This poem comes in a context of thoughtful civilization where the interference between poetry and politics seems in evitable in the light of the progress and complexity that accompanied the enlargement of the Islamic state and the reign of the Omayyads. The omayyads were considered userbers for the caliphate in the eyes of most Muslims, and that paved the way for belligerent political parties to come up like the party of the Zubairis. The tribe of queis was of Zubeiriwhims. The tribe of Nomayr – the family of the poet – was a sub family for the poet. They were engaged in afierse war against the Ommayyads which ended with their defeat and the death of Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubair. That made our poet carry the consequences of the event as a mater of the tribe of Nomayr. He shouldered a great responsibility through which he sought amiability of the Omayyads. This poem disclosed on innovative thinking that involves a higher level of interference between politics and poetry.
The first part of the book introduces the major factors in the evolution of the Saudi financial system, environmental and institutional; the second part deals with money and capital market institutions and the third part provides details on Islamic financial institutions and their implications on the Saudi financial system. (DÜI-Sdt)
AbstractThis article discusses the importance of bureaucratic reform in order to improve public services in local government. There are several issues facing local governmentbureaucracy so that the bureaucracy has not been able to improve public services inlocal government including 1). Organizational structure and working procedures arenot efficient 2) community participation is still low, 3) transparency is not running, 4)the mechanism of action and tasks that is overlap 5) politicization of civil servants arestill symptomatic, 6) career system is not healty, 7) the bureaucratic apparatus are notwilling to respon the changing demands. So that, to solve the problems the localgovernment bureaucracy, should be reform which refers to the bureaucratic reformpolicy as outlined in the Grand Design bureaucratic reform at national level. In orde toprovide public services to community the local government has to have a minimumservice standards that are clear and measurable, and can be accessed quickly and easilyby the community. Key words: Bureaucracy, Reformation, Regional Government, Public Services AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya reformasi birokrasi dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan publik di pemerintah daerah. Ada beberapa masalah yangdihadapi birokrasi pemerintah daerah sehingga birokrasi belum mampu meningkatkanpelayanan publik secara maksimal, diantaranya; 1 ) Struktur organisasi dan tata kerjayang tidak efisien, 2 ) partisipasi masyarakat masih rendah, 3 ) transparansi tidakberjalan, 4 ) mekanisme kerja dan tugas-tugas yang tumpang tindih 5 ) politisasipegawai negeri sipil masih gejala, 6 ) sistem karir tidak healty, 7 ) aparat birokrasi tidakbersedia respon tuntutan perubahan. Sehingga, untuk memecahkan masalah birokrasipemerintah daerah, harus dilakukan reformasi yang mengacu pada kebijakan reformasibirokrasi yang dituangkan Grand Design reformasi birokrasi yang ditetapkan padatingkat nasional. Dalam upaya memberikan pelayanan publik kepada masyarakatpemerintah daerah harus memiliki standar pelayanan minimum yang jelas dan terukur,dan dapat diakses dengan cepat dan mudah oleh masyarakat. Masyarakat juga dapatdapat menilai kualitas yang diberikan dengan menggunakan indek kepuasanmasyarakat. Kata kunci: Birokrasi, reformasi, pemerintahan daerah, pelayanan publik
The aim of this research is to find what factors did influence the success of the Unity Development Party (PPP) to increase its votes at general election of 1997 in Surakarta. It was found that there are two factors that influence the increasing of the Unity Development Party's votes at general election of 1997 in Surakarta. The first factor is leadership of Mudrich S.M. Sangidu, chairman of local organization of the party in Surakarta that called as panutan in Javanese culture context. The second factor is contemporary issues that appeared before election, that is internal conflict of Indonesian Democratic Party. Key Words: peningkatan suara, PPP, panutan, konflik internal
The aim of this research is to find what factors did influence the success of the Unity Development Party (PPP) to increase its votes at general election of 1997 in Surakarta. It was found that there are two factors that influence the increasing of the Unity Development Party's votes at general election of 1997 in Surakarta. The first factor is leadership of Mudrich S.M. Sangidu, chairman of local organization of the party in Surakarta that called as panutan in Javanese culture context. The second factor is contemporary issues that appeared before election, that is internal conflict of Indonesian Democratic Party. Key Words: peningkatan suara, PPP, panutan, konflik internal
This paper discusses about the linkage of democracy and civic education. Civic education is a vehicle to sustain and develop democracy. It is important to create democratic citizen and to support democracy. In response to the process of democracy in Indonesia, civic education should be reformed in order to prepare students to be good citizens.Effective civic education for democratic citizenship treats three basic components; knowledge of citizenship and government in democracy, cognitive skills of democratic citizenship, disposition and development characteristic of democratic citizenship. Kata Kunci : demokratisasi, pendidikan kewarganegaraan.
This article discusses the implementation of direct elections at provincial and district government in Indonesia. There are two weaknesses of these elections, that is, election system and nomination of candidat. First, candidate who get more than 25 % votes of total votes could win the election, if there is no candidat got more than that. Second, candidate could only be nominated by political parties. It means no ringht for interest groups, busenessmen, or academisions to nominate the candidate to be elected in proviancial dan district government. To solve those problems, election system and nomination of candidate need to be reviewed. Kata kunci: Sistem Pemilihan, Kepala Daerah, pencalonan
Solar energy is a key renewable energy source. Research and development have focused on enhancing the heat transfer coefficient, heat gain, and practical efficiency of solar systems. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of a flat solar panel collector using a nanofluid under conditions in the city of Kirkuk/Iraq, 35° latitude and 45° longitude, in terms of practical calculation of thermal efficiency. The study included making two solar collectors, one traditional and the other improved using a nanofluid (CuO). The CuO/Water nanofluid was prepared with a volumetric concentration of 0.25 % by mechanical mixing and then ultrasonic mixing to homogenise the particles and eliminate the agglomerations that form inside the fluid. Practical testing was conducted for the two solar collectors, one using distilled water and the other using the nanofluid, during four months (January, February, March, and April) of the year 2023. The experiments revealed that the efficiency progressively improves from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This increase is attributed to solar radiation's decreasing intensity post 12:00 p.m., while thermal storage and minimised thermal losses continue to contribute. After 2:00 p.m., the efficiency dwindles due to the declining solar radiation intensity. The practical efficiency of a 0.25 % nanofluid (CuO) attains its zenith at a mass flow rate of 0.015 ls−1. Higher mass flow rates enhance heat transfer within fluid-filled tubes. The collector efficiency at this flow rate ranges from 31.66 % in January to 44.44 % in April.