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6894 Ergebnisse
In: Internationale Politik: das Magazin für globales Denken, Band 54, Heft 1, S. 74-78
ISSN: 1430-175X
In: Bibliothèque des idées
World Affairs Online
In: Schriftenreihe der Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Düsseldorf 19
In: Handbücherei der sozialen Betriebsgestaltung
In: Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie und Pädagogik 82
In: Rural sociology, Band 61, Heft 3, S. 446-463
ISSN: 1549-0831
Abstract As predicted by the classic sociological theories of Durkheim, Tonnies, and others, early sociological researchers found extensive differences between urban and rural residents in the United States. In recent decades, many of these differences have appeared to wane, or in some cases, totally disappear. Based on these classic theories, we maintain that many of the urban/rural differences found in the past were actually farm/nonfarm differences. Further, we argue that many of these differences continue to exist in rural America, but they have been suppressed by major demographic transitions. Utilizing Current Population Survey data on family structure, we found that there were few significant differences between urban and rural nonfarm residents, but both varied extensively from various segments of the farm population.
In: Food in Modern History: Traditions and Innovations Series
Cover -- Contents -- List of Images -- List of Figures -- List of Maps -- List of Tables -- List of Currencies and Measures -- List of Abbreviations -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Part I FROM MORAL TO MARKET ECONOMIES -- Chapter 1 A Great Transformation? Karl Polanyi, E.P. Thompson and Michel Foucault -- Karl Polanyi: The disembedded market and fictitious commodities -- E.P. Thompson: The moral economy -- Michel Foucault: Disciplinary and security mechanisms and the birth of biopolitics -- A great transformation? Moral and market economies, disciplinary and security mechanisms and biopolitics of bread -- Part II BETWEEN MORAL AND MARKET ECONOMIES OF BREAD. ECONOMIC AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE, 1770s-1860 -- Chapter 2 Institutions of Embeddedness -- Regulating people and places -- Regulating products: The assize -- Knowing and regulating nature and the market -- The just price of bread -- Chapter 3 The Municipal Landscape of Bread, 1790s-1859 -- Geographies -- Business structures -- Wheatification -- Competing circuits of bread provision -- Chapter 4 The Conquest of Cornucopia -- The fruits of cornucopia: Hard reds and the coming of 'good bread' -- Chapter 5 Reforming the Assize? -- 'Free competition is the magic phrase of our time' -- Total liberalization -- Conclusion -- Part III THE BREAD QUESTION, 1861-85 -- Chapter 6 A Free Market Landscape of Bread, 1860-80s -- Mobilization and continued diversification -- The hawker's question -- Chapter 7 The Bread Question -- The price of bread -- The bread question -- Standardizing bread - Again -- Marking bread -- Rediscovering the right price of bread -- The end of the bread question? -- Epilogue: The bread question solved -- Conclusion -- Conclusion Biopolitics of Bread -- Bibliography -- Index.
In: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte Jahrgang 17, Nr. 2 (2023)