Role of electron tunneling in the nonlinear response of plasmonic nanogaps
We report on the theoretical study of the second and third harmonic generation in plasmonic dimer nanoantennas with narrow gaps. Our study is based on the time dependent density functional theory. This allows us to address the nonlinear response of a tunneling junction in a subnanometric plasmonic gaps with a quantum calculation, which goes beyond conventional classical local and nonlocal treatments. We demonstrate that the nonlinear electron transport in a plasmonic junction, associated to the corresponding strong field enhancement in the narrow gap, allows to reach orders of magnitude enhancement in the efficiency of the second and third harmonic generation. Depending on the size of the junction and the frequency of the fundamental incident wave, we show that the frequency conversion in plasmonic dimer gaps can be determined by (i) the intrinsic nonlinearity of each individual nanoparticle, (ii) the nonlinear ac tunneling current across the gap, and (iii) the resonant excitations of the plasmon modes of the dimer. The study of the nonlinear response of plasmonic gaps within a full quantum treatment allows us to understand the fundamental mechanisms of nonlinearity in nanoplasmonics. ; G.A., R.E., and J.A. acknowledge the projects FIS2016-80174-P from Spanish MINECO, project 70NANB15H32 from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. G.A., R.E., and A.K.K. acknowledge project PI2017-30 of the Department of Education of the Basque Government. ; Peer reviewed