34 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
The influence of technologies on the workplace, employees and organizational culture in the postCovid-19 era
In: Sociology international journal, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 110-112
ISSN: 2576-4470
Work and employment are being impacted significantly by the COVID19 pandemic. This paper tried to discuss important research that affect the new technologies used in the surveillance and monitoring of workforce in the post-Covid 19 era. Looking back at the published research, news and business magazine articles from a theoretical perspective, the new monitoring and surveillance technologies are affecting employees work and personal life which is vital to study and bring new insights for further research and practice. Thus, it is of utmost importance to study new technologies and their effect on employees' work attitude. We conclude that it is critical that employees and their organizations be included in the evaluation and subsequent adaptation to working remotely of the insights acquired from the pandemic situation.
Jonathan D. James, McDonaldisation, Masala McGospel and Om Economics: Televangelism in Contemporary India, New Delhi, Sage, 2010, pp. xxiii+234, Rs 595
In: Social change, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 173-175
ISSN: 0976-3538
Madar-i-Millat Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah: unpublished speeches, messages, statements, and interviews; (1948 - 1967)
In: NIHCR publication 106
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Its Social Implication on Pakistan: How Will CPEC Boost Pakistan's Infrastructures and Overcome the Challenges?
In: Arts and Social Sciences Journal: ASSJ, Band 8, Heft 2
ISSN: 2151-6200
Self-Esteem Deficits Among Psychiatric Patients
In: Sage open, Band 5, Heft 2
ISSN: 2158-2440
The objective of the present study was to investigate the difference in the level of self-esteem among patients with psychiatric disorders and normal controls. After a detailed literature review, it was hypothesized that there would be a significant difference in the level of self-esteem among patients with psychiatric disorders and normal controls. The sample of the present study consisted of 260 participants, who were further divided into two groups: clinical group ( n = 140) and normal controls ( n = 120). The age range of the participants in both the samples were 18 to 25 years (with the mean age of 22.14 years for psychiatric patients and 21.18 years for normal controls), and they belonged to middle socioeconomic status. The clinical group consisted of diagnosed psychiatric patients according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR) criteria and further divided into four subgroups, including patients of (a) schizophrenia ( n = 40), (b) major depressive disorder ( n = 40), (c) obsessive-compulsive disorder ( n = 40), and (d) opioid dependence disorder ( n = 20). The semi-structured interview form of Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used. Descriptive Statistics and one-way ANOVA were applied to analyze and interpret the data in statistical terminology. Results indicate significant differences among patients with psychiatric disorders and normal controls on the variable of self-esteem ( F = 30.513, df = 4, 255, p< .05). The finding has implications for clinical interventions and also suggests avenues for future research.
Making The Best Use Of Ads In Flipped Classroom For Improving Critical Reading Comprehension
In: Migration letters: an international journal of migration studies, Band 21, Heft S1, S. 1145-1152
ISSN: 1741-8992
Modern pedagogy emphasizes strongly on interactive learner-centred teaching and Flipped Method is fast becoming popular in language teaching programs. The language of ads, being rich in its ideational, interpersonal and textual meanings, offers ample resources for improving critical reading ability. This study attempts to blend these two important phenomena of modern life: Flipped Method and advertisements. Considering the richness of the ad's language, the researcher conducted this exploratory study and showed that the analyses of the ad's language on the three levels of Hallidayan paradigm can greatly improve learners' critical comprehension ability. T[1]he research relies heavily on Dell Hymes's idea of language as a social construct. The researcher's objective was to explore how far the Critical Discourse Analyses of ad's linguistic elements can enhance the critical reading ability of the learners if the attempt exploits the advantages of Flipped Method. The linguistic analyses of two ads on the theoretical framework of Halliday indicated that the linguistic resources are exploited dexterously to achieve the desired locution, ill-locution and perlocution and the successful readers can improve their critical skill through interactive analyses of ads.
Media VS Political Leaders: Contribution in Democratic System
In: Sociology and Anthropology, Band 6, Heft 6, S. 517-525
ISSN: 2331-6187
Contemporary Assessment of the United States and China Naval Vision for the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
In: Journal of public affairs, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 1-6
ISSN: 1479-1854
This article initially explores how China shapes its modern naval presence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), while sustaining a world‐wide economic reach. Attention is drawn to sea power as an integral component of national development and global influence. Second, it discusses the United States and India engagement in the IOR because of China's increasing demand for energy. The latter has resulted in the People's Liberation Army advancement of navigation around the Hormuz and Malacca Straits. Third, it reviews India and Japan's territorial rivalries, which are used by the United States to watch Beijing's emerging power around the Islands, seas, and checks points. Finally, the article shows how political leaders shape sea power as part of their national power.
India and the US as enduring global partners: An assessment
In: Journal of public affairs, Band 20, Heft 3
ISSN: 1479-1854
This paper examines the nature of India and the US relations. The relations between two the states have improved in the post−/11 era. The willingness of the US to provide India political support at the regional and global level is one aspect that resulted in changing the nature of that relationship. Second, growing defense ties both in conventional and nonconventional sectors fundamentally galvanized the nature of that relationship. This paper further analyzes the geopolitical compulsion of both states to counter various state and non‐state actors' threats such as China's increasing maritime presence in the Indian Ocean region and terrorism. Moreover, this discussion argues about the political, strategic, commercial aspects of the strategic partnership till date. Much part of this paper analyzes what is the nature of this relationship and how it developed?
Chinese Traditional Governing Approach: An Analysis from the Ancient to Mao Politics
This endeavour focuses on the traditional Chinese political culture and it discusses a multitude of rhetorical practices in imperial China. Simultaneously, it investigates the societal norms which alter daily, to fit with the ever-changing global politics. This research is an analytical, descriptive study written in the historical context. While tracing back the nature of political culture, it has been found that it has deep roots in the state and society since the ancient times however is still relevant for the contemporary politics of China. On the same reason, it can be concluded that current Chinese system seems likely to persevere for many a long time to come. This study is fragmented into three portions; first portion makes imperial Chinese politics and its subject; the second portion brings governance and politics of contemporary China under the lens; and the last and third portion gives the comparison of both and the findings garnered from this study.
Saraiki Province Movement in Punjab: Causes, Prospects and Challenges
Pakistan is an ethnically diverse country. Therefore, a federal system has been introduced after the independence. However, powers may not be fully decentralised to the federating units which created sense of deprivation particularly among the people of smaller provinces and less developed areas. To alleviate their concerns and grievances, the 18th Constitutional Amendment has been brought about and more autonomy has been given to the provinces. However, the amendment could not address the problems of ethnic minorities living in different provinces. This article explores the prospects of creation of a Saraiki or South Punjab Province. The article uses a qualitative research technique employing historical and descriptive methods. The data has been collected mostly from secondary sources. The findings show that Punjab is the largest province in terms of population, and it is difficult to manage its affairs efficiently from the Capital, Lahore.The provincialgovernment faces difficulty to address the grievances of the people living in far-flung regions such as South Punjab. The growing inequalities led to the revival and intensification of the movement for the creation of Saraiki Province.
Chinese Traditional Governing Approach: An Analysis from Ancient to Mao Zedong Politics
The study focuses on the traditional Chinese political culture and it discusses a multitude of rhetorical practices in imperial China. Simultaneously, it investigates the societal norms which alter daily, to fit with the ever-changing global politics. For these purposes, the traditional philosophies are studied, and the most prominent school of thought Confucianism has been discussed thoroughly. This research is an analytical, descriptive study written in the historical context. While tracing back the nature of political culture, it has been found that it has deep roots in the state and society since the ancient times however, is still relevant for the contemporary politics of China. At the same motive, it can be concluded that current Chinese system seems probable to persevere for many a long time to come. This study is fragmented into three portions; first element makes imperial Chinese politics and its problem; the second portion brings governance and politics of cutting-edge China under the lens; and the final and third portion gives the comparison of each and the findings garnered from this study.