21 Ergebnisse
Political Economy of Discretionary Allocation of Annual Development Programmes: Theory and Evidence from Balochistan
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, S. 167-198
This article discusses and analyses the presence of discretionary allocations of annual development programmes (ADP)—the annual development budget—in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. The paper builds a strong theory and uses robust empirical techniques to assess how the political and bureaucratic elite discretionarily and disproportionally allocates the development funds to meet two central objectives: First, to allow misappropriation of the development funds to their benefit; and second, to make constituency/district-specific allocations to buy political allegiance, indulge in pork-barrel and promote patronage politics— clientelism. For empirical assessment, the article applies an unbalanced panel dataset for districts from the provincial level sources. The theoretical propositions and the empirical results show a presence of discretion and clientelism in the process of budget making and projects' allocation to districts/constituencies, for incumbent politicians and senior career officials in charge of the budgetary-making process make disproportionate budgetary allocations in ADP to their home districts or constituencies or the projects with leverage of extraction and kickbacks in the process of allocations, bidding, and execution. It is evident that constituencies or districts, without representation in the government/cabinet and/or senior bureaucracy in the ministries that make public policy, receive far lesser budgetary allocations than their proportionate share, notwithstanding their prevailing poor social and economic landscape. Such discretionary allocations suffice personal interests and support clientelism in resource sharing, creating inter-regions and inter-districts/constituencies disparity in terms of economic and social development within the province.
Political economy of elite capture and clientelism in public resource distribution: theory and evidence from Balochistan, Pakistan
In: India quarterly: a journal of international affairs, Band 79, Heft 2, S. 223-243
ISSN: 0975-2684
World Affairs Online
The dynamics of (ethno)nationalism and federalism in postcolonial Balochistan, Pakistan
In: Journal of Asian and African studies: JAAS, Band 55, Heft 7, S. 979-1006
ISSN: 1745-2538
World Affairs Online
The economics and politics of China-Pakistan economic corridor and Balochistan
In: Regional studies: quarterly journal of the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 67-108
ISSN: 0254-7988
World Affairs Online
Education as Transformation – Education for transformation
In: Development: journal of the Society for International Development (SID), Band 53, Heft 4, S. 511-517
ISSN: 1461-7072
Literacy in a Larger Context
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 520, Heft 1, S. 32-35
ISSN: 1552-3349
Illiteracy is a social phenomenon reflecting structural problems of society; therefore, the nature of the illiteracy problem can be better understood and the solutions found by looking at the larger social context. The complexity and social ramifications of illiteracy make it inappropriate to talk about eradication of illiteracy by a certain date. Literacy is not merely learning the mechanics of decoding the alphabet. To be meaningful, literacy must help meet people's basic learning needs, and, to that end, it must be reinforced and supplemented by a network of opportunities for diverse and continuing education and post-literacy learning. Effective primary education for children and the use of all channels of communication and education to create a learning society are essential conditions for nurturing a culture of literacy. Participation of all segments of society and additional resources are needed to promote literacy as an integral part of the effort to meet basic education needs. The research agenda in literacy should include, in addition to technical aspects, the exploration of policy issues relating to the role of literacy in a larger social context.
Literacy in a Larger Context
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 520, S. 32-35
ISSN: 0002-7162
It is argued that the nature of the illiteracy problem can be better understood & solutions found by looking at the larger social context. In order to be meaningful, literacy must help to meet people's basic learning needs & must be reinforced by a network of opportunities for diverse & continuing education & postliteracy learning. The importance of obtaining participation from all segments of society is stressed. Research issues needing future attention include teaching & learning methods appropriate to specific cultural & linguistic settings, development of more accurate & meaningful measures of literacy, & improved training of adult literacy instructors. Adapted from the source document.
The Savar Project: Meeting the Rural Health Crisis in Bangladesh
In: Studies in family planning: a publication of the Population Council, Band 9, Heft 9, S. 255
ISSN: 1728-4465
School of social life
In: Science and public policy: journal of the Science Policy Foundation, Band 4, Heft 6, S. 517-522
ISSN: 1471-5430
Within human reach: a future for Africa's children
The Political Economy of Development: A Critical Assessment of Balochistan, Pakistan
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 7, Heft 6
ISSN: 2222-6990
This paper aims at exploring the political economy of Balochistan and the underlying causes of social and economic development of the province. The paper presents a brief and critical account on the historical development of the Baloch nation and nationhood. The paper argues that The Baloch notwithstanding having a huge and resourceful land has failed to keep the pace of socio-economic development and modernity with other fellow nations in the region. After the independence of Pakistan and the formation of Balochistan as a province of Pakistan, the Baloch because of her political disorganization and economic backwardness failed to exert herself within the federation to grab the resource share. The story of economic and social backwardness of the Baloch and Balochistan is a multifaceted puzzle. A section of the Baloch nationalists believe that the centralist nature of Pakistani federation is such that small nationalities like the Baloch would find it hard to accommodate within the federation. That is because, the resource distribution and representation to both elected bodies and state institutions are based upon population, and Balochistan in spite of having 44% of Pakistan territory accommodates only 5% of country's total population. The paper also touches the geostrategic importance of Balochistan and underlines its economic difficulty in terms of the dearth of human resources, physical infrastructure, economic autonomy, productivity among others.
Quality with Equity in Primary Education: Implications of High Stakes Assessments on Teacher Practice in Bangladesh
In: Globalization, International Education Policy and Local Policy Formation, S. 107-130
Ideology and Politics of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (1947-1973)
In: Global social sciences review: an open access, triple-blind peer review, multidisciplinary journal, Band III, Heft I, S. 45-56
ISSN: 2616-793X
Khilafat Movement provided an opportunity to the Ulema of sub-continent to take part in active politics, however, Anjuman-i-Khuddam-i-Kaaba which was the first ever organized confrontation with the British raj. It eventually resulted in the formation of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind (JUH). Although Majlis-iAhrar-i-Islam, emerged as an effective instrument of Deobandi activism yet it denounced the creation of an independent Muslim state. Majority of Ulema believed that with the demise of British regime in India, the Muslims being a strong minority, could not be impoverished, therefore, JUH worked closely with the Congress. Interestingly, the history of the Ulema has been one of their perpetual conflicts with intelligentsia and the creation of Pakistan by the moderate leadership was a great setback for the "nationalist" Ulema. However, they failed to create a political constituency and continued to tag along with the Muslim League. Yet, JUI time and again denounced socialism and advocated the Islamic system for Pakistan. After 1970 Elections, both NAP and JUI emerged as majority parties in NWFP and Baluchistan. During the study, it will be analyzed that how JUI, a conservative Islamic party could form an alliance with NAP that had won the elections on the basis of secular ideas.