Common Problems in Ambulatory Pediatrics: Specific Clinical Problems, Volume 1
In: Pediatrics - Laboratory and Clinical Research
Intro -- COMMON PROBLEMS IN AMBULATORY PEDIATRICS: SPECIFIC CLINICAL PROBLEMS, VOLUME 1 -- Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Chronic Non-specific Diarrhea of Childhood -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Etiology -- Clinical Manifestations -- Laboratory Investigations -- Diagnosis -- Management -- Prognosis -- References -- Chapter 2: Gastroesophageal Reflux -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Epidemiology -- Pathophysiology -- Clinical Manifestations -- Complications -- Diagnostic Studies -- Esophagography -- Radionuclide Gastroesophagography -- 24-Hour Intra-esophageal pH Monitoring -- Intraluminal Esophageal Electrical Impedance -- Esophageal Manometry -- Esophagoscopy and Biopsy -- Management -- Medical Management -- Surgical Treatment -- Prognosis -- References -- Chapter 3: Infantile Perianal Protrusions -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Etiology and Pathogenesis -- Clinical Manifestations -- Differential Diagnosis -- Management -- References -- Chapter 4: Anal Fissure -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Incidence -- Etiology and Pathogenesis -- Clinical Manifestations -- Management -- References -- Chapter 5: Umbilical Hernia -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Epidemiology -- Etiology and Embryology -- Clinical Manifestations -- Diagnostic Studies -- Differential Diagnosis -- Complications -- Management -- References -- Chapter 6: Indirect Inguinal Hernia -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Incidence -- Pathogenesis -- Clinical Manifestations -- Complications -- Clinical Evaluation -- Diagnostic Studies -- Differential Diagnosis -- Management -- References -- Chapter 7: Hydrocele -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Incidence -- Pathogenesis -- Clinical Manifestations -- Complications -- Diagnosis -- Diagnostic Studies -- Differential Diagnosis -- Management -- References -- Chapter 7: Cryptorchidism -- Abstract -- Introduction.