Current methods to analyse lysosome morphology, positioning, motility and function
Funding: We thank Liliana Bento for valuable assistance in formatting the manuscript. This article was supported by the LYSOCIL project. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811087. CGA has funding from Maratona da Saúde 2016 and Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ˜ , I.P. (CEECIND/00410/2017). FMP is a Wellcome Investigator in Science and a Royal Society Wilson merit award holder. ; Since the discovery of lysosomes more than 70 years ago, much has been learned about the functions of these organelles. Lysosomes were regarded as exclusively degradative organelles, but more recent research has revealed that they play essential roles in several other cellular functions, such as nutrient sensing, intracellular signalling, and metabolism. Methodological advances played a key part in generating our current knowledge about the biology of this multifaceted organelle. In this review, we cover current methods used to analyse lysosome morphology, positioning, motility, and function. We highlight the principles behind these methods, the methodological strategies, and their advantages and limitations. To extract accurate information and avoid misinterpretations, we discuss the best strategies to identify lysosomes and assess their characteristics and functions. With this review, we aim to stimulate an increase in the quantity and quality of research on lysosomes and further ground-breaking discoveries on an organelle that continues to surprise and excite cell biologists. ; publishersversion ; published