Cet article d'anthropologie propose de premières pistes pour penser l'écoféminisme en lien avec le champ d'études théâtrales, et notamment la tension entre performance et représentativité. Il se base sur un mouvement paysan, qui lutte contre la construction d'une usine de ciment, et qui s'est fait connaître pour le rôle qu'y jouent les femmes par le biais d'actions théâtralisées qui font les liens entre leurs corps et la nature. Nous interrogeons dans quelle mesure l'écoféminisme agit comme une nouvelle norme globale permettant d'intégrer une lutte au système de représentativité dominant.
This article was based on qualitative interviews within the EU project Voices of Immigrant Women. It aims to reconstruct the migratory journey of the different women. In the first part of this article, we present the contradictions of France's national, regional and local integration measures for migrant women. In the second part, through the heterogenic stories of five women, we show how the so-called integration of immigrant women is promoted. Their profiles cover different generations, countries, documented/undocumented status, highly skilled/few qualified, and political participation. This part analyzes the individual strategies adopted by migrant women by recentering on the labour market issue. It underlined the high education as a tool of integration, social services and professional skills as indispensable assets for the labour market, political engagement in trade union and human rights activism as a way out of forced labour. We question the epistemological political framework that constructs the "successful" integration criteria on individual criteria. Finally, we examine that migrant women in France are subject to a series of paradoxical injunctions, and the norms to which they must conform reveal multiple contradictions related to their origins, religions, gender, skin colors, etc. Especially in the actual political context where the migrant women are the ideal figure to illustrate tensions surrounding the question of migration and the role of women. ; Este artículo se basa en entrevistas cualitativas realizadas en el marco del proyecto de la UE "Voices of Immigrant Women". Su objetivo es reconstruir el viaje migratorio de las distintas mujeres. En la primera parte de este artículo, presentamos las contradicciones de las medidas de integración nacionales, regionales y locales de Francia para las mujeres inmigrantes. En la segunda parte, a través de las historias heterogéneas de cinco mujeres, mostramos cómo se promueve la llamada integración de las mujeres inmigrantes. Sus perfiles abarcan diferentes ...