because they liked its diversity and energy, their actions to make their neighborhood more green, livable, and pedestrian-friendly have often unwittingly worked against their desire to live in a vibrant area of the city. Despite this pressure to quiet the neighborhood's public spaces, the Faubourg Saint-Denis has remained the daytime or nighttime home of its non-resident users who generally live in suburbs of Paris, where housing is more affordable and life is calmer. The city center of Paris continues to function as it has since the nineteenth century, animated and invigorated every day by people who live far from it.
Agencies tasked to carry out a social agenda have distinct experience in the utilization of available resources. The issues that confront the DOH in the delivery of healthcare services support the need to look at the utilization of both government and donor funding in the implementation of its programs, projects and regular functions. The study attempted to provide measures for absorptive capacity of a line agency, or its capacity to utilize its legislated budget. The measures for absorptive capacity were determined for each of the public health programs, and correlated to the extent of accomplishments. Case analysis of two continuing DOH programs were made, each having different modes not only in program implementation, but in fund utilization as well. Another case study of a typical foreign-assisted project was offered, validating the observed general downtrend in foreign and domestic funding utilization. To serve as basis for future measures, institutional requirements and some insights on policies that may directly or indirectly influence utilization were identified.
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- INTERLUDE: JAZZ AGE ECONOMICS -- PART I. "Biznez Iz Biznez": The Arnold Rothstein Story -- 1. Arnold Rothstein -- 2. Gambling in the Time of Rothstein's Youth -- 3. The Rise of Rothstein -- 4. Financial Crime -- 5. The Black Sox and the Jews -- 6. The Jews React -- INTERLUDE: JAZZ AGE POLITICS -- PART II. Frankfurter among the Anarchists: "The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti" -- 7. Felix Frankfurter -- 8. The Young Progressive -- 9. Zion and Cambridge -- 10. Sacco and Vanzetti -- 11. Aftermath -- INTERLUDE: JAZZ AGE CULTURE -- PARTIII."Mammy,Don'tYouKnowMe?":AlJolson and the Jews -- 12. Al Jolson -- 13. Asa Yoelson Discovers the Theater -- 14. Jewish Minstrelsy Emerges -- 15. Blackface Arrives on Broadway -- 16. The Jews on Tin Pan Alley -- 17. The Jazz Singer -- CONCLUSION: JAZZ AGE JEWS -- NOTES -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- INDEX
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