Comparison between the spanish and catalan versions of the Supports Intensity Scale for Children (SIS-C) ; Comparación entre las versiones en castellano y catalán de la Escala de Intensidad de Apoyos para niños y adolescentes (SIS-C)
Abstract: Background: The new socio-ecological model of disability directs attention to the importance of the environment in understanding individual functioning and promotes the provision of support from an early age. Following on from that thinking, the SIS-C (Supports Intensity Scale for Children) has been developed as an innovative assessment tool focused on designing individualized support plans. The aim of this study was to establish a comparison between the psychometric properties of the Spanish and Catalan versions of this scale. Method: The SIS-C allows us to assess the support needs of children (5-16 years old) with intellectual disabilities to fully participate in 61 daily activities within seven different contexts. The Spanish version was administered to 814 participants and the Catalan version to 949. Results: Findings show that both versions have adequate psychometric properties, such as high levels of internal consistency and criterion validity. In terms of scale structure, adjustment indices derived from factor analysis showed that both versions reproduced a correlational model composed of seven factors better than unidimensional or hierarchical models. Conclusions: Although the Spanish version of the scale showed better statistical indices, both versions are similarly suitable for accurately assessing the support needs of this population. ; Resumen: Antecedentes: la nueva concepción socioecológica de la discapacidad centra su mirada en la importancia del entorno para comprender el funcionamiento individual y promueve la provisión de apoyos desde edades tempranas. Surge así la SIS-C (Supports Intensity Scale for Children) como herramienta de evaluación innovadora para diseñar planes de apoyo personalizados. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en establecer una comparación entre las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones castellana y catalana de esta escala. Método: la SIS-C permite evaluar las necesidades de apoyo de niños y adolescentes (5-16 años) con discapacidad intelectual para participar satisfactoriamente en 61 actividades diarias desarrolladas¡ en siete contextos diferentes. La versión castellana fue administrada a 814 participantes y la catalana a 949. Resultados: los datos reflejan que ambas versiones poseen adecuadas propiedades psicométricas, obteniéndose elevados índices de consistencia interna y validez. En relación a su estructura, los índices de ajuste derivados de los análisis factoriales realizados mostraron que las dos versiones reproducen mejor un modelo correlacional de siete factores que un modelo unidimensional o de segundo orden. Conclusiones: aunque estadísticamente la versión castellana de la escala presentó mejores datos, ambas versiones lingüísticas obtuvieron resultados similares para evaluar adecuadamente las necesidades de apoyo de esta población. ; The development of the instrument in Spanish was funded by the Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (R&D project PSI2012-36278) and the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon (R&D project SA120U13). The adaptation and validation of the SIS-C in Catalan was conducted thanks to the support and fi nancing of the Department of Education of the Regional Government of Catalonia.