What does doing comparative law involve? Too often, explicit methodological discussions in comparative law remain limited to the level of pure theory, neglecting to test out critiques and recommendations on concrete issues. This book bridges this gap between theory and practice in comparative legal studies. Essays by both established and younger comparative lawyers reflect on the methodological challenges arising in their own work and in work in their area. Taken together, they offer clear recommendations for, and critical reflection on, a wide range of innovative comparative research projects.
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On the 16th of May 2002, the Belgian House of Representatives approved of a Bill on euthanasia. Belgium is now the second country in the world, next to the Netherlands, that has legislation which under certain conditions legitimizes euthanasia (i.e. intentionally terminating life by another person than the person concerned, at this persons request). In this article the Belgian legislative procedure on euthanasia is looked upon from a political point of view. To be able do so first of all the legal context on euthanasia before the new bill was approved of has to be discussed. Then the political history of the process of legal change with regard to euthanasia is analysed from 1980 onwards. And finally the Belgian process of legal change on this subject is compared with the process of legal change in the Netherlands.
Abstract. In this case-review we look at three recent decisions in England, the Netherlands and Belgium respectively, concerning the tortious standard of care of football-players amongst each other. The fact-situations as well as a central doctrinal question were similar. In all three cases the question as to what the role of the defence Volenti Non Fit Injuria is, was at stake. It is submitted that there is no role for this concept. Applying Volenti is not logical. Either there is a standard of care or there is none. Also the plaintiff will be barred of any cause of action when Volenti is applied. Moreover, it is difficult in practice to distinguish between volenti and contributory neglicence, as well as between volenti and the standard of care. Employing volenti will have a confusing effect. Therefore, applying contributory negligence will be the best solution. Résumé. Dans cette étude de cas particuliers, nous avons traité trois dCcisions recentes, respectivement en Angleterre, aux Pays-bas et en Belgique, concernant le devoir de dilligence entre des joueurs de football. Les situatios de fait, tout comme une question doctrinaire centrale étaient similaires. Dans les trois cas, la question centrale concernait le rôle de l'action en défense de Volenti Non Fit Injuria. I, a été déclaré qu'il n'y a pas de rôle pour ce concept. L'application de la notion de Volenti est en effet illogique. Ou bien il existe un devoir de diligence, ou bien il n'en existe pas. Aussi la construction de Volenti implique-t-elle que le demandant sera privé de moyen de droit. En outre, il se révèle très difficile en pratique de faire la distinction entre Volenti et négligence contributoire d'une part, et entre Volenti et le devoir de diligence d'autre part. L'emploi de la construction de Volenti entraîne une confusion. Pour ces raisons, l'emploi du concept de négligence contributoire est à préférer. Zusamrnenfassung. In diesem Überblick über einzelne Fälle haben wir drei Entscheidungen in England, den Niederlanden und in Belgien beziehungsweise, hinsichtlich der gegenseitigen Sorgfaltspflicht von Fussballspielern betrachtet. Die Sachlage sowie eine zentrale Frage der Lehrmeinung waren ähnlich. In allen drie Fällen ging es um die Frage, welche Rolle das Konzept Volenti Non Fit Injuria in solchen Fallen zukommt. Es wird behauptet, dass dieses Konzept keine Rolle spielt. Die Anwendung von Volenti ist unlogisch. Entweder besteht eine Sorgfaltspflicht oder nicht. Auch werden der Klagepartei rechtliche Schritte untersagt wenn wir Volenti anwenden. Ausserdem ist es in der Praxis schwierig, zwischen Volenti und Mitver-schulden sowie zwischen Volenti und Sorgfaltspflicht zu unterscheiden. Der Gebrauch von Volenti würde Unklarheit zur Folge haben. Am besten wenden wir darum Mitverschulden an.
In: Adams , M & Janse , R 2019 , ' Rule of law decay : Terminology, causes, methods, markers and remedies ' , Hague journal on the rule of law , vol. 11 , no. 1 , pp. 1-8 .
"This cutting-edge book facilitates debate amongst scholars in law, humanities and social sciences, where comparative methodology is far less well anchored in most areas compared to other research methods. It posits that these are disciplines in which comparative research is not simply a bonus, but is of the essence. Featuring discussions and reflections from scholars experienced in conducting comparative research, this book considers the ways in which comparative legal research can gain important comparative, qualitative and interpretive insights from the humanities and from the social sciences. Chapters examine contrasting comparative legal versus historical approaches, comparative sociology, comparative religion, comparative (legal) anthropology, comparative philosophy, comparative economics and more. Additionally, the book considers the challenges that lie ahead, not just for comparative legal research, but for comparative disciplines as a whole. Of the many challenges that are identified and discussed, the book concludes that comparative research can especially be further developed when it also is understood as a research design, instead of just a method. Inspiring and progressive, this book will be a crucial reference point for both research students and experienced researchers who are embarking on comparative research within the disciplines of law, humanities and social sciences"--
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This book is a successor to J Griffiths, A Bood and H Weyers, Euthanasia and Law in the Netherlands (Amsterdam University Press 1998) which was widely praised for its thoroughness, clarity, and accuracy. The new book emphasises recent legal developments and new research, and has been expanded to include a full treatment of Belgium, where since 2002 euthanasia has also become legal. The book also includes descriptions written by local specialists of the legal situation and what is known about actual practice in a number of other European countries (England and Wales, France, Italy, Scandinavia
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In: in Maurice Adams, Federico Fabbrini and Pierre Larouche (eds), "The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints" (Hart Publishing, Oxford), 2014
In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht: ZaöRV = Heidelberg journal of international law : HJIL, Band 66, Heft 2, S. 399-413